How to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom?

Tile is the most common wallcovering in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. This is due to high quality characteristics, long life and incredible beauty that can be created using such a material. The main disadvantage of the tile coating is that over time, the joints between the tiles darken.

Dark seams between tiles are a sign that dust, dirt or fungus has accumulated in the gap between the main material. Today we will talk with you about such an urgent problem and find out how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom.

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Why do the seams between the tiles darken?

After laying the tile, the appearance is quite attractive. However, time passes and the seams between the tiles begin to darken, then even the most expensive and beautiful work will not please the eye. Darkening the seams between the base material is a natural process that cannot be prevented. Knowing certain rules and tips, you can eliminate this shortcoming or reduce it several times.

Natural causes of darkening of joints:

  • increased humidity in the bathroom;
  • the interaction of steam and chemical compounds found in soap means evaporates into the air;
  • in the kitchen, the gap darkens due to drops of fat, food and garbage, which is inevitable in this part of the house;
  • contamination of the joints in the hallway is due to dust and dirt that we bring from the street on shoes.

In addition to the above items, darkening of the gaps between the tiles can occur for unnatural reasons associated with improper installation of the tile.

Technological reasons for changing the color of the seam between the tiles:

  • during installation, a special primer was not used, which prevents the appearance of mold and fungus;
  • the grouting powder was not additionally protected with a special liquid, therefore it is quickly contaminated;
  • before grouting the gaps, no glue residue was cleaned;
  • there is no ventilation in the room or the heating system is turned off;
  • there is no care for the tiled surface and dirt has simply clogged between the seams.

In order to solve the problem as little as possible, how to clean your seams between the tiles in the bathroom, it is necessary to regularly carry out cleaning work on these surfaces. Even the minimum amount of dust and dirt that has formed in the gap between the tiles serves as an excellent medium for the propagation of the fungus. This is especially true for work surfaces near the sink, washbasin and in the bathroom.

Important! It is recommended that you wipe the surfaces once a few days from contamination and soapy water. This will take you no more than ten minutes, but as little as possible you will face the problem of contaminated joints.

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Clearing the gaps between the tiles on the floor

During cleaning, each housewife focuses on the surface, while not paying attention to the seams between the tiles. However, this is not entirely correct, because after several such cleanings, you will notice a darkening of the gaps between the tiles and immediately you will have a question, how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom? Below we will give you some tips for each part of the house.

We clean the floor in the bathroom

To clean the dirt and dust on the floor in the bathroom, you will need to use an ordinary soap solution and a toothbrush. Of course, you can use others - chlorine-containing, antibacterial, funds that will allow you to cope with this disadvantage.

Important! If mold or fungus has formed on your floor, then you will need to free the seams from the old grout and apply a new one. Pre-primed all surfaces. With this simple way, you will protect your floor from the appearance of this disadvantage and as little as possible will think about how to wipe the seams between the tiles in the bathroom

Washing the seams on the kitchen floor

Cleaning tile joints in the bathroom takes much less time and effort than in the kitchen. This is due to the fact that the kitchen is a more aggressive environment than

a bathroom. Here the remnants of food fall most often, soot and fat spread.

To eliminate contamination in the gaps between the tiles, it is recommended to use a brush with a hard pile and special tools. To do this, chlorine-containing or antibacterial fluids containing special substances are suitable for you. If you do not have this, then a soap solution can also cope with this problem. But you have to act longer and more intensively.kak-ochistit-shvy-mezhdu-plitkoj1

We clean the toilet

If you compare cleaning in the toilet and cleaning tile joints in the bathroom, then you will spend less time and effort on cleaning the bathroom. This is due to the fact that we bring the least pollution to this part of the house. There is no hostile environment and we do not spend much time there.

In order to clean the gaps between the tiles in the toilet, you need to have a soap solution and a sponge. In just five minutes, you can clean the entire surface that you need.

