Crochet stool cover - sewing patterns

In any house in the kitchen there are stools, which, as a rule, look outwardly unattractive and boring. You can make them more colorful, individual, fit into the general color scheme of your kitchen using knitted covers. A rainbow, cozy and comfortable knitted cover on a stool with a hook, the patterns of which can be either classic or individually designed, will give the room a certain originality and make additional notes of positive. There are a lot of ready-made schemes for making such products on the Internet, so you will not have problems with choosing the right pattern, and you will quickly learn how to knit them with your own hands.

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How to knit covers for square stools from yarn?

If you have acrylic yarn in your arsenal, you can crochet the original cover on the stool with your own hands. Now we will consider an example of making a cover for a square stool. In the course of work at the corners, it will be necessary to make additions, kneading two elements from one arch. If you have a round stool, then additions will be made according to the principle of a circle.

The manufacturing process of such a product looks as follows:

  1. To get a square as a result, you need to dial a chain of 8 air loops (vp) and close it with a ring using a connecting column. The first row will consist of 3 lifting loops, and then 4 columns should be knitted from the ring.
  2. Now we form the first bump, and for this we take out the hook and first bring it to the 3rd lifting loop, then again we put it into the work loop. It stretches through the first and thus a cone is formed from a group of columns.
  3. Then we knit 4 stitches and 5 tbsp. from the ring. The hook is inserted at the top of the first column, then into the working loop, it stretches through its top. The same thing needs to be done 2 more times, and the row ends with 4 loops, while the connecting column enters the top of the first cone.
  4. To make the second row, you should knit 3 lifting loops. In it we knit 2 cones from each arch, 4 VP between them, and on the sides of our square we make 3 more of the same.
  5. The third row is formed by knitting 2 cones from the corner arches, while between them there should be 4 VP Next, we knit by analogy and end the line with the top of the first bump.
  6. Subsequent rows are done on the same principle.
  7. As soon as you get a square corresponding to the size of the chair, you will need to knit two rows of cones without adding to the corners.
  8. In the last row, you need to knit the cones after 2 VP, in order to achieve a narrowing of the cape at the base.
  9. Pull the finished product onto the base and fix it in the corners.

Important! In terms of colors, decide yourself what you prefer. Crochet bright covers for stools will look great. The schemes of such products are distinguished by a brighter center, smoothly transitioning to dark edges.

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Knitting Woolen Covers for Round Stools

Perhaps there are wool threads in your home? Do you know what ordinary crochet can turn them into? Case for stools! Round products look no less bright, stylish and harmonious than square models. Schemes can be used very different, in fact, like a combination of colors. Everything will depend on your imagination. Knitting begins with the preparation of woolen threads and two hooks.

The scheme for manufacturing a round cover looks like this:

  1. For starters, dial 4 vp, combine them with Art. and loop lifting in the ring. Next, knit 6 single crochet columns, while they must be typed from the middle of the ring. We complete the row with a connection column. The thread should be cut.
  2. We put the cut thread along the edge of the circle and introduce a thread of a different color. Then we recruit 14 vp, thereby forming the preparatory series. The first - you can consider the 6 previous columns without a crochet.
  3. The second row will consist of 12 single crochet.
  4. Third - 24 single crochet. That is, it is necessary to knit 2 single crochet columns in each column of the previous row.
  5. Fourth, fifth and sixth rows. They are knitted by adding 6 columns in each of them.
  6. In the seventh row we add another 7 columns.
  7. The eighth, ninth and tenth knit by analogy 4-6 rows.
  8. In the eleventh row, we add another 7 columns.
  9. Clearly repeating this combination, we knit the canvas of the required size. Then we knit another 8 rows without using additions. To form the walls, it is necessary to knit the following row as follows: two columns in one. Then again several rows without any changes.
  10. So that the finished cover holds well on your chair, it is recommended to fix it from the bottom or make an elastic band.
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How to knit an original cover for a stool?

So we got acquainted with the simplest options for how to make an original interior detail using crochet. The cover will be knitted to a greater extent already, because not everyone knows how to work with a hook. For example, we will take a classic stool with a diameter of 48 cm and a circumference of 156 cm.

Of the tools and materials for the work you will need:

  • Yarn of any color 300 g.
  • Knitting needles.
  • Hook.
  • Button with a diameter of 3 cm.

A beautiful wrap with a pattern will be made according to the following principles:

  1. The front surface - the front rows, consisting of front loops, wrong rows, respectively, from the inside.
  2. Decrease On the right edge - edge, you need to remove one loop, and then stretch the front through it. On the left edge - 2 facial loops are knitted together.
  3. Single crochet: start each circular row with the 1st lifting loop, then close it with one connecting column.
  4. Rosette - a ring made of threads. The first circle - 6 single crochet, in the second - 2 columns are knitted into each stitch of the previous row. Starting from the third row, we add 2 single crochet columns to each second loop. The fourth line completely repeats the first.
  5. The knitting density looks like this: the front surface is 10 by 10 cm, consisting of 22 rows of 16 loops.
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At first glance, there really is nothing complicated, that is, everyone can knit a bright, stylish, and most importantly - high-quality cover for a stool with a hook. Square and round patterns in a wide variety are presented on thematic Internet resources and in magazines for housewives. The main thing is to be patient, because in fact, the process itself is quite painstaking and monotonous, but the result can be very interesting.

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