How to wash wax 🥝 from a candle off glass

Nowadays, electric energy gives us all the benefits, but despite the fact that technology has reached perfection, there’s no escape from using candles when lights are turned off throughout the area. In addition, candles sometimes create coziness and a warm atmosphere, ideal for a date, a heart-to-heart conversation or a relaxing solitude with oneself. But, the romance ends, the electricity is turned on and you find that the candles left their tracks. How to wash the wax or paraffin when this happened, you will read in this article. And to exclude any questions on the removal of such substances, we added information on how to wash wax after depilation.
to contents ↑What is wax like?
The most common substances for making candles are wax and paraffin. We all know what wax is. We also know the words “paraffin” and “stearin”. But most often on the market there are candles made of paraffin - an easily melting material obtained from oil, without taste and smell, very similar to wax. Recently, wax itself is most often used precisely for depilation and other cosmetic procedures. Therefore, the solution to the problems will be different, depending on whether you need to wash the wax or paraffin.
to contents ↑How to wipe wax from furniture and linoleum?
Getting on hard surfaces, wax or paraffin dries up and simply wiping off such “bloopers” with a cloth, especially from furniture, is unrealistic. Scratching the material with a knife or wire brushes, you risk irreparable damage to the coating. Below you will find some practical tips on how and how to wipe wax and paraffin from furniture, floors, sinks and other hard surfaces without harming them.
Suede upholstery
First, let's talk about the upholstery from suede, because it is a very delicate and finicky material. If you have just this, then you need to:
- To start, iron it with a moderately hot iron through a clean, not thick paper.
- Then raise the pile with a brush.
- Immediately after this, you need to take a special brush for suede, moisten it with a solution of “water plus ammonia” and clean the textiles (3-5 drops of ammonia per 1 cup of water are enough).
Important! In the case of suede clothing, do not use the same method. Iron may deform the shape. Hold things over steam and then clean damaged areas with a stiff brush.
How to wash the wax or paraffin if there was an embarrassment - they knocked over or shook the candle and the hot molten substance hit the wooden surface: a table, armrest, chest of drawers and other furniture? We act like this:
- First you need to scrub carefully - not with a knife. Take something plastic, such as a bank card or a store discount.
- After scraping, with a heated hairdryer, melt the candle marks, but do not allow very hot temperatures so as not to spoil the material.
- After seeing that the wax has warmed, blot the stain with a dry absorbent cloth or toilet paper.
- Polish the surface with a rag with a pile.
There is another way to wipe wax from wooden furniture:
- Use paper towels to cover surfaces with spilled and solidified substance. Iron with a warm iron until all the paraffin has melted and absorbed into the paper.
- After this procedure, wipe a still warm surface with a cloth dampened in table vinegar, wipe dry with strong movements, as if polishing.
Important! After the furniture is opened with varnish, it is necessary to rub with polish. It is advisable not to iron it, but to act with the first method, otherwise - with too much heat, the varnish will swell. Also pay attention to the fact that wax from a colored candle usually leaves, respectively, colored spots. After removing oil traces, then use the standard technology that you usually use to remove dyes and other stains from suede and wood.
With dishes, the situation is much simpler than with any other items. Here you will find these methods useful.
Method 1
The easiest method is to wash the wax and paraffin from the dishes, if you do not want to damage it and leave scratches. To simultaneously remove hardened substance and degrease surfaces, do this:
- Pour water into a large pot.
- Pour dishwashing detergent there and lay down all the utensils on which the wax is left.
- Put the resulting structure on fire, let the water boil and that's it - it's done.
- The paraffin is gone, the detergent has removed all the fat.
Important! This is a very gentle option that is suitable even for glass and porcelain.
Method 2
Another option is to keep the dishes over the steam where the candle marks are:
- Boil water in any container convenient for you.
- Substitute for steam all those parts of the utensil that have stains.
- After steaming them, wash them with dry, clean absorbent paper until they are completely wiped off.
Important! Before this procedure, glassware must be very carefully dipped in boiling water so that it does not crack from steam.
Method 3
This method is good where there are no urban amenities. In the same way as above steam, you can warm and remove wax from dishes over an open, but as safe as possible fire: bonfire, burner, and more. Proceed according to method two.
Important! When using the last two options, it is recommended to wear gloves on your hands to get trays or something similar so as not to burn your hands. At the cottage or in the village, if there are none, just take gloves for repair work or, if there are no cloth gloves at all, try to protect your hands with whatever fabric you find.
How to wash wax and paraffin that has gotten carelessly on clothes? The iron is your faithful assistant, and here it will cope perfectly. It is necessary:
- to put under pollution and pollution a multilayer dry paper towel or another, well absorbing paper, previously folded in several layers;
- put something cloth on top of the entire structure - the flannel is perfect; do not use a too hot iron to iron the spot, periodically changing dirty paper to clean.
The method is suitable for both clothes and tablecloths, curtains and other fabrics decorating your home.
Important! Remember about candles with dyes. After getting rid of the wax, wash your laundry with soap and water - color stains will disappear.
When the oil substance hardens on the carpet, many do not know how and how to wipe the wax or paraffin from the carpet correctly, and make mistakes. This is done with ice. Just replace the heat with cold.
The plus here is that the thickness of the carpet does not allow the substance to seep deep, which is why ice is an excellent tool.
You do not need to do any complicated actions with this method:
- Put ice on the spot, which is best wrapped in cellophane, or the modern option is a cellophane layer with frozen cubes.
- Wait for the paraffin to freeze very much.
- Clean it from the surface with a knife.
Important! Use a carpet stain remover and clean it as a standard if stained wax gets in.
Another way that carpets can be saved from paraffin and wax is with the same iron. You do as with clothes, but you don’t need to put anything under the pollution - only from above.
Candle holders
Before washing the wax and paraffin from the candlestick, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which it is made:
- Metal can be safely lowered into boiling water and wait for the wax to depart.
- But stone, glass, clay and ceramic lining - on the contrary, it is better to freeze in a freezer. Frozen paraffin crumbles remarkably.
How to remove wax after depilation?
How to wipe the wax after depilation is a question that pains, perhaps, a large part of the female population who perform this procedure to remove hair at home. The problem arises from various factors, but they do arise. The smooth and beautiful skin after the procedure brings joy, which is greatly overshadowed by the frozen wax substance, which cannot be removed in any way.
In fact, such problems can be avoided if you carefully prepare for the procedure and do not miss important details:
- When purchasing ready-made kits sold in stores, remember that there must be a special bag with napkins soaked with the very liquid that painlessly removes absolutely all wