How to wash silicone sealant from hands?

When performing repair work and laying building materials using sealant on your own, the problem of soiled hands is almost inevitable. Well, if when working with such materials you used gloves to protect the skin from not only dirt, but also from burns. However, if you closed up cracks and seams without the necessary protective equipment, then there is already a particularly urgent question how to wash silicone sealant from your hands. In this article, we will share with you the most effective and painless methods of cleaning the skin from building materials.

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What is silicone sealant?

Before you think about how to wash the sealant from your hands, you should understand what kind of substance it is, what its properties and main goals of use are. Silicone sealing material is a strong building mixture, which has excellent adhesive properties and reliably adheres to almost any surface. This property is very beneficial if you need to close up cracks or joints. However, if a drop of the substance got on the surface of the furniture, clothes or the skin of the hands, then its removal can be a real problem.

Important! The use of silicone sealant is very diverse, because with this tool you can close the cracks in the windows, process the joints between the plumbing and the walls, glue the mirrors, tear-off tiles, etc.

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How to wash your hands from silicone sealant?

If, after construction and repair work, the sealant got his hands dirty and froze on the surface of the skin, the following remedies will help to quickly and painlessly get rid of pollution:

  • ethanol;
  • soap;
  • acetone-based varnish remover;
  • washing powder;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pumice;
  • petrol.
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Practical cleaning methods

When deciding how to wash the sealant off your hands, you can choose one of the cleaning methods or use them comprehensively, thereby ensuring faster and better cleansing of your skin.

Important! Try to remove silicone from the skin as quickly as possible, as it can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of redness and rashes.

Depending on your household facilities and personal preferences, select one of the following cleaning methods.


Method No. 1 - Package and Soap

To wash silicone sealant from your hands, do the following:

  • Wipe your hands with a plastic bag, in the process of friction, the silicone will stick to the surface.
  • In running water, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Repeat the procedure until the contamination completely leaves the skin.

Method number 2 - soap and pumice

With fresh contamination, it is best to take the following measures to wash your hands from silicone sealant:

  • Dip your hands in a bowl of hot water.

Important! Water should be hot, but not boiling, because it is necessary that the substance on your hands softens under the influence of temperature, but your skin should not get burns.

  • Hold your hands in water for several minutes.
  • Soap the skin with soap and rub a little with a piece of pumice.
  • Wash off soap and sealant from hands under running water.

Method No. 3 - Acetic solution

This method will help you get rid of even a fairly solid solution.Table vinegar is one of the most effective means, however, it should be used quite carefully and in accordance with the following instructions:

  • A solution of vinegar with water is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  • Wash your hands with a solution.
  • Remove any acid residues from your hands with ordinary water and soap.

Method 4 - Solvents

Also a very practical and effective method to wash the sealant from your hands is to use solvents such as acetone, nail polish remover or gasoline. If your house has at least one of these substances, then adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Apply the product on the surface of the cotton pad.
  • Carefully treat all dirt on the skin.
  • Take a bar of regular toilet soap.
  • Having thoroughly washed the skin, rinse it well in the water flowing from the tap.

Method No. 5 - Vegetable Oil

To wash building sealant from the skin, ordinary vegetable oil will help, which is used in the following way:

  • Heat a little vegetable oil in a small container.
  • Rub your skin with warm oil.
  • Rub all available drops of mortar with detergent until the traces disappear.
  • Wash skin with soap and water.

Method No. 6 - Ethyl Alcohol

If there is ethyl alcohol in the house, then when used correctly, you can quickly and without consequences get rid of the sealant on the skin. Apply this medical solution as follows:

  • Dip a cotton swab in alcohol.
  • Wipe all areas of dirt on the skin.
  • Wash your hands under running water to remove residual sealant and dirt.
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Useful Tips:

  1. Immediately after detecting building material on the skin, wipe the contaminated area with woolen material.
  2. After the repair work, try to treat your hands with a greasy cream that softens the skin and helps it relieve stress painlessly.
  3. Regardless of what you decide to wash your hands with silicone sealant, after cleaning, be sure to wash your skin with soap and water under running water.
  4. When working with building materials, try to use special protective equipment - a respirator and gloves.
  5. If you don’t stock up on gloves in advance or if the rubber is torn, you can protect your hands with soapy foam. Lather your hands thoroughly and liberally and dry them. The resulting soap film will reliably protect the skin from damage and prevent the adhesion of building sealant.
  6. Prefer the use of quality building material from well-known and trusted manufacturers. Such a choice will help you not only ensure the high quality of repair work, but also protect yourself from the manifestation of allergic and inflammatory reactions.
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Now you can safely make the planned repairs, without worrying about how to wash the silicone sealant from your hands, because you already have a list of funds. We hope you quickly get the job done, and if something goes wrong and the building mixture gets on your skin, you can easily remove it.

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