DIY leather bracelets

Leather jewelry probably exists from the time when people only learned to sew clothes from this material. Even very simple belts, bracelets, earrings and pendants made of leather or leatherette look stylish. Making leather bracelets with your own hands is not difficult, there are a lot of options for such accessories, and besides, you can always come up with something of your own. This will be discussed in our article.
to contents ↑History and Myths
Making leather jewelry is pretty simple. You can wear it for a long time, it is very easy to care for it, and in addition, it is durable. People have learned to make leather bracelets with their own hands a very long time ago. Such jewelry was especially popular in the northern countries, they were often attributed mythical significance.
Important! Northerners wore and still wear wrist jewelry made of animal skin. But for some Indian tribes, as well as for residents of remote islands and isolated regions of Africa, until recently, bracelets even made of human skin were in use - and this was considered a symbol of courage and victory over the enemy.
Men prefer leather bracelets more often than the fair sex. Until a certain time, this was generally considered a purely masculine decoration. However, modern ladies lead a very active lifestyle, play sports and quite often take on responsibilities that until recently were considered masculine.
So why don't women wear such jewelry? Moreover, a leather bracelet can be not only brutal, but also quite elegant, richly decorated with rhinestones or beads. Of course, such accessories are not suitable for any clothes. But if you prefer a sporty or ethnic style - why not?
to contents ↑What are the bracelets?
No one has yet proposed a generally accepted classification of this type of leather jewelry. However, they can be divided according to the manufacturing method:
- from a single piece of leather or leatherette;
- from pieces;
- wicker.
In turn, accessories from a single piece are also different. For example, you can make a solid bracelet or openwork:
- The second option takes longer, and in addition, special care is required.
- Solid bracelets can be with overhead elements, embossed, with metal inserts - in a word, there is room for a fantasy to unfold.
Before you sit down to work, think:
- what exactly do you want to receive;
- what materials do you have.
The most important thing is the skin. You probably already have a piece, since it occurred to you to make a piece of jewelry.
to contents ↑Important! Trimming old jackets, bootlegs are suitable, even a worn belt will still work for smaller accessories. See if you have a relatively large piece or only pieces left - the shape of the future product will depend on this.
DIY leather bracelet - the master class begins
The task of any decoration is to make your appearance more spectacular. And this means that the accessory should, first of all, look good. It depends a lot on the material. The skin should be:
- clean
- no scuffs;
- evenly colored if possible.
Therefore, to begin with, the skin must be cleaned.Since you need a small piece, the simplest recipe will do. You will need:
- water;
- soap;
- ammonia;
- cotton swab.
Dissolve about 10 g of soap in half a glass of water. Add 1 tbsp. l ammonia. Wipe a piece with this compound and allow to dry.
Scuffs and uneven coloring are also quite easy to handle. To do this, look at the nearest shoe store and see what kind of skin paints there are. Usually they are in aerosol packaging, sometimes in plastic bubbles, to which a brush is attached. Refresh the piece - and you can start making bracelets from leather with your own hands.
to contents ↑DIY leather bracelets for men
Perhaps this is the easiest option for leather jewelry. It is made from a rectangular strip. It is necessary to prepare:
- a piece of skin;
- hammer;
- knife;
- set of buttons;
- set for inserting buttons;
- tape measure;
- ball pen;
- ruler (preferably iron);
- square;
- cardboard;
- pins
- thick needle or awl.
Important! The number of buttons depends on the width of the decoration. You can make a fastener on one button or on two or three. In addition, one or two buttons can decorate a men's bracelet made of leather.
- Measure your wrist circumference. Since the fastener will be on the buttons, you need to add another one and a half to two centimeters so that the edges can be overlapped.
- Determine the width of the future product. No allowances should be left here. The optimal width of a men's bracelet is 4-5 cm, but it can be more.
- Draw a rectangle on the cardboard according to the standards.
- Cut it (it is better to do this on a metal ruler with a sharp knife).
Important! For a template, it is better to take thin but hard cardboard. This is especially important if you are planning to make a lace product.
Cut the bracelet
Now the template needs to be transferred to the skin:
- Lay the skin upside down.
- Overlay template.
- Circle it with a ballpoint pen.
- Cut with a sharp knife.
Important! You can cut according to the template and the ruler. In principle, you can do without a cardboard pattern if the piece of leather is even and its corners are straight (for example, a fragment of an old belt).
Buttons and what to do with them
It’s easy to deal with the buttons - you can immediately see which part should be on top, which is below. In principle, you can go to an atelier or a sewing store, where for sure there is a device that allows you to do this in a few minutes. But there is nothing complicated in putting these elements on a man’s leather bracelet with your own hands.
Important! In the set for inserting buttons you will find a black circle - it is placed under the product so as not to scratch the table. There is a piece of the rod - you cannot put a button without it. In general, it is not difficult to understand what part is what for what.
Pierce holes
You already have a blank, now you need to understand where to make the holes. To do this, put the bracelet on your wrist and make marks. Tailoring pins are best suited for this purpose:
- Insert one pin from the edge of the workpiece that is on top.
- Stick the second pin into the corner that is from the bottom.
And then it all depends on the availability of tools:
- The holes in the skin are perfectly done by the most ordinary office hole punch.
- If he is not there, you will have to do it with an awl or a gypsy needle.
In any case, the hole should be the same size as the hole punch.
Put the buttons
Now the most important thing. Each button consists of six parts - two main parts and four nozzles. You need to start inserting from the part that will be on top. The upper main part is like a fungus - it has a hat and a short leg:
- Insert the leg into the hole so that the cap is on the outside.
- Put on the nozzles - the one with the thread should be on top.
