How to clean the phone?

Any technique needs care. A mobile phone in this sense is no exception. The buttons gradually accumulate dirt, scratches appear on the case, and there’s no need to talk about the touch screen - there’s just nowhere to go from fingerprints. In a word, there comes a moment when you are ashamed to take your favorite gadget out of your pocket, and the idea arises to put it in order. How to clean the phone? Now we will discuss this

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Why does it lose its presentation?

A mobile phone seems to be not one of those things that need to be cleaned every day. It is carried in a purse or pocket, put on a table or nightstand, so where does the dirt come from? Meanwhile, everything is not so simple. They called you when you ate a cheburek, and you answered, but of course there was no time to wash your hands and dry your hands.

Where was your phone lying while you were digging a bed? On the well cover? There you have the dust. You don’t have to look for the cause of the scratches for too long - the cover is torn, you haven’t gotten a new hand yet, and here lies your precious gadget in your pocket with keys or in your purse next to the nail file.

So what did you have to clean your cell phone as little as possible?

  1. Wear it only in a case.
  2. If there is still no cover, hold the mobile phone and objects that could scratch it in different places.
  3. Do not grab the screen (and the body too) with dirty hands.
  4. Do not allow water or other liquids to enter the screen or crevices, and even more so, if the apparatus falls into a pool or cup of tea.
  5. Try to keep away from detergents, persistent paints, acids and alkalis.
  6. In the country or on the beach, do not put the phone on the first thing that comes across.
  7. Replace the battery in time.
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At home or in a service center?

If you don’t want to mess with your mobile phone yourself, you can try contacting a service center. Many of them make air purges. Sometimes tiny vacuum cleaners or even ultrasonic devices are used for this purpose. Unfortunately, not all service centers provide such services.

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What can not be cleaned?

A mobile phone, even the most primitive, is a delicate thing. Almost all of its parts are made of different plastics (sometimes the case is metal, and the display is made of real glass). Inside are elements that are harmful to dust and moisture - for example, a battery. A drop of water caught in the gap between the case and the lid can permanently damage your device. It follows from this that washing the phone as if it is a plastic children's toy is not possible.

Some other things are also not recommended. For example, to clean the phone, do not use:

  • alcohol
  • gasoline;
  • acetone and other solvents.

Important! All these substances, which are so useful, for example, for wiping paint off clothes, turn out to be completely useless if it comes to a mobile phone, tablet, e-book, etc. And not just useless - they can cause irreparable harm to the device and will definitely disfigure it:

  • Acetone perfectly dissolves many plastics, it hardly makes sense to try, even if you drop the phone in a bucket of paint.
  • Gasoline and alcohol do not act so radically, they wipe away the stain, but they also “eat” the dye, which is added to the plastic itself.
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Materials to Avoid

Aggressive substances are not the only thing you have to forget about when dealing with a phone or other similar device. Hard materials are absolutely not suitable for care:

  • iron washcloth;
  • hard brush;
  • abrasive paste.
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What can i use?

Having wondered how to clean the phone cover, as well as all its other parts, look at what you have in the medicine cabinet. You will need:

  • cotton swabs;
  • cotton pads;
  • wet wipes.

Important! As a detergent in especially severe cases, you can use 3% food vinegar. The main thing is that it be transparent (the so-called white vinegar). If the concentration is 9%, it is better to dilute the substance with water.

In no case can you use pure vinegar essence - after such a cleaning with a mobile phone you will have to say goodbye.

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Where to begin?

Before you clear the phone’s cover of what has accumulated on it, remember that a mobile phone is not only an intercom and a favorite toy, but also an electrical appliance. That is, it must be handled in the same way as with any other electrical appliance:

  1. If the mobile phone is charging, turn it off.
  2. Turn off the phone itself.
  3. Remove the front panel.
  4. Open the cover.
  5. Remove the battery.
  6. Decide whether you will only clean the phone from the outside or from the inside.

