Boric acid against ants 🥝 poison for ants from boric acid

In the garden or on a personal plot, and sometimes even in a house, you can often find a variety of insects, including ants, which in large quantities can harm the crop and products. There are many methods to combat them, and one of the most popular is boric acid from ants in the garden. Read on how to use it in this article.

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What harm do ants do?

If you are the owner of a personal plot in which there is a garden with fruit trees, currant bushes, roses or peonies, you probably sooner or later might find that young shoots or bushes are completely literally covered with ants and aphids. Those who believe that ants are harmless and do not pay special attention to them are deeply mistaken. It is imperative to decide how to poison the ants - it is best to do this with boric acid.

There are various types of these insects, the most common of which are black garden and forest red (Pharaoh) ants. It is they who do the most harm to your garden. Here are just a few facts that indicate that the proximity to such insects is very unfavorable:

  1. Ants, as a rule, arrange their nests deep underground, in the root system of trees and bushes. If insects have “chosen” a particular tree for themselves, in a couple of years it will be depleted and may dry out.
  2. If the nest is in the garden, neither the place where it is located nor the plants will grow near the anthill. Thus, useful space is lost where you can grow a good crop.
  3. The most harmful “habit” of ants is that they grow aphids and contribute to its mass distribution. Aphids feed on plant sap and damage mainly young shoots of fruit bushes, such as blackcurrants. As a result, leaves and branches affected by aphids dry up, if there is too much of it, the entire bush may disappear.
  4. These insects love to feast on garden berries - for example, strawberries and strawberries. Harvesting spoiled by ants will not bring you much pleasure.
  5. The bites of some species of ants are very painful and can cause allergies in humans, so gardening with such “neighbors” turns into an unpleasant task. Having received such consequences, if you still ignored such enemies, you will definitely think about what remedy to take from ants with boric acid in order to get rid of them faster.
  6. Ants carry weed seeds. One of their favorite plants is the well-known celandine, which is difficult to get out of the garden.
  7. Do not ignore the aesthetic side of the issue - a garden with ants constantly scurrying along the paths and anthills visible under each bush looks unsightly.
  8. If measures are not taken in time to reduce the population of these insects, they can move to a house located near the garden site, settle there, spoil food and deliver unpleasant moments to its inhabitants.

On a note! Many believe that ants are extremely beneficial insects.Indeed, they prey on many garden pests, destroy the larvae of leaf beetles, bark beetles, small caterpillars, along with pollinating flowers. Therefore, before applying radical methods to exterminate ants, it is worth trying to evaluate and compare the benefits and harm that they cause. In small quantities, ants may be present on the site, but their mass distribution must be fought. In this case, it is desirable to give preference not to potent chemicals, but to substances with minimal toxicity, which will be relatively safe for humans and plants. The best solution in this situation is boric acid from ants in the garden.

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What is boric acid and what are its advantages?

Boric acid (H3BO3) is a chemical substance in the form of small crystals, colorless and odorless, exhibiting weak acidic properties. Known in medicine as a popular antiseptic. Previously used not only for external, but also for internal (oral) use, as well as in the food industry - as an additive E284.

On a note! In connection with studies that have proven that boric acid has the property of accumulating in the human body, becoming toxic, poorly excreted by the kidneys and can lead to poisoning, restrictions have been introduced on its use. However, boric acid, as before, continues to be used in various industries, mainly in industry and agriculture.

They release it both in the form of a powder and an alcoholic 1-3% solution. Boric acid in the form of a powder is an excellent tool in the fight against ants. Its advantages:

  1. Sold at any pharmacy.
  2. It is inexpensive, so it is available to everyone.
  3. Relatively safe for humans.
  4. It has a wide range of effects.
  5. Its use in the correct proportions leads to the destruction of insects.
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How effective is the fight against boric acid ants?

The effectiveness of boric acid from an ant in the garden is due to the fact that it primarily affects the digestive and nervous systems of the insect. After entering the body, it is absorbed into the intestines, leads to severe dehydration, and then spreads to the peripheral nerves. This causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, passing after a few hours into paralysis and death of the ant. If other insects eat his remains, the same fate awaits them.

In this way, it is possible to destroy not only individual individuals, but also the entire nest if you sprinkle it with the contents of 1 sachet of boric acid, since a single amount of poison is required per ant. If the anthill is not found, the desired result is achieved through the use of a variety of boric acid-based baits.