- Clamp it all with pliers or with the help of a special press.
- Insert the bottom of the button in the same way.
Important! The button cap should align with the recess in the nozzle.
Decorate the bracelet
Actually, a man’s leather bracelet with his own hands is ready.But if there is a desire, it can be decorated. For example, insert a couple more buttons in different places. You can do otherwise - to decorate the decoration with a simple laid on geometric ornament.
You will need:
- multi-colored pieces of skin;
- glue for the skin;
- scissors;
- ball pen;
- ruler.
Make some elements - for example, brown triangles and white squares. It is best to draw them with a ballpoint pen on the wrong side. Cut out the elements. Place them on the bracelet, and then glue with leather glue or universal according to the instructions.
to contents ↑Wide bracelet
The technology for making a bracelet with a width of 10 cm and no more differs from that used to decorate from a strip. But you need to make a pattern. The pattern of the lower part of the narrow sleeve is most suitable.
Important! You can rip an old shirt or blouse and make a pattern.
Features of making a wide leather bracelet:
- The pattern will be in the form of a trapezoid.
- Buttons should be placed at equal distances.
- Of course, they will need more - from 5 to 10.
- You can insert the eyelets and make the decoration on the lacing. True, it’s difficult to do such a job with a hole punch and pliers - you need a press.
Women's bracelet with chain
Making women's jewelry is a bit more complicated process, but this lesson gives you simply unimaginable opportunities to express your imagination. For an exquisite, albeit very simple, women's bracelet, you need:
- thin strap;
- long chain;
- scissors or knife;
- press or hole punch.
To make a leather bracelet:
- Cut 2 strips of the same length. Size does not matter, the width of the jewelry itself will be regulated by the chain.
- Mark the holes for the holes at both ends of each strip — with pins or a ballpoint pen.
- Make holes with a hole punch or awl.
- Thread the chain into both holes of each of the strips.
- Put the bracelet on your arm so that both strips fit against your wrist.
- Adjust the length of the chain - if necessary, rearrange the lock and remove excess links.
to contents ↑Important! Such a leather bracelet with your own hands will look very impressive if you give each strip a shape of an arrow.
DIY braided leather bracelet
A simple but effective decoration. For such a bracelet you will need a strip of skin about one and a half times longer than the girth of the wrist. Think in advance how your product will rest on your wrist:
- lace up;
- on a buckle;
- on a button or button.
To weave a bracelet, you will need:
- strip of skin 2-5 cm wide;
- sharp knife;
- metal ruler;
- ball pen.
Option 1
A bracelet of three strands is braided like an ordinary pigtail:
- Mark the seamy side of the strip, dividing it in width into 3 equal parts. It is better to draw with a ballpoint pen on the wrong side.
- Cut the strands, not reaching about 1 cm to the edge.
- Lay the strip face up.
- Take the left strand.
- Spend it over the second and under the third.
- Take the strand that is now on the left.
- Pass it over the second strand and under the third
- Weave it until 2 cm is left to the end.
- Sew the strands together to make a continuous web.
- Attach the clasp.
Important! If the bracelet will be held on a button, make an air loop from leather or thick threads. In the same way, you can weave a belt or a leather bracelet with your own hands from any number of strands.
Option 2
A decoration will look very impressive, in which only the middle strands are intertwined, and the extreme ones remain straight - they can be made a little wider than the middle ones.
Leather bracelet workshop:
- Divide the strip into 5 parts.
- Cut in the same way as in the previous case, that is, leaving an uncut piece of about 1 cm.
- Run the second strand on the left above the third and under the fourth.
- Do not touch the last strand.
- Draw the strand, which is now the second on the left, just like the previous one.
- Weave until 1 cm remains to the edge, then sew the strands. Extreme can be shortened a little.
Option 3
It is not necessary to make a pigtail along the entire length of the bracelet. You can first weave a pigtail 2-3 cm long, then leave a gap, again weave a pigtail, etc.
Option 4
You can make a braided lace-up bracelet. Weave the decoration. Make holes at the edges - one or two, - insert a thin leather lace.
to contents ↑How to make an original leather bracelet with your own hands?
Women's accessories differ from men's elegance and the ability to use a variety of materials for decoration.
Volumetric Bracelet
If desired, you can make a leather bracelet with volumetric flowers. For this we need:
- strip of skin;
- pieces of skin of the same or different color;
- glue for the skin;
- scissors;
- template;
- pan.
How to act:
- Make a bracelet from a strip of leather and attach a clasp to it.
- To decorate your product, cut petals from circles of leather - circles or ovals of the same size. It’s better to do it by template.
- Place the petals on a clean cold frying pan with the wrong side down. Start to slowly heat the pan. The petals will bend. Once they have the desired shape, carefully assemble them.
- Connect 3-4 petals into a flower, and then glue or sew on a bracelet.
Important! The middle can also be made from a piece of leather, beads, beads and even a colored feather.
Openwork bracelet
It is done almost the same as a strip bracelet. Only a strip is a kind of leather lace.
Important! To make such an ornament you need a very accurate template - strictly the size of the bracelet.
All kinds of holes are cut out in the template - flowers, petals, Celtic interlacing and in general everything you like. Then the template must be applied to a strip of leather, fastened so that the pattern does not move out, circle future holes and carefully cut. The clasp can be done on buttons or lacing.
You can do without a template. The easiest option for an openwork bracelet is a strip with holes. Mark the holes, then pierce them with a hole punch.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In this article, you saw a master class on making a variety of leather bracelets for men and women. Use these basic ideas, try them in practice, and then - show your imagination and improve your jewelry, respectively - and your image.
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