How to apply glue to the wallpaper?

No matter how high-quality the repair in the apartment is, after some time replacement of wall, floor and ceiling coatings will be required. One of the reasons is the natural wear of materials, no less important - the decoration of a room simply bothers why you want to change it. Unfortunately, in our time, not every owner can afford to hire a team of qualified specialists to carry out high-quality repairs in their own house or apartment. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out how to apply glue to the wallpaper in order to carry out their proper gluing with our own hands.

The preparatory stage of gluing

Before wallpapering, you need to prepare the surface of the walls. For this:

  • Remove old decorative coatings.
  • If the surface of the wall is uneven or there are cracks on it, you will definitely need to putty it, eliminating all visible defects.
  • Primer or gluing special paper to the wall surface will help level the surface for gluing a new decorative coating.
  • After all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, the working surface should be flat and slightly rough. Otherwise, decorative products will not hold and quickly become unusable.
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What might come in handy?

For proper wallpapering you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Roller.
  2. Glue.
  3. Bath.
  4. Level.
  5. Putty knife.
  6. Ladder.
  7. Insulating tape.

Before gluing, decorative products must be carefully cut into equally sized strips. To solve this problem, you will need scissors or a stationery knife. It is preferable to choose a knife, because if the blade becomes dull during operation it is very easy to replace it, for this it is enough to simply break the end of the knife. You will need scissors to trim the wallpaper in hard-to-reach places, for example, near sockets and switches.

Important! The stores also have a large assortment of special knives for wallpaper that you can use. However, if you are not a professional, we do not recommend using them, since you can spoil your wallpaper for them by making the wrong cut.

Varieties of wallpaper

After cutting the wallpaper into the pieces you need, you can begin to paste them. There are several types of wallpaper that need to be soaked with glue:

  • textile;
  • paper;
  • vinyl.

For gluing, you need to apply glue directly to their surface, let them lie down when folded for several minutes. In all other cases, the adhesive is applied directly to the wall surface.

Important! Also, modern manufacturers can offer you the type of wallpaper, on the surface of which an adhesive composition has already been applied. Such products simply need to be slightly moistened with water.


To figure out which type the wallpaper you purchased belongs to, the icon drawn on the outside of the liner will help:

  1. If a vessel with water and a vertical strip is drawn, this is the wallpaper that you just need to moisten with water.
  2. A brush is drawn and a vertical strip are those coatings on which glue is not applied.
  3. The vertical strip and brush are the products on which you need to apply glue and allow them to soak.

It is with these notations that the manufacturer tells you how to apply glue to the wallpaper so that it is best fixed on a previously prepared surface and will please you for the longest possible time.

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Glue application

After buying a decorative wall covering, many people ask, what is the best way to apply glue to the wallpaper? To solve this problem, you need a brush or roller. In any hardware store you can pick up the tool that will best suit you for price and quality.

Important! In terms of convenience, it is the roller that is more preferable. A brush can handle small parts.

Choosing a wallpaper roller

It is best to purchase a wide foam roll for wallpaper glue. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to acquire such a tool, then a roller made of natural or artificial fur, velor or made of artificial wool, can adequately replace it.

Important! Pay attention to the rollers from the domestic manufacturer, because they have a more affordable price than imported counterparts, but they do not differ in quality from them.

When choosing a tool, be sure to consider that not every roller will fit your bucket in size. Therefore, you still need to purchase a special bath for the complete impregnation of the tool with glue. Some stores sell ready-made sets, which include a roller and bath.

Important! Try to purchase a collapsible roller, so that after use and loss of its basic properties with a fur coat, this structural element can be replaced.

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Directly sticking process

After the wallpaper is completely saturated with the adhesive applied to their surface, you can proceed directly to the gluing procedure:

  • Apply glue to the wall. You need to start sticking from the window area.

Important! Do not forget that the entire quality of the work will depend on the proper gluing of the first canvas. Take this very responsibly.

  • To glue the first strip, use the construction level, while always take into account the unevenness of the floor and ceiling. There are cases when the ceiling height in one corner is significantly different from the height in the other, so when cutting the wallpaper, take a small margin.
  • After gluing, the length of the wallpaper can be easily adjusted to the necessary parameters with the help of an office knife.
  • After gluing the wallpaper you will need a special plastic spatula - this is a tool with soft and elastic edges that will help get rid of bumps and blisters on the surface. To use such a tool you need to carefully, with strong pressure, you can break the wallpaper. If you do not have such a device, do not be discouraged, it can be replaced with a brush or rag.

Important! You will also need rags to remove excess glue from the surface of the wallpaper, but for this it is better to use a dry, clean sponge to wash the dishes.

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Useful Tips:

  • Gluing wallpaper from a stool or from a table is quite inconvenient and traumatic, so experts recommend buying a stepladder. If you decide on such an acquisition, then you should choose a ladder made of aluminum, because it is quite durable and light.

Important! To avoid accidents, we recommend that you de-energize the room where wallpapering will be done. If this is not possible, then sockets and switches can be sealed with electrical tape.

  • It will take about a day to completely dry the freshly glued wallpaper.
  • When sticking and drying the wall covering, drafts should be avoided.
  • Try so that direct sunlight does not fall on the wallpaper, because they do not like temperature changes and can simply fall off.
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We sincerely hope that the recommendations in this article will help you to paste wallpaper in your own apartment without any problems, and accordingly - your home will get an attractive and neat look.

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