Having decided that the battery cavity does not need to be cleaned, close the lid and seal the slots with tape. If the lid closes tightly, you can not do this.

Important! The front panel is not removable on all models.

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How to clean the phone from dirt inside?

The cavity for the battery is almost always closed, so spring cleaning is not necessary. It is enough to take a cotton swab, carefully clean all the grooves, and simply wipe the cavity with a cotton pad.

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We wipe the case

You can’t wash the phone, but nobody forbade to wipe it with a damp cloth or cotton wool. The main thing is that the fleece should be moist, not wet:

  • Wring it out properly and gently wipe the case and the grooves. Not a particularly effective method, but the easiest and most affordable.
  • To increase the effect, you can add a little vinegar (1 drop from a pipette to 1 glass of water).

It is very good to have wet wipes on hand. They can be of several types:

  • conventional hygiene;
  • special wipes for phones.

Important! The former are more effective than a cotton pad with water. If you are careful about your phone, they will help you very well. Light fingerprints such a napkin will perfectly erase.

Phonecleans Wipes

Special wipes for Phonecleans mobile phones are much more effective than usual. They cope with almost all the spots that may appear on the phone. In addition, they:

  • disinfect the surface;
  • remove unpleasant odors.

Important! As for disinfection, any phone needs it. By the number of bacteria, this item can only be compared with bills or coins.

kak-ochistit-sensornyiy-ekranNapkins are made of very soft material that will not cause any harm to the device. This means is also suitable if you were wondering how to whiten the phone cover.

Important! You cannot use bleaches, and the special solvent that the cloth is impregnated with will make the lid of your white mobile phone simply snow-white.

It is convenient to use such napkins - each is in a separate package. They are suitable not only for mobile phones, but also for tablets, “readers”, computers. True, they are more expensive than ordinary ones, but if you have many similar devices at home - why not buy a special hygiene product for them?


There is a special spray for such devices. It is called “Video Editing”. It is very cheap, but you can buy it far from everywhere. Most often, it is found in stores where they sell radio components.

Important! For the display, this tool is not suitable.

If you were able to buy this tool, proceed as follows:

  1. Apply a thin layer of spray to the entire body.
  2. Wipe the phone with a dry soft cloth.

Hard materials should be avoided. Suitable for such work:

Important! Flannel should not be used - on the case, and especially on the screen, villi may remain from it. In the worst case, they will get inside.

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We clean the display

Fingerprints most often appear on the display. But there can be grease, and dirt, and much more - about the same as on the case. You can, of course, try a wet towel. Usually it gives a good effect.

But what if the screen is smeared to such an extent that almost nothing is visible? Try using a special spray for BASF monitors.

Important! Pleasure, however, is not cheap, but it will last for several years. You will not be able to get rid of scratches with this substance.

The algorithm of actions is the same as when using any spray:

  1. Turn off the phone.
  2. Remove the battery.
  3. Apply a thin layer of spray to the display.
  4. Wipe the monitor with a piece of suede or a paper towel.
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Get rid of scratches

Of course, it’s better not to allow scratches, especially since you can not remove them from every display:

  • For expensive phones (such as Ericsson), the monitor is usually made of ordinary durable glass, which is quite difficult to leave scratches on.
  • Nokia offers mainly models where there are two glasses - the outer and the inner. The exterior is plexiglass, on which any object leaves scratches. But such material can be ground. It’s better, of course, not to experiment, but to turn to specialists.
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We clean the speaker

Has the speaker wheezed? One reason may be accumulated dust. In this case, it is best to contact the service center, where there is an ultrasonic device or a mini-vacuum cleaner.

But if there is no such company nearby, you will have to act yourself, although this is ineffective. The only thing you can do is to wipe with a cotton swab all the fragments of the speaker. If the wheezing has not disappeared - well, the time has come to return the phone for repair or even replace it.

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We hope that you have experienced the need for regular cleaning of your phone, and now you also know how and how to do it. Take care of your gadgets correctly, and then even a slightly outdated model will remain the best for you in terms of uptime.

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