How to wash dishes without chemicals?

Absolutely every person understands that any chemical agent is harmful, moreover, we eat them, put them on ourselves, breathe and simply use chemically contaminated substances in everyday life. Probably one of the most dangerous methods of using chemicals can be called washing dishes, because we eat from it, which means we bring toxins from detergents into the body. The following question arises - how and how to wash dishes without chemicals? Let's find the answer to it together.

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Facts about the composition of household chemicals

We wash dishes more than once a day, especially for large families. Not surprisingly, most of them use chemical-based detergents purchased at the store. Let’s take a look at the label and read the composition. Most of the products contain surfactants, all kinds of perfumes and no less harmful synthetic components.

Important! In its pure form for washing dishes, it is strictly forbidden to use it, because the surface of even the smoothest and highest quality dish is far from ideal, and consists of a mass of scars into which the powder will sink, and as a result, it will get into your stomach. However, rarely in practice dilutes the concentrate and complies with the rules of use from the manufacturer. Usually we generously pour chemistry directly on pots, plates or, in extreme cases, on a sponge. As a result, we use household chemicals in a larger quantity than is actually required. And then we ask ourselves, why are we so often sick, where does an incomprehensible allergy come from?

But who will so easily refuse cheap, effective and quickly foaming products? This can well be done if alternative means are found with which you can wash dishes without chemicals.


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How to wash dishes without detergent?

To get started, we take out all of our dishes, absolutely all, and rub it with mustard powder, then rinse with running water. Why did we do this? In order to wash away the remnants of chemistry from the dishes.

Important! Mustard powder will help you get rid of almost all phosphates. It makes sense to look for how to wash dishes without chemicals, if it has steadily settled behind kitchen utensils?

Next - you need to pick up exactly the homemade detergent that you like. Yes, they are not one, far from one.

Read carefully and choose:

  1. Washing dishes with mustard.
  2. Using ordinary soda and calcined.
  3. Using wood ash.
  4. Using household soap.
  5. With the help of pumpkin leaves.

Each of these methods is valid and now we will consider each of them separately.

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Washing dishes with mustard

This method is the most popular, it was used by our great-great-grandmothers 200 years ago. Now the housewives have improved this method:

  • add a little vinegar to the mustard powder;
  • the whole mixture is stirred in a jar until a homogeneous mixture is obtained;
  • then 3 tablespoons of freshly prepared product is added to hot water and left for 5-10 minutes.

With such water, you need to wash dishes and not worry about safety for health. One simple solution to how to wash dishes without chemicals found.

Important! It is better not to use mustard bought in the store, since it also contains a lot of chemicals.In our version, mustard is easily replaced with mustard powder, which is ideal even for non-stick coating.

The second way to use mustard powder is to pour it in a small amount directly onto a sponge or washcloth and wash the plate with it. This method is only suitable in cases where the dishes do not have Teflon or any other non-stick coating. Any abrasive products, including powder, adversely affect such a surface - it deteriorates and loses its properties.

Important! It is worth noting that mustard does not work best on hands, even if you wear gloves. Therefore, do not strive to do everything better, using a lot of means, do just fine, acting within the framework of the reasonable.

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Washing dishes with soda

Soda, as well as baking soda and soda ash, are powerful tools that can cope with any pollution. But keep in mind that soda can scratch some very sensitive surfaces, such as Teflon. But washing glass, porcelain appliances or a kettle is absolutely safe.

Dip the sponge in plain soda, wipe it with a plate, rinse with water and it will undoubtedly sparkle.

Important! It is better not to wash aluminum kitchen utensils with soda. From her appliances darken.

Soda ash - This is an even more effective tool. Most often, wash basins, pans or pans with it. A tablespoon of such a product is added to a liter of warm water and the dishes are washed with this solution.

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The effect is simply undeniable purity. Such a tool is also advised to wash children's plates and devices, unlike ordinary baking soda, which indicates a high level of safety.

Important! With any soda, you need to work only with gloves, as this is an alkali, not very pleasant for the skin.

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Washing dishes with laundry soap

This method of how to wash dishes without chemicals is just a godsend for today's housewives. It is so versatile that it is easy and harmless to them. For health, you can wash, wash floors and utensils, use it as a shampoo and shower gel.

Important! The laundry soap contains only vegetable and animal fats, which absolutely do no harm to humans.

What is useful for this soap for any kitchen items - it will quickly remove dirt and grease from it, it will also disinfect and relieve many viral diseases. For example, a plate after a person who has the flu should be washed with household soap.

Important! Unlike other detergents with a chemical composition, laundry soap is easily washed off with ordinary running water.

There are several methods for washing dishes with household soap:

  • just lather it on a sponge, and rinse the fat off the plates with foam;
  • grate a small piece of soap, melt the sawdust in water, which can be used to wash the desired item.
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Washing dishes with wood ash

It may sound strange, but ash also helps in the fight against fat on plates, even for children. It is ash that is in second place after soda in the rate of dissolution of fat and other dirt. Our ancestors actively used it, which means we can use it. An especially simple task for those who have a stove or a fireplace at home. It is great for cleaning cast irons, trays and boilers.

The method of using ash is very simple: it is worth pouring it on a damp dish, and then rub the item with a washcloth. Wash off the remaining ash with warm running water.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to use ash from polyethylene, fabric and other waste. For washing dishes only wood ash is suitable.

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Washing dishes with pumpkin leaves

This is probably the easiest way to wash dishes without chemicals, which is often used in villages. One has only to tear out a few leaves of pumpkin and use them instead of a washcloth. Judging by the reviews, this method is also very effective and the problem of how to wash dishes without chemicals has been solved.

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As you can see, our ancestors did remarkably well without detergents, and without other chemicals.Why don’t we try to put phosphates aside, properly set up our way of life and thus extend our life?


