DIY chiffon blouse - patterns

One of the most sought-after things in a woman’s wardrobe is a blouse. It perfectly complements the romantic, business and even festive look. This thing is indispensable in hot summer weather. Thanks to various cuts it allows to emphasize femininity, gives a feeling of freshness and lightness to the image. Based on this, the presence of several blouses from chiffon in the closet will never be superfluous. If you have sewing skills, you can sew a blouse from a chiffon with your own hands, without a pattern quickly and economically for the family budget. But before you start sewing, you should understand what this material is, and also know the features of working with it. So, a do-it-yourself chiffon blouse - patterns, instructions and useful tips for sewing, material selection and cutting, we will consider in this article.
to contents ↑Chiffon Features
Having decided on such a courageous step as sewing blouses from chiffon, you should carefully read all the intricacies of working with this matter:
- Chiffon - is considered to be one of the most delicate and delicate fabrics. In the manufacture of clothing from it should be patient, as well as carry out cutting fabrics carefully and slowly.
- There are two types of chiffon: natural and synthetic. Regardless of which type you will use, stitching a chiffon blouse is not easy even for an experienced seamstress.
- The fabric is very slippery, so it’s worth processing the slices very carefully and slowly. It does not hurt to practice several times on a separate flap of this matter.
In order to understand the complexity of the process, let's look at the basic rules for cutting and grinding of material. It is very difficult to work with chiffon, but for a purposeful and persistent person this work is quite within reach.
to contents ↑DIY chiffon blouse. Pattern sequence
If you are a novice sewing master, try to choose a blouse pattern with a small amount of finishing seams, a simple silhouette and preferably without sleeves. In the future, having gained experience with this material, it’s not difficult to sew a more complex model.
What is important to consider when designing a pattern:
- Cut out the details of the blouse in one layer.
Important! Do not put capricious matter in several layers, they will certainly slip off or be pulled.
- To fix the paper pattern on the fabric, use weights. At home, you can use a book or any other item.
Important! Place the load on the pattern in the corners to fix the fabric more tightly. Do not use pins and tailors on chiffon - they can leave puffs and marks.
- When making a pattern for a blouse, do it with seam allowances. Having laid it out as economically as possible on the material, it will be easier to cut along the lines, taking into account the margin for the seam.
- It is better to trace the contours of the details of the pattern with a pointed piece of soap or a tailor's chalk.
- You can cut parts drawn on fabric using a special rigid substrate and a sharp knife. Or spread out on a table and cut with scissors.
to contents ↑Important! When cutting fabric, make sure that there are no distortions at the junction and bending of the material. Otherwise, the product will turn out deformed and will look ugly on the figure.
How to sew a chiffon blouse?
After you have acquired the desired fabric, prepared the pattern and laid out the material, you can begin to cut it and then sew the product.
The processing of each part for a blouse and the sewing sequence of the product is carried out in the following order:
- Draw a pattern on special paper or transfer it using tracing paper.
Important! Pay attention to seam allowances when cutting it from paper. The seam allowance should be no more than 1-1.5 cm.
- Spread the fabric on a flat, hard surface, lay the pattern on top and circle with chalk or a piece of soap.
- Cut out all the details of the blouse with sharp scissors, sweep the blouse in the following sequence:
- If there are tucks on the product, they must be swept away first;
- Then sweep the side and shoulder seams;
- If your blouse has sleeves, sweep the sleeves and sew them into the armhole of the product.
Important! You need to sweep parts 0.2-0.3 mm from the line along which the machine line will pass. This is the optimum distance for machining allowance cuts and basting removal.
- Next, you need to carry out the first fitting, adjust the product according to the figure. If necessary - increase or decrease tucks, adjust side seams.
- Sweep the product along new lines and try again.
- After the product is sufficiently adapted to the figure, you can start sewing blouses on a sewing machine.
Important! Before sewing on a sewing machine, on a separate patch of similar material, check the length of the stitches. Make sure the needle is sharp and the thread has a suitable thickness.
- Sew the blouse in the same sequence in which the parts were swept.