On a note! Fighting ants with boric acid is a task that requires a competent approach. It is necessary to take into account and maintain the desired concentration of the substance. Failure to comply with the proportions or improper preparation of bait for the destruction of ants, can lead to a quick restoration of their numbers or cause addiction to the drug.

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How to poison ants with boric acid?

The choice of the mode of action for killing ants with boric acid directly depends on whether you managed to detect the location of the ant nest or not. Depending on this, the following methods are used.

Method 1

If you know the location of the nest in the garden, proceed as follows:

  1. Take 1 cup of boric acid solution.
  2. Add to it 1 tbsp. Sahara.
  3. Mix the components.
  4. Pour the mixture into the nest.

Method 2

If you didn’t find the anthill, use the bait. The most effective remedy for ants with boric acid for the garden is prepared as follows:

  1. Take the container.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons into it. water.
  3. Add 1 spoonful of boric acid powder.
  4. Pour 1 tbsp. Sahara.
  5. Add honey, jam or vanilla.
  6. Stir the solution thoroughly.
  7. Take a few nylon caps.
  8. Pour the product into them.
  9. Arrange near the places of movement of ants - along garden paths and next to trees.

On a note! For the best effect, put a straw or blade of grass on the edge of the lid, along which the ants can definitely get to the bait.


Method 3

Calculated by what routes the ants make their way to the bushes? Then try another method how to get rid of ants with boric acid:

  1. Prepare the mixture in the following proportions: 5% boric acid, 45% water, 40% sugar, 10% honey.
  2. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  3. Pour into test tubes.
  4. Spread them in an inclined position in the places of the greatest accumulation of insects.

On a note! As a result of using this product, after a few weeks you will notice a significant reduction in the number of insects in the garden. Most importantly, at this time, try to restrict access to the garden to poultry or animals if they live in your country house to avoid the negative consequences of poisoning them with a toxic mixture.

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Fighting ants in a house with boric acid

Very often, not only summer residents who care about their plots, but also residents of private houses and apartments in high-rise buildings suffer from an invasion of ants. Insects, first of all, choose a kitchen as a habitat, where there is free access to food and products, and arrange a nest in hard-to-reach places. Red ants are especially common in homes. In this case, talking about the usefulness of these insects is no longer necessary. There is only one way out - to begin the fight with ants immediately, and boric acid will also help you in this. Take on board several recipes for making baits based on it.

Option 1

  1. Take boric acid and sugar in equal proportions.
  2. Grind in a mortar.
  3. Pour the resulting powder onto sheets of cardboard.
  4. Put in places of the greatest distribution of ants.
  5. Leave on for 5-7 days.

Option 2

  1. Take 5g of boric acid powder.
  2. Mix with 1 tbsp. Sahara.
  3. Dilute with a little water.
  4. Add 1 tsp. preserves.
  5. Pour into small containers (e.g. bottle caps for lemonade or juice).
  6. Arrange in places where the most ants were found.
  7. Leave for 1 week, during which renew the solution as the water evaporates.


Option 3

  1. Take 2 tbsp. fresh minced meat.
  2. Add 5-6 g of boric acid to it.
  3. Mix it thoroughly with minced meat.
  4. Roll small balls out of the mixture.
  5. Spread near an ant nest or along insect paths.

Option 4

  1. Boil 2 small potatoes and 3 chicken eggs.
  2. Clean them.
  3. Mash potatoes to make mashed potatoes.
  4. Mix with 3 boiled yolks.
  5. Add 1 sachet of boric acid, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp butter.
  6. Stir until smooth.
  7. Roll the balls.
  8. Lay out in places of congestion or along the paths along which insects move.
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Useful Tips:

  1. Do not forget that boric acid is a toxic substance, therefore, when working with it, observe safety measures: use rubber gloves when in contact with powder and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after all procedures are completed.
  2. When treating a garden or premises, restrict access to it to children and pets, or lay out the baits in places where they cannot reach.
  3. When preparing mixtures, use exclusively plastic, disposable tableware, which you can then simply throw away. Wash it and apply it a second time is not recommended.
  4. To prevent insects from appearing in the house, keep it clean, remove crumbs and leftovers from the table on time, do not leave food in pet bowls for a long time, store food in tightly closed containers, and regularly take out garbage.
  5. If you find insects, start fighting them immediately, and then you will have more chances to cope with the problem.
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We hope that the tips given here on using boric acid from ants in the garden and at home will be useful to you. We wish you success in this venture!

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