What are bedbugs afraid of?

Bed bugs appear in the house imperceptibly and, when you find them, by that time their population is growing significantly. What are bedbugs afraid when all the methods have already been used, but they have not disappeared - is this a natural question from this situation? How to drive them out of your home? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

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How to identify a bug?

What are bedbugs afraid of?The longer you live side by side with bedbugs, the more they will reproduce their offspring and the more part of your apartment they will populate. It is very important to detect them in time, identify their habitats and destroy them. Start taking action if you find such traces of the bug's life:

  1. Traces of bites on the body. Bedbugs do not bite during the day. They eat mainly in the early morning. If after sleep you find strange signs on your body or on a family member, it is worth examining the bed and bed.
  2. The characteristic location of the bites. Bites are located in a kind of path. This is due to the fact that the bug bites and moves further in one direction.
  3. The smell in the house. If the house has a very large population of these insects, a characteristic smell of cognac arises. Thus, bugs scare away enemies and attract a partner. By this smell you can find places of their shelters, when there are especially many of them.
  4. Blood on the bedding. When the bug eats up, it is filled with your blood and becomes clumsy. A man tossing and turning in a dream crushes the parasite, and the trace remains on the bed.
  5. Traces of the parasites. Dry dead insects, particles of excrement and other small litter testify to the colony of parasites that lives near you.
  6. Eggs of insects. If you find translucent rice grains at least 1 mm in secluded places, you should take measures to neutralize the parasites.
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The reasons for the appearance of bugs

Direct all your efforts to detect these bloodsuckers, then immediately proceed to eliminate them. Knowing how these individuals appear in houses, you can determine their habitat and find out what bedbugs are afraid of.

How bed bugs come to your home:

  1. In purchased used furniture.
  2. Through the pets that walk on the street.
  3. From the neighbors.
  4. Having been in an infected room, you can bring bugs to the house on clothes.
  5. From a bag or suitcase, after a business trip or rest.
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Bedbug Fight

What are bed bugs afraid of - a question will arise if you still find them in your bed. The safest and no less effective ways to deal with them is the destruction of folk remedies. It is better to apply them comprehensively, especially since all methods and means will not cause you much hassle and discomfort.

Method number 1. Exposure to temperature

The optimum temperature for the life of the bug is 20-30 degrees above zero. A sharp and prolonged decrease in temperature is bad for their reproduction, and they are looking for a more suitable home. For exposure to temperature, follow these tips:

  1. Ventilate rooms on frosty days.
  2. Airing should be long - 2-3 days. A few hours will not help in this case.

Important! This applies to the room, and to destroy bedbugs from bedding, clothes and toys, wash them at temperatures above 50 degrees. Insects are afraid of such influences.

Method number 2. Bedbugs are afraid of the light

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects and are panicky afraid of daylight.They hide during the day in dark and secluded places, and go hunting at night or in the early morning, when a person is sleeping soundly. Instructions on how to properly manipulate light to combat parasites:

  1. Turn on the light at night and small bloodsuckers will scatter in different directions.
  2. Do it systematically.

Important! Over time, hunger will conquer the self-preservation instinct and insects will begin to go hunting in the afternoon, so they are easy to identify and destroy.

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What bedbugs are afraid of - folk fighting methods

Our grandmothers also knew what bedbugs were afraid of - these were pungent smells. To combat bugs, herbs and foods with a pronounced aroma, or other home remedies, are perfect.

What are bedbugs afraid of?For extermination of bugs you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • wormwood or tansy;
  • ammonia or kerosene.

Method number 1. Fragrant herbs

This ancestor scared away bloodsucking insects by our ancestors. For proper use, follow these tips:

  1. Arrange the dried branches of these plants in all possible habitats of the parasites.
  2. Every 7-10 days, update the branches.
  3. This will help keep bedbugs at a distance.

Important! Grasses can be different. The main condition is a pronounced aroma. For example, calendula, cilantro, parsley, mint, rosemary are perfect. With a large number of insects, these herbs alone will not be enough.

Method number 2. Vinegar

Regular table vinegar causes panic in these bloodsuckers. It is applied as follows:

  1. Treat all mattresses, beds and surfaces with vinegar.
  2. Vinegar is quickly eroded, so repeat the procedure every few hours until you notice how insects go away or find corpses.

Method number 3. Ammonia and kerosene

These remedies are used in the same way as vinegar. It is noted that these drugs can destroy the population of bedbugs, so ammonia and kerosene become a frequent way to solve the problem, which bedbugs are afraid of.

Important! Use them carefully. The products have a pungent and pungent odor, which will cause discomfort to residents and damage to property if used improperly. After you get an effective result, ventilate the room well. Immediately after processing the bed and bed, try not to be in the room in person and send all other household members to the street.

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Now you have learned what bedbugs are afraid of and what are the folk remedies for dealing with them. Use them singly or immediately in the complex in order to get rid of these insects as soon as possible and sleep peacefully.

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