Important! After installing the tile, it is very important to see that the remnants of the glue are removed, since dirt will appear in this place very quickly, and removing these “spots” will be problematic. In order to eliminate this drawback, you will need to:

  • remove all grout;
  • clean tile joints from the old adhesive with sandpaper or a special tool;
  • grout again.

Only then can you get rid of the darkening of these places.

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Methods for cleaning tile joints from contamination

When deciding how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, there are several ways. It is a chemical, folk and mechanical. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Chemical way

As you might guess from the title of this chapter, the chemical method is to use a product that contains various chemicals. The modern market provides a huge variety of different tools to combat this shortcoming. It is enough to go to any hardware store - you will be immediately offered 5-6 brands in the fight against dirt and mold, which is present in the gaps between ceramic products.

When choosing a chemical-based product, you should pay attention to the environment in which you can apply and the composition. So:

  • For the bathroom, purchase fluids that contain bleaching agents or bleach.
  • For the kitchen - give preference to an alkaline solution or oxygen bleach.

All these products, regardless of their destination, are sold in the form of sprays, powders and liquids.

Important! On sale there is a special pencil that is able to close up the flaws of the seams. However, in terms of its quality characteristics, it does not occupy a high position, since it is not able to cope even with an average degree of pollution. It is more used to eliminate small spots than for mold and fungus.

Mechanical way

Mechanical methods include abrasive substances and powders, which need to clean the tile joints in the bathroom.To complete this step, you will need a piece of sandpaper or a flexible polishing wheel. Using these two tools, you can clean the gap by removing a layer of grout affected by mold or fungus.

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Folk ways to combat mold and other pollution in the joints between tiles

Let's look at several options that have proved to be the best improvised tools in the fight against mold and dirt gaps between the tiles.

The use of soda and hydrogen peroxide

The first way is to use soda and hydrogen peroxide. To complete this action, you need to:

  1. Take 50 ml of hydroperite, ¾ cup of ordinary baking soda.
  2. Mix all this with one tablespoon of any dishwashing liquid.
  3. Apply to the gaps between the tiled products with a brush. You can’t even rub it.
  4. Leaving this product for 15 minutes.
  5. After that, having cleaned it, you will see that all the seams have become snow-white.

A mixture of vinegar and soda

The second method involves the use of soda, vinegar and water in two stages:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to mix three parts of soda and one part of water. After that, you apply this tool to the gaps between the ceramic products with a hard-bristled brush.
  2. In the second stage, you mix vinegar with water in equal parts, pour into a spray bottle and spray on the first layer. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. At the end of this time, you will see that soda and vinegar have done their job and cleared all the gaps.

Citric Acid and Soda

To create this folk remedy, you will need:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • ⅓ cup citric ordinary acid;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • ½ cup baking soda.

To clean the tile joints in the bathroom, you need to mix all these ingredients, rub into the gaps and leave for 20-30 minutes. After that, simply wipe the acid application site with water.

Important! Such a tool copes with dirt, soap stains and rust.

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Tips for clean seams

In order to think less often about how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, you need to adhere to some rules and tips. Despite the fact that the tiled material is the most durable, reliable and durable, it is worth taking care of it regularly and do not forget about the gaps between the elements of the monolithic coating.

Tile Tips:

  • If your tile coating has a glossy texture, then you should refuse various abrasive substances, brushes with metal or hard pile.
  • Some acidic substances adversely affect ceramic products. That is why you must first try the product on an invisible area, and only then apply it to the entire surface
  • It is worth washing the tiles with specially designed products that eliminate dust, dirt, limescale and mildew of a small degree.
  • To care for matt ceramic surfaces, it is worthwhile to purchase special gel-like products that favorably affect the surface, while giving it a greater shine.
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Following our advice and knowing how to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom, your ceramic surface will always shine and have perfect cleanliness! Accordingly, being in the kitchen or bath will be much more pleasant, and the feeling of comfort in your home will be stable.

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