Is it better to paint the ceiling with a roller or a spray gun?

Any work for which brushes or rollers are used is labor-intensive. In the repair process, you can use a spray gun, which will greatly facilitate and speed up the work many times. This tool is intended for painting walls and ceilings. It works like a spray gun - a thin, even layer spraying the paint composition on the surface you need. In this article we will consider the better to paint the ceiling with a roller or spray gun, and how to achieve the highest quality result.

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Which is better - a roller or a spray gun?

People who paint the walls with a spray gun with water-based paint note the following advantages over a foam roller:

  1. High labor productivity. The speed of work increases many times.
  2. The area to be painted increases many times - there is no need to rearrange the steps.
  3. The applied layer of paint is thin and even, due to this, the surface painted with a spray gun dries much faster. Smudges are removed with a simple piece of foam.
  4. The airbrush with which the ceiling is painted with water-based paint leaves no streaks and makes the painting uniform.
  5. Hard-to-reach areas for such an apparatus do not exist. Paint under the pressure of air becomes like dust, and rushing forward, it paints everything in its path.
  6. Smudges do not appear if the spray gun is not held for a long time in one place.
  7. There is no formation of stains and streaks - they remain only after work with a roller or brush.
  8. The airbrush is intended not only for work with paints, but also for painting the ceiling with whitewash, working with liquid putty and varnishes.
  9. When working with this equipment, the consumption of the coloring matter is significantly reduced, and this saves most of the money.
  10. Stains, streaks and smudges are minimized.
  11. Evenly uneven surfaces and ceiling moldings are evenly painted.
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Choosing the best tool by type of work

With the help of a spray gun, you can not only whiten surfaces, but also paint them. Therefore, manufacturers offer us an extensive selection of spray models for whitewashing walls and ceilings. The choice of a device most often determines its value or the brand’s fame. The second is not always true, because many new companies produce similar products of high quality.

The devices of all models have a common principle of operation - the compressor gives out compressed air, which sprays the dye under pressure. Manufacturers offer us equipment in which paint tanks are located at the top or bottom of the product.

Important! If you can afford it financially, it is better to choose and purchase a spray gun that works from 220 volts AC electric network. Pneumatic spray guns are suitable for both professionals and amateurs of painting.

Many are interested in the question: what is the best way to paint the ceiling - with an airbrush or a roller, a brush, or use another paint tool?

  • Of course, if a person does not have experience, it is better to use a foam roller. A brush is not suitable for him. He only ruins it with her.
  • But if you work a little with a spray as a test, then the ceiling will acquire a smooth surface and an attractive appearance.
  • If you plan to paint a large surface area, and you need to do it quickly, a roller or spray gun is better.
  • If a small surface is to be painted, we arm ourselves with a roller or brush.
  • It is possible to apply an artistic pattern exclusively with a brush.

Important! The simplest to operate and cheapest are manual spray guns. They are not equipped with electric compressors, and the air that is supplied by a conventional pump enters the tank and is compressed there. In this way, compressed air intended for spraying paint is created.

Using a mechanical spray gun for painting walls and whitewashing the ceiling, you can process 200 m2 of surface per hour. Professionals spend this amount of work twice as fast.

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How to paint the ceiling with a spray gun?

If the question is, what is the best way to paint the ceiling - with a roller or spray gun, you have preferred the second type of tool, when working, follow the following recommendations for its use:

  • It is necessary to hold the device at right angles to the painted surface.
  • To adjust the jet, turn the nozzle at an unnecessary surface before turning it on for the first time.
  • At the beginning of the work, the spray gun will throw out too much dye, and therefore it is necessary to wait until the paint is sprayed evenly.
  • Mentally divide the ceiling into small sections that are removed from the master by the length of the arm.
  • First paint the markings with longitudinal, and then transverse movements.
  • The optimum distance from the nozzle to the surface to be painted is 40 cm.
  • To carry out high-quality painting or whitewashing of any surface, three layers of the substance must be applied to it, each of which must dry after application.
  • When you paint the surface, you need to keep a foam or dry cloth with you in order to remove possible smudges in time.

Important! The best time to start this work is a summer morning in sunny weather, then you can apply a second coat of paint in the evening of the same day.

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In this article we talked about the features of special equipment for painting walls and ceilings. We hope that this information will help you decide if it is better to paint the walls with a roller or spray gun.


