What is the difference between a carpet and a palace?

Carpets have long been used to decorate and warm homes, because it is much more pleasant to walk on the warm fluffy floor, especially in winter. But in our time, a good quality carpet made of natural materials costs a lot of money. True, there is a large selection of different coatings on sale, which, despite their synthetic, or partially synthetic origin, can make a natural coating worthy of competition. At a price they are more affordable and in appearance are also quite impressive. So what is better to get - a carpet, a rug or a carpet? Let's understand the intricacies of coatings to find out how a carpet differs from a carpet.

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Types of carpet

First of all, you need to define all types of carpet products in order to roughly understand what it is:

  • Carpet - made of yarn or synthetic substitutes. Products differ in the technique of weaving, manufacturing and, as a result, in price. Synthetic models are cheaper than natural ones.

Important! Some products are of artistic value.

  • Palace is also a carpet, but lint-free and double-sided. Usually, natural wool threads are used for its manufacture, sometimes - combinations of wool with durable synthetic materials. The result is a very hardy product that does not retain dirt and gives moisture well. As a rule, rugs are not monophonic, they have a beautiful pattern.
  • Carpet - a soft floor covering, which is made from natural and synthetic materials. It does not have a certain size, as it is sold by footage and rolled into rolls of a certain width. They cover the entire floor of the room - from wall to wall.

Important! The main difference between the carpet and the carpet is precisely this, because the last two can be put in any place convenient for you, and the carpet covers the entire floor of the room, so it is not necessary to lay a laminate or linoleum or other coating under it.

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What is good carpet?

  • Besides the fact that it is just pleasant to the touch, which is important in itself, it has high sound insulation.
  • Has a fairly long shelf life. But here, of course, you need to proceed from how much quality product you bought.
  • It can be used not only in apartments, but also in offices and other premises.
  • You can lay it on the floor yourself, for this you will not need the help of professionals.
  • Affordable - this is a cheaper coating than both other flooring options.

Important! If you are considering the option of buying just such material for finishing the floor in the living room, hallway or staircase in a private house, be sure to look at the information from the following articles:

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Carpet and Palace - what are the differences?

If we compare the carpet and the palace, just putting them next to each other, the differences are striking:

  • The first option usually has a pile, while the palace is “bald”.
  • The palace always has a rectangular shape, but a natural product for decorating the floor can be round, oval, etc.
  • Since the carpet is often hung on the wall, its color is brighter, it is decorated with many patterns. The palace is aimed more at practicality than at beauty, since it is used only as a floor covering.
  • Putting the palace can only be on a perfectly flat surface, as it does not hide its flaws. So that he does not move and does not form ugly folds, he is pulled and glued to the surface. With the carpet, such difficulties are not needed. It has a decent weight, due to which it does not slip and does not budge.

Important! Such additional floor coverings are usually chosen not only in terms of practicality, but also interior decoration. Therefore, you need to think not only about the type of material, but also its appearance. All detailed recommendations for choosing a suitable design for decorative flooring can be found in our article. "Carpets in the interior".

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Advantages of a carpet over a carpet

Many people wonder what is better to buy - a carpet or carpet. Of course, if your question does not rest on finances, then we will describe the advantages of a carpet over its analogue. The choice is yours. So, let's begin:

  • Whatever one may say, the life of a natural decorative product is longer than that of its “friend”, and the choice of colors will be richer.
  • If the carpet is tired, it can be folded and cleaned, or transferred to another room, or hung on the wall, and if it gets dirty, take it to dry cleaning.
  • In such rooms as a kitchen, a nursery or a corridor, where there is a high risk of pollution, it is better not to lay a carpet, as it is then difficult to clean it. But to put a carpet there is quite possible - it will decorate the room and insulate, and in case of pollution it is easy to clean.
  • Carpets can also be used as decor - to decorate a room, which you cannot do with its modern counterpart.

People often ask whether it is possible to use a carpet instead of a carpet. We answer: it is possible instead, but it is possible together. Sometimes a carpet is laid on top of a carpet. So if you can’t decide which is better, buy both.

Important! No matter what type of coating you choose, you will need to keep it clean on a regular basis. To do this, browse through our selection of useful tips and choose the appropriate methods and tools for you, so that if necessary quickly and easily clean the carpet.

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In principle, the choice of the best flooring is determined based on the specific conditions of the room itself, your financial capabilities and the style of the room. We hope that thanks to a detailed description of all the features of different types of such products, you can quickly make the right decision.


