How to erase varnish

You don’t know how to erase nail polish when there is no special solvent remover on hand? You will be surprised, but next to you there is an incredible amount of tools that will help solve the problem. Of course, in this case, you will have to make an effort, since most of them do not contain acetone that quickly acts on the frozen decor. Check out this article and you will find more gentle, but effective alternative methods than polishing varnish with a nail file.

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How to erase nail polish?

How to erase varnishIf you still have a special tool at hand, it is unlikely that the question arises as to how to wipe the nail polish, but another may arise - how to do it right. Typically, such a dilemma is faced either by very young ladies who have just begun to master the basics of their own manicure at home, or those girls who are not used to doing it on their own, but to contact beauty salons by professional masters.

One way or another, it doesn’t matter what exactly prompted you to wonder how to erase nail polish, but it’s important to do it right. For this:

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Prepare a towel or paper tablecloth on which you will carry out the procedure.
  3. To prevent damage to the furniture, in case the product spills, you should have several napkins and cotton pads in stock.
  4. Wet the applicator in a nail polish remover.
  5. To effectively dissolve the varnish, do not rub the nail, but press the applicator to the nail and hold for some time in this position.
  6. Pressing the cotton pad firmly against the nail, slowly guide the entire surface to the end of the nail.
  7. If there are traces of varnish, moisten the swab again with the product and carry out several repeated movements until the coating disappears completely.
  8. To remove the varnish in difficult places, for example, in the area of ​​the cuticle, wrap a little cotton wool on the match, moisten in the product and gently draw a ball along the edge of the nail. Repeat the process as necessary.
  9. After you have completed the cleaning procedure, tightly close the polish remover, wash your hands with soap and oil and moisturize.
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What else can you erase the varnish from?

If you urgently need to repaint your nails, and a special tool is not enough or it even ends at the most inopportune moment, look what you have available from other options that can quickly solve your problem, how to erase the varnish.


Organic solvents are quite suitable for this purpose:

  • White Spirit;
  • petrol;
  • turpentine;
  • acetone.

Important! Be careful when using them, since the substances are toxic and aggressive, they will not cause harm to the nail, but most likely they will cause yellowing of the plate. Clean in a well-ventilated area and try to complete the procedure as soon as possible.

Waste Nail Polish

The principle of “remove the like like” in this situation will be just right:

  1. Apply any varnish, preferably a light or neutral shade, with a thick layer on the surface of the old one.
  2. Before it dries, quickly wipe off with a cotton swab: the old varnish will be washed off with the new one.
  3. If the coating does not completely come off, repeat this step.

Fixer for manicure

The actions are the same as with nail polish - apply thickly to the desired place and wipe immediately.

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How to erase varnish without liquid?

If you didn’t have any of the above tools at hand, but to cope with the problem of how to erase varnish without liquid at home, without going outside to the nearest store, it’s time to try folk methods.

Method 1

  1. Pour 9% vinegar into a small container and add a little soda.
  2. Dip your fingertips into the liquid.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse under warm running water.
  5. Remove softened varnish with a hard rag.

Method 2

This method is suitable for weakened nails:

  1. Type in a cup of hot but tolerable temperature, water.
  2. For 15-20 minutes, dip your fingers in water.
  3. When the varnish softens, wash it with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.
  4. Carefully grind the remaining varnish with a nail file or any sharp object.

Important! As an option to combine business with pleasure, wash several things manually in soapy water - the varnish will separate from friction on its own, remove the remaining particles as described above. But this method is suitable only in a situation where you are not limited in time and you are just too lazy to get out into the street for a liquid-solvent.

Method 3

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Wipe the nail plates thoroughly until the decor is completely removed.

Important! If possible, work with gloves, as peroxide will cause white spots on prolonged contact with the skin. You can replace peroxide with vodka or ethyl alcohol. The principle of application will be similar.

Method 4

How to erase varnishSince many deodorants contain solvents that can even remove stubborn stains, they are the best solution when you need to cope with the task of how to wipe the nail polish without liquid. Use it in this case as follows:

  1. Spray directly onto the nail.
  2. Immediately, until the liquid has disappeared, wash the varnish with a napkin or handkerchief.
  3. Repeat several times.

Important! Please note that the decor will not be removed immediately, so rub until the nails are clean. Pay more attention to the edges - these are the places that are most difficult.

Method 5

Perfumes, cologne, deodorant for the body - all these products work the same way, as they have similar properties and include alcohol in their composition. See what exactly you have in stock and proceed as follows:

  1. Press the cotton pad against the spray bottle to prevent the essential oils from spreading to surrounding objects.
  2. Press the cap several times so that the cotton wool is saturated with the product.
  3. Rub the nail until the polish comes off.

Method 6

Hairspray or mousse, which were at hand at a very right time, can be used for other purposes, that is, in order to cope with the task of how to erase the varnish. These products contain the same component materials as the nail polish remover. Therefore, using them, you will remove the varnish in a few minutes.

Important! Since the hair spray dries quickly, act very quickly.

Method 7

Antibacterial hand gel will also help save a untidy manicure. If you often use it and it is always with you in your purse, feel free to use it right now:

  1. Apply a little gel on the nail.
  2. Wipe the plate immediately with a cotton pad.
  3. Repeat several times.
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Useful Tips

  1. When using nail polish as a solvent, use cotton pads or a handkerchief, as regular medical cotton wool can stick to it.
  2. To remove the spray from the skin and nail, make a bath for 2-3 minutes in warm, soapy water.
  3. If the varnish is very old, be prepared for the fact that the above methods may be ineffective.
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Now you know how to erase the varnish, and in any situation you can quickly return the attractive look to your fingers. Use our tips in case of emergency and your nails will delight you with a beautiful manicure.


