DIY leather phone case

The fact that a cover for a mobile phone is needed is beyond doubt. A push-button, as well as a touch-sensitive telephone, especially a screen, is constantly subjected to mechanical stress: in a bag it rubs against keys, coins and other objects, we put it on various surfaces where there can be not only dirt, but also moisture. With a case, the phone is more protected from harmful influences. To protect the mobile, there are a lot of necessary devices - panels, cases, silicone pads and bumpers. But all this is by no means a penny. Therefore, you can try to sew a phone case with your own hands from leather, felt, foamiran or any dense fabric. Sewing skills will fit even minimal. Sewing a phone case on your own is not such a big problem. The necessary materials and tools can be found in almost any home. It takes only a little effort and a bit of imagination.
to contents ↑What types of covers can you sew yourself?
- The easiest to make will be a pocket-case. It can simply be sewn from two rectangles, or you can complicate the task a bit - make a pocket with a tab from the ribbon, which facilitates the process of removing the mobile from such a case.
- A slightly more complicated design will be a cover-envelope on a button. It is more suitable for women, so you can sew it from a material of any color.
- A book cover is the most practical look, but you will have to work hard to make it, although all the steps are quite understandable.
How to make a homemade case or case on a smartphone? Necessary tools
In order to sew a leather phone case with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools, as well as our master class:
- A skin flap about 3 mm thick or some other material from which you plan to sew a cover. The main thing is that he keeps his shape.
- Awl and screwdriver for making even holes.
Important! These items will definitely come in handy if you are working with skin.
- Cardboard, ruler, pencil or crayon for cutting out details.
- Stationery knife, scissors.
- Strong threads in tone of material for a cover.
Important! You can use a thin strip of leather or a decorative cord.
- Clasps, button or magnet, if it will be a book-case or an envelope.
- Braid, if it is a pocket-case with a tongue.
- Glue gun or Moment glue.
- Anvil hammer or special tool for installing eyelets and buttons (if necessary).
Where to begin?
To make a cover or a phone case with your own hands made of leather or other material you chose, it turned out to be neat and suitable in all respects:
- First, measure the length, width, and thickness of the phone.
- For the convenience of subsequent constructions and fitting, it is advisable to make the layout of your mobile from cardboard, so as not to jerk the gadget itself again. To do this, circle the phone on cardboard and cut it out.
- In order to recreate the desired thickness, cut out several of these patterns and stick on each other until the desired thickness is obtained.
- If you have the skills, the right tool and desire - you can make such a layout from plywood.
Pocket case
If you want to try to sew a phone case from leather with your own hands, the patterns are easiest for a pocket case model.With it, it is recommended that a beginner begin his career in this field.
- Sewing such a product does not take much time and does not require special skills in cutting and sewing.
- To keep it in shape and have a presentable appearance, it is best to make a leather cover.
- For a girl, you can take skin of any color, even pink, even green, and guys are likely to prefer black or brown.
- The material itself must be of good quality and have a thickness of at least 3 mm.
Important! Flaps of leather are sold on the market, in sewing stores, and you can use up an old leather bag or cosmetic bag.
A simple pocket case can be tailored in many ways.
Method number 1:
- Cut two rectangles of the required size from the skin. To do this, put a mobile template on the flap and circle with chalk or pencil.
- Now, from two long sides of the rectangle and one short, make an allowance of 1.5 cm (thickness plus seam).
Important! It is better to take a little more if in doubt than back to back. You can always trim the excess.
- On the fourth narrow side, an allowance is not needed, since this edge will not be stitched, and it should match the level with the edge of the phone.
Method number 2
If the size of the skin flap allows, then you can cut one long rectangle, the width of which will be equal to the width of the mobile, plus allowances for the seams. And the length is equal to the double length of the phone plus a centimeter to its thickness.
Important! The first option is better to choose when the gadget has smooth shapes and in the case you need to round the edges, the second - when the phone has clear angles.
After you have carved out the details of the future cover - proceed to assembly. This stage requires pedantry.
Important! If each stitch is not clear and the same with the rest, the thing will look sloppy.
Sewing halves of a leather product simply with a needle and thread will be problematic. To do this, you must first make holes.
- Using a crayon (pencil) and a ruler, draw straight lines where the seam should be. Fasten with pins and try to insert the phone. He should enter tightly, but not tight.
- With an awl, make holes at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other.
Important! If you will stitch with a thread (use kapron or just thick), make the distance less, and if with a strip of leather or a thin cord (kapron or leather), then more.
- Drill these holes with a screwdriver so that they are even, without nicks.
- If you are joining two rectangles, then start stitching from the bottom corner with an overcast seam. First you connect the two halves, and on top go only one, just overcast the edge. When you have reached the end - again connect both parts until you reach the place where you started the seam.
- Sew the upper edge of the second half separately.
- Fasten the ends of the stitch, hide inside.
- If you fold one long rectangle in half, your actions are similar, except that you don’t need to trim the bottom of the product.
Important! In order for the leather phone case to get the desired shape, some experts recommend putting the model repeating the shape of your gadget inside the case and putting it all in cold water for 2 hours. Then pull out and dry with the “telephone” inside. Drying may take 1-2 days.
Using this technology, you can sew a phone case with your own hands from any other dense material that will hold its shape: felt, drape, denim, foamiran and more.
to contents ↑Cover pocket with tongue
How to make a leather phone case to get it conveniently? This option is not much different in appearance from a simple pocket-case, except for one detail - a tab is laid from the ribbon inside, which facilitates removing the phone from the case.
