How to wash your hands after oily?

With the onset of autumn, mushroom collectors become more active and their passion for this matter can be understood - mushrooms are rich in protein, minerals and useful trace elements. The second positive point is that it is always nice to eat your own meals, rather than bought in a store or restaurant. The one who rarely picks mushrooms usually falls into a peculiar trap - he picks up the butter and brings them home, cleaned and cooked them, then he finds his blackened hands, and tomorrow at work.
As you know, spots from these mushrooms are the most difficult to remove. Therefore, you need to know for sure how to wash your hands after being oiled. Agree, it is not very nice to show hands on which blackness under the nails and spotting on the fingertips.
to contents ↑Precautionary measures
An experienced mushroom picker has long known that in the first place you need to stock up on gloves:
- for collecting butter - with ordinary cloth;
- for cleaning and washing - with rubber;
- for slicing during cooking - cellophane.
to contents ↑Important! If you don’t have gloves at hand, and you collect mushrooms in order to taste them at your summer cottage, without returning to the city and there are no shops nearby, then take advantage of what you can find: unnecessary rags, plastic bags, all kinds of bags and more. After such gestures, the question of how to wash your hands from oil will simply disappear by itself, without appearing.
We remove traces of oil
Polevye - this is our butter, in a scientific way. If you are the kind of person who rarely picks mushrooms and unknowingly gets his hands dirty, then the following methods will surely come in handy to wash your hands after being oiled.
Important! These mushrooms have a very strong coloring pigment, which is eaten even more strongly if you use soap. Therefore, forget about soap, if your stains are from oily. The second element, which is generally contraindicated to use to remove such contaminants, is alcohols. Any. They clog and dry the skin, narrow pores. Brown marks are guaranteed to stay long.
The first method that works flawlessly is cleaning your hands with vinegar or lemon. Acids have long been used in everyday life for cleaning the body and tissues from complex contaminants. How to wash your hands after cleaning is oiled with vinegar and citric acid - there are several ways to act.
Method 1:
- Dissolve vinegar in water in a ratio of 2 parts water and one part vinegar.
- Dip your hands in a container with a solution for five to six minutes.
- Rub with a hard washcloth.
- Rinse under the tap and repeat the procedure if necessary.
- Apply cream to dry hands.
Method 2:
- Do the same, but after holding your hands in an acetic solution.
- Then add three to four teaspoons of soda and then rub with a washcloth.
So it will be more effective.
Method 3:
If you have a lemon - good. If not, then citric acid is also able to help. So:
- Rub your hands with lemon and leave it for five minutes.
- If there is no lemon, dilute a bag of citric acid in a bowl of warm water and dip your hands in the solution for five minutes.
Important! Then you can wash it with a washcloth soaped with soap. Although we wrote above that soap is not allowed, in this case it is necessary. Having reacted with citric acid, the pigment changed its composition and now it can be washed with soap. After the procedure, apply cream on your hands.
How to wash your hands after oiling if there are no acids in the house? An excellent powder for cleaning everything that is possible is soda:
- Make porridge by mixing soda with water.
- Put it on your hands.
- Hold for a few minutes and then rub with something very hard, pumice, of course, is ideal.
- After - be sure to apply the cream on the skin.
How to wash your hands after oil quickly - is it acetone or, which is more common and any woman has at home, an ordinary, the most inexpensive nail polish remover. The spots go away quickly, but it’s more harmful for the skin, after all, chemistry.
The procedure is simple:
- Soak liquid with cotton or cotton pad.
- Wipe off stains until they completely or to a greater extent disappear.
- Apply a nourishing cream to your hands.
If at all none of the above is near, then 100% percent, pumice is always there. Wipe stains with it until you wipe away everything that you could.
Important! Pumice is able to completely remove all impurities, but only if you use it immediately after exposure to “mushroom staining” on your hands. If you did not immediately start cleaning, the pumice can not cope without additional funds.
This option will help to remove what is left when you have already done something to remove traces of oil. And he also kills two birds with one stone - and the clothes are clean, and the hands are washed.
to contents ↑Important! To make your hands completely clean from such pollution is possible only if you cut the nails under the root. Sadly, it’s impossible to wash your nails from oil.
How to wipe stains from other mushrooms?
Since the pigment of other fungi is less corrosive, it is much easier to wash. We list several options.
- Dilute ordinary chlorine bleach in a small amount of warm water.
- Wash your hands with this washcloth or medium-hard brush.
- The spots turn pale and after a while completely disappear.
Soap is applicable here - it's not oily. Just make a concentrated soap solution and rub your hands with a pumice stone.
to contents ↑Stock footage
The above methods for removing mushroom traces will also help. Pick mushrooms and be healthy!
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