DIY phone case made of jeans

Case - one of the most important accessories for a mobile phone. It is not only a decorating element, but also performs a protective function: prevents dust and scratches on the case and screen of the mobile phone. At the moment, you can purchase a cover made of any material (leather, silicone, plastic, etc.). Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Do-it-yourself cases are especially popular right now. Many owners of smartphones are wondering - how to sew a do-it-yourself phone case from jeans? It is not at all difficult if you have at hand all the necessary tools and materials.

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How to make a do-it-yourself phone case from old jeans?

Before you start sewing a phone case from jeans, you should take measurements. Only taking into account the size of the mobile phone, you can make a good accessory.

Materials for work

You will need the following materials:

  • Scissors.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Button.
  • Jeans and a piece of non-dense fabric of a different kind.
  • Rubber cord.

Cutting and sewing:

  1. We cut shreds of fabric, taking into account the size of the phone and allowances for the seams.
  2. Denim is needed for the outside, and cotton or linen for the inside.
  3. Both pieces of fabric need to be sewn from the wrong side. This is necessary so that the seams remain inside the accessory.
  4. Next, turn out the denim and place it in a linen “bag”. This must be done in such a way that the linen is left inside and the denim outside.
  5. Then we sew the button on the front side of the accessory, and on the contrary make a buttonhole. These two small parts will protect your phone from damage.

Important! If the design seems boring to you, then you can glue rhinestones or some small application. Thus, by performing a simple algorithm of actions, you can create a beautiful phone case from jeans with your own hands.

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Ribbon Phone Case

The technique of creating an accessory for a mobile phone with a retractable tape is a little more complicated than sewing from denim material. However, if you follow the examples, then in the end you can get a very good and convenient model:

  1. To begin with, you need to make a pattern of the future accessory. You should take a thick sheet of cardboard and circle your mobile phone on it. Be sure to increase the size of the pattern, at least 0.5 cm (taking into account allowances for the seams).
  2. From the material you like, we cut out two details for the pattern.
  3. Before stitching the details, you can decorate them (buttons, pockets).
  4. We make a cut on a stitched accessory. The main rule - the length of the incision should be a little more than a couple of millimeters of the tape you have chosen.
  5. On the second piece, you also need to make incisions (not just one, but two). To do this, divide the patch into three equal parts. This way you can cut out the slots evenly.
  6. We pierce the tape into the part with one cut and sew it firmly, and thread its free end into the lower cutout on the second part, and remove the tape from the cutout on the upper part.
  7. Glue both parts with glue so that the places where the tape was sewn are hidden.
  8. We decorate the ribbon at our discretion.

All actions are very easy and simple, so creating such a model will not be difficult and will not require serious efforts.

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We sew a phone case in two hours

At home, it is very simple to sew a phone case with your own hands from jeans, since a minimum of materials is required. Consider the option of an old denim.

Materials and Tools

To do this, you will need:

  • Old jeans.
  • Cotton fabric (for lining).
  • Bottle made of plastic.
  • Scissors and thread with a needle.
  • A small round magnet.
  • A small metal plate.63922-kak-sshit-chehol-dlya-plansheta-iz-staryh-jins-master-klass

Cutting and sewing:

  1. Initially, you should attach the phone to the jeans and cut a strip along its contour. Be sure to consider the seam allowances (+2 cm).
  2. Cut out a piece of cotton fabric along this denim strip.
  3. We sew both parts manually or on a sewing machine, leave one edge free.
  4. Cut a strip of plastic from the bottle, given the size of the stitched fabric part.
  5. Sew the metal plate to the plastic strip with a small cloth patch.
  6. Also, a jeans ribbon should be sewn to the plastic. It is needed as a lock on the case.
  7. Next, we turn our bag on the front side and make a small slot in the middle.
  8. We put a plastic strip in a fabric bag, pull out the tape through the slot of the future cover.
  9. Then we sew all the bumps with a dense thread.

Important! In this option, you can do without a fastening tape, and use only a magnet and a plate so that the phone does not fall out of the case.

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Tie case

You can very quickly make a case out of an ordinary men's tie. For this:

  1. You need to measure the length and width of the phone and attach it to the tie so that the bottom is on top, like an envelope.
  2. After - sew two halves, leaving the “envelope” free.
  3. Sew a small button on the front side of the cover, and make a slot for the button in the remaining free part.

Important! If you are fond of creativity, you can come up with some kind of embroidery or tape the accessory.

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Felt cover and other variations

Now it has become a very fashionable trend to “dress” mobile phones in decorative accessories made of felt. In addition, many needlewomen knit such details from a wide variety of yarn. The knitting process does not take a lot of time, since knitted parts for smartphones are created on the same principle as the rest.

Knitted accessories look very stylish and unusual. Plus, having at hand all the necessary tools and materials, you can also tie something interesting yourself.

Important! No matter what material to create a decorative product, you choose, the dimensions of the smartphone are always taken into account.

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In this article, we have offered you some ideas on how to sew a do-it-yourself phone case. Take them as your basis, connect your imagination, and create a unique accessory that no one will have.


