How to wash acrylic paint?

Acrylic paints are one of the most popular types of paints, and all because they are almost universal. But since far from every time it is possible to be extremely accurate when using them and drops or even whole smudges can still appear on various objects, it is quite appropriate to talk about how to wash acrylic paint from different surfaces.

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How to wash?

Water-dispersed acrylic paints are considered one of the easily washable. But even considering this feature, you may have problems. This is due to the fact that in any paint and varnish products there are additives that give it its special properties.

The composition of this material includes:

  1. Water.
  2. Coloring pigment.
  3. Acrylic Acid
  4. Film former - a substance that provides solidification after application.

From this we can conclude that the sooner you try to wash off the acrylic paint from the surface on which it fell, the better and faster this process will be completed.

Necessary materials

Before you reduce unwanted traces of such solutions, you need to know how to wash off the acrylic paint, and what materials you will need in the process.

Below are listed ways to remove unwanted paint spots, and now we give a complete list of materials and substances necessary for this task:

  1. Materials - sponge, brush, rubber gloves, respirator, soft rag, glasses.
  2. Cleaning agents - warm water, nail polish remover, acetone, kerosene, dishwashing liquid, white spirit, paint remover.


Important! Even if you have a large pool of acrylic mortar on the floor, you should not immediately prepare all of the above. All of these tools are used one at a time, and not at a time. What exactly you may need can be solved only by practical tests of the effect on pollution of a particular substance.

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Wash Methods

The well-known fact that the faster you try to reduce the paint stain, the easier it will be. And so they share the ways in which it is possible to wash off a stain accidentally put on any surface.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. If the paint is still completely fresh and has not had time to dry, then you will not need to resort to the use of chemicals. Such a solution is perfectly washed off by clean warm water. For example, if after work you need to wash the brushes, then just soak them in warm water for 20 minutes, then rinse with running water.
  2. The process will become more complex if you need to wash the acrylic paint, which is applied during the day and has already managed to dry. The question is how to wash the acrylic paint, is solved as follows: any degreasing agent and brush. All this needs to be washed thoroughly, and then treated with warm water.
  3. This, the most difficult option of all possible, suggests that the paint has been on the surface for a long time and managed to completely dry. This case is solved by the use of liquid chemically aggressive agents, such as gasoline, kerosene, acetone. In this case, protect yourself with protective clothing and apply the chosen product to the surface with a sponge. For about 30 minutes, the paint should soften and wash off with a cloth dampened in the same liquid.

As you can see, in fact, the process of laundering even old paint is nothing complicated. Therefore, everyone can safely do this with their own hands.

Paint remover

This tool is worth it to highlight it in a separate paragraph. Such washes are very convenient to use and quickly enough give a really high-quality result. But when buying such a product, one must take into account that there is both a universal wash and only for acrylic.

Important! Observe safety measures when using such a substance. It has an unpleasant pungent odor and is unsafe for the skin - it can corrode.

For application:

  • dampen the cloth in the wash;
  • wipe the required surface;
  • leave it for 10 minutes;
  • wipe with a clean, dry rag.

Universal cleaner

Such a tool is perfect for removing stains of paint from various products. You can buy it in radio parts stores. Its main purpose is to degrease these very details, but it copes well with acrylic spots. This is due to the fact that the composition includes gasoline and alcohol.

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Useful Tips

Finally, you need to give recommendations that will allow you to most effectively deal with the question of how and what to wash off acrylic paint. When cleaning different materials and surfaces, certain nuances are slightly different:

  1. Before using this or that product on the surface, it must be tested on an inconspicuous part of the product.
  2. If the tolerance test fails, the agent is replaced with a less aggressive one.
  3. In most cases, it is impossible to wipe unwanted stains from fabrics and clothes. Even if the stain moves away, the material will be spoiled.
  4. Against fresh pollution help sunflower oil. Do as follows: wipe the contaminated place and then soak the product in hot water with laundry soap for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Also, white spirit or “Vanish” can be an assistant in getting rid of it, but if you couldn’t get rid of unwanted traces completely, try to disguise it with an application.
  6. From surfaces such as metal, laminate, linoleum, you can try to remove traces by scraping them with a knife. This must be done very carefully and gently so as not to damage the coating.
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Now that you know how and with what to wash acrylic paint, you can safely start everything that concerns its use and not be afraid to paint something superfluous.

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