- From the skin flap, cut a rectangle whose width is equal to the width of the phone plus a margin of a centimeter from each edge to the seams.
Important! The length of this blank should correspond to two lengths of the mobile plus add 1 cm to the thickness of the gadget.
- Now cut out one more same rectangle. Between them our tongue will be laid. That is, one part will be the outside, and the second will be the inside.
Important! If the skin flap was small, and it was enough for you on only one detail, do not despair. The inner part is a lining, it is quite possible to make it from any dense but soft fabric that is on the farm, from felt, for example.
- We do not touch the first external side yet, and on the second with small or pencil mark the places where we will make incisions into which the tongue from the braid will pass.
- First, put a strip of approximately 1 cm in the center - it depends on the thickness of the mobile. Next from it, measure 5 cm to one side and make a longitudinal incision to the width of your braid.
- In the second side, also measure 5 cm and make an incision. From it, lay 3 cm up, again make an incision for the braid.
- To make the edge of the tongue, which will hang from the outside, look presentable, you need to make a leather lining for it. To do this, cut out 2 small squares from the remains of the skin, the side of which will be equal to the width of the braid plus 3 mm per seam (then cut off the excess).
- If necessary, you can make additional holes for the charging plug or headphones.
- Before stitching the cover, you need to lay the braid. To do this, burn the edges of the braid with a lighter so that they do not fray.
- Then pass it through the lining. Start with the half where there are 2 cuts: first pass the braid inward through the first cut, and through the second - take it out.
- Then it crosses the center and is again threaded into the third notch.
- Pull it a couple of centimeters, fix it with a glue gun (skin glue).
- Now bend the pattern in half and, leaving the tail 2 cm outside the cover, cut off the excess.
- On this tail, put the squares from the skin that you prepared, sew them to the braid, laying a line around the perimeter.
- Now fasten the inside (lining) to the outside. This can also be done with a glue gun (you can glue “Moment”).
Important! When you glue two parts, first glue the first part to half with glue, then bend the workpiece in half, and now glue the second part. So you prevent wrinkles. In addition, do not glue the part where the braid is with glue, it needs to move freely.
- When you have connected the outer side and the lining, and it all dried up, make an awl, and then a screwdriver, holes along the edge of the cover.
- Now, with the help of a thread with a needle or a decorative cord and a pin, sew the edges with a trimming seam.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to try on the phone case during stitching so that you do not have to rip it open later.
Cover book
This is a fairly practical and comfortable case. Sewing this kind of phone case with your own hands is a little more difficult. In addition to leather and a standard set of tools, you will need 2 magnets.
- From a piece of leather you need to cut a large rectangle. Its length will be equal to the length of the phone plus a margin of 0.5 cm per border, and the width - to the double width of the gadget plus its thickness.
- Another magnetic fastener will require a strip of leather 3-4 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide (depending on the size of the mobile).
- If you want, you can make a lining for the cover from the second piece of leather or felt. This should be a cut of the same size and shape as the outside. Then, to fix the mobile in the case, you will need strips of leather that are attached at the corners.
- If you decide to make a cover with a lining, then first glue it with a glue gun.
- Sew narrow strips of leather across the corners on the lower half of the cover, backing 2 cm from the edge. They will fix your mobile in a case for corners.
Important! Glue the lining in parts: first one, then bend the cover in half and glue the second so that there are no wrinkles on the surface.
- Now make an awl around the perimeter of the hole, process the edges with a seaming seam.
Important! A thread or cord can be in tone with the skin, or - on the contrary, contrasting.
- If you decide to do without a lining, then the phone can be mounted on a case using double-sided tape. Lock securely so that it does not fall out.
- It remains to attach the clasp. To do this, sew it from the inside to the bottom of the cover.
- Now glue the magnet to the end of the fastener (1 cm from the edge).
- Insert the gadget or its volumetric mockup into the case, secure with pharmaceutical rubber bands to fix it.
- Now put on the clasp, mark the place for the second magnet and stick it.
Everything is ready.
to contents ↑Important! From the same pattern, you can make a cover with a zipper. To do this, unzip and fasten it around the perimeter with a glue gun, rounding in the corners. Fasten the zipper and hide its ends inside the cover. After that, it is worth gluing the lining, so that the inside looks more aesthetically pleasing.
Envelope Case
Making a do-it-yourself phone case from your skin in the form of an envelope is also easy. The only difficulty in this process is to make a snap button. The rest is carried out in almost the same way as in the models described above.
- On a piece of leather with a thickness of at least 3 mm, trace the future cover with a small one. The width is equal to the length of the phone, and the length is equal to the triple width of the mobile (front and back wall of the case and the valve), plus take into account the thickness of the gadget and allowances for the seams.
- One side of the narrow part remains flat, and the second - we cut off the corners so that the cover takes the form of an envelope.
- If the length of this workpiece is conditionally divided into three parts, then the first two of them will be rectangular, and the third - a triangle. Fold in half the first two parts, fix with paper clips so that they do not move.
- Make the holes with an awl, then sew the sides of the “envelope” with the overcast seam.
- Now process the edges of the triangular valve with the same seam.
- It remains only to put the button. To do this, use a special tool or a hammer with an anvil.
Important! If the phone is small, then insert the half of the button on the rectangular part of the cover before stitching the two halves, otherwise - then you will be uncomfortable to install it.
An envelope case is usually preferred by girls, so it can be made from bright scraps of leather, and then decorated with something.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Knowing how to sew a leather phone case with your own hands, you can easily turn your idea into reality and make an original case for your gadget. Thus, you protect it from mechanical damage and keep the beautiful appearance of the smartphone for a long time.
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