What can iron clothes except for iron?

The iron is the most faithful assistant to every woman. It is impossible to imagine your life without this household appliance. However, what should you do if it suddenly breaks or your lights are turned off and things need to be ironed? Today we will talk about how to iron clothes other than iron. Together with us you will learn all the secrets of ironing without the main attribute of household appliances.

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How did our grandmothers do without an iron?

About fifty years ago, in Russia were chopped. These are devices that were popular and intended for ironing. In shape, it was a ribbed plank with a handle that resembles our modern rolling pin.

The essence of the ruble was that the washed clothes were wound on this device and then rolled on a flat surface. Thus, all the laundry rolled out. As a result, the clothes were smooth and without dents. However, it was necessary to roll out all wet products for a long time to achieve a good result. In fact, our grandmothers did not have problems about how to iron clothes.

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Modern ironing methods without iron

Every housewife has an iron. This is fully justified, because we strive to always look like a needle. Therefore, it is simply not permissible to enter society in a crumpled shirt or skirt. However, if you even broke the iron and you don’t know how to iron clothes except the iron, there is a solution that will surprise you!

Using “ironing” for hair

A curling iron with even plates can iron your clothes and make them perfectly even. Of course, it is impossible to iron a shirt or bed linen in this way, but small items can. This method is great for baby clothes, ties, trousers and skirts.

Important! Before using the “iron” for hair in order to iron the laundry, you need to wipe the flat plates with any means that will allow them to degrease and clean. If you do not, then spots may remain on your clothes that do not always wash.


Another solution for ironing clothes other than iron is a kettle. For this purpose, it’s suitable for you as electric, and an ordinary teapot, which is placed on the stove. Clothing in this case should only be small. You need to keep any product above the steam that comes out of the nozzle during boiling water.

Important! The product must be held over the kettle not with your hands, but with some other device, since you can get a thermal burn. This is the main drawback.

Using a small amount of water

If a small crease has appeared on your clothes, and the iron is broken, then when deciding how to iron clothes without an iron, you can use a small amount of water. One hundred milliliters of water will help you eliminate one crease on your clothes. To do this, you need to wet your hand and hold it very well along the crease.

Important! It does not need to be smoothed out. Simply put on a flat surface or hang. The moment the moisture dries, the crease disappears.

Heavy load

If you have planned an event and your clothes are wrinkled, and there is also no way to iron, then a heavy load will help.An excellent solution would be to put clothes under the mattress on which you sleep, then under the influence of a heavy load and the mattress all clothes will be smoothed, starting from small to deep folds. As a result, you get a perfectly smooth product.

Important! In the same way, you can use other devices that have a flat surface.

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How to iron a wool sweater without an iron?

One of the most common problems of how to iron clothes other than iron is woolen goods. To stroke your favorite sweater:

  1. You need to take a thick terry towel, moisten it well, then squeeze it out and put it on a flat surface.
  2. On top of it you put your woolen product and straighten all the folds.
  3. In just a couple of hours, you will need to hang the sweater on a hanger to dry further, and remove the towel.

When the sweater is dry - your sweater will be perfectly smooth!

Smooth clothes on yourself

If you need to smooth out your favorite golf, jeans or other clothes that emphasize your figure, while fitting your body, then you should put this thing on your body.

Important! The product must be wet. This procedure is not the best and most comfortable, since you will need to be in wet clothes for some time. For faster drying, you can use a hairdryer.

After a certain time and drying of the product, the clothes will not have a single fold!

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Ironing a shirt without an iron

All of the above methods are good in their own way. Using one of them, your clothes will be perfectly even. However, if you need to iron a shirt dress or similar products of complex shape, then you should pay attention to the methods that we will give you below. Now you do not need to think about how to stroke a blouse without an iron. We have found a solution!

We use hot steam

The first way is to use hot steam in the bathroom. To smooth out all the folds on the blouse, you need to collect a full bath of hot water and hang this product over the tap. It’s great if there is a rope or a hook in your bathroom in order to hang your shirt on a hanger.

Under the influence of moisture, water and steam, the shirt will smooth out, and at this time you can take a hot bath. After that, your product will be a little wet, then you just need to move the blouse to a dry, warm place and hang it to dry completely. Literally in 6-8 hours, you will have a perfectly straight shirt!74b2505213e5e9d685eded04d5539ed9

Vinegar and its properties

Another way is to use vinegar. To do this, you need to take a conditioner for washing clothes, cold water, spray guns and a nine percent vinegar solution:

  1. You should mix all the liquid components and pour them into a spray jar.
  2. If you need to iron a dress, blouse or shirt without an iron, then you should hang the product on a hanger over your shoulders, straighten folds and spray this product.
  3. Spray very carefully.
  4. As a result of spraying water and vinegar, the blouse should be practically wet, but moisture should not pour from it.

After that, you just have to wait until the product dries and you will see a stunning effect. The blouse will be perfectly smooth, without wrinkles and with a pleasant aroma.

Using a hot item

In the old days, another method was used, which we will tell you about now - ironing linen with a hot iron object. Previously, metal was used for this purpose, which was once heated on a furnace. Now we offer you:

  1. Take a metal mug, fill it with hot water. Boiling water is best for this purpose.
  2. With the help of a tack, drive along a shirt or blouse spread out on a table.

In this case, in a short period of time you will iron the product to perfect condition.

Important! Ironing clothes without an iron with steam is very effective, but dangerous. You must be very careful not to get burned.

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Dry clothes properly

If your iron breaks down and you very often think about how to iron a blouse without an iron, then it is necessary to make it a rule to properly dry all products. To do this, they do not need to be wrung out strongly, hang wet on a rope, while straightening the leg, sleeves and other parts of the clothing so that the smallest number of folds is formed.

Important! There is a washing machine which has a “no crease” function. You can also use it if your unit is equipped with this function.

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We told you about how to iron clothes other than iron. Now you should not be afraid of a breakdown in a household appliance. In any situation, your things will look neat, and you - with dignity!

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