- After sewing on the sewing machine, iron in the sewn parts. Iron the tucks towards the side seams, the side seams towards the back, the sleeves toward the inside of the sleeve.
Important! In the model of sleeveless blouses, the armhole is treated with an inlay or an allowance is left for the fabric to turn 1-1.5 cm.
- Slices are processed on an overlock or a small zigzag, the collar is treated with a slanting inlay of the same material. If the model has a turn-down collar or stand-up collar, sew it on the main product.
- The bottom of the product should be twisted 2 times so that the cut is inside, and sew with a finishing stitch.
- Remove basting threads and iron the finished blouse.
DIY chiffon blouse without a pattern
If you don’t want to spend a lot of time taking a large number of measurements to build a drawing of the pattern, and then transfer it to the fabric, there is a great way to sew a chiffon blouse with your own hands without a pattern. To do this, you need to take just a few measurements:
- Measure the length of the product. From the extreme shoulder point down to the waist, measure the desired length of the blouse.
- Straighten your arms to the sides and measure the length between the arms of both hands. To the resulting measurement, add 2-3 cm to the seam allowance.
- Measure your shoulder width. The measure is removed from the extreme shoulder point of one shoulder from the back to the extreme point of the other shoulder.
Sewing sequence:
- Fold the fabric purchased for the blouse in half and lay it on a flat surface.
- Using a centimeter tape, lay a rectangle or square on the fabric.
Important! The length of the sides of the figure should correspond to the measurements of the length of the product and the length between the hands, taking into account allowances for the seams.
- The length of the folded fabric is equal to the length between the hands. This bend will be located on the shoulders.
- Next, we fold the fabric in half again, as a result, a flap of four layers of matter should be obtained.
- From the bend angle of the fabric, lay out a measure that is equal to half the length of the width of the shoulders, add 3 cm to the allowance. Then we turn the fabric over to the other side, mark the same measure with a vertical dash. We unfold the fabric - these marks indicate the location of the neck.
- From the bottom of the blouse, not reaching the neck of 20-23 cm, along the straight lines of the neckline you need to sew two seams (these will be the side seams of the product).
- At the fold of our matter, we make a neckline, its length should be less than 6 cm from the width of the shoulders.
- We process sections of fabric on an overlock, we use a braid or an edge to make a piping on the neck.
- Then smooth the resulting blouse with an iron.
to contents ↑Important! As a decorative element, side loops for the belt can be sewn onto the side seams. Thus, the waist line is additionally emphasized, the silhouette acquires a more feminine and delicate image.
How to sew a DIY chiffon blouse? Sewing recommendations:
- The process of tailoring a blouse is basically not complicated, but you should be prepared for the fact that some elements may not work out the first time and will have to be redone. Therefore, be patient, do the work slowly and carefully.
- As we already said, if you are a beginner in sewing, do not tackle the sewing of very complex patterns - first try to make simpler clothes. Having figured out all the intricacies of working with this material, stitching a blouse of chiffon with your own hands will turn out better.
- Pattern for future clothing, select a proven one or one that has already been sewn. Otherwise, nothing may come of it.
- Measure for making a pattern correctly, do not rush, measure it several times. Do not over tighten the tape - it should lie freely on the body.
Important! If you pinch the tape, the product may turn out to be small in size, which is very problematic to enlarge in the future.
- When cutting out the details of the pattern, leave a margin of more than 1 cm on the seam. In case of improper processing, you will have the opportunity to fix it.
- Even if you have experience sewing or sewing a light model, do not be lazy, sketch the product and try on. Only then get down to machine processing. Since the fabric is very slippery, it is possible to sew parts together incorrectly during sewing.
- For a beginner of sewing, it is better to choose the option of sewing the product with a minimum number of seams.
- Slices of all seams must be processed on an overlock or braid, otherwise - the seams will spread over time.
- After the machine line, you need to immediately iron the seams. So they’d better go to bed.
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A sewn chiffon blouse with your own hands according to patterns made individually according to your figure will create an unrivaled image, thanks to which it is possible to emphasize the features of your figure. Adhering to the simple tips described in our article, the sewing process will not take much time, and the work done will have the best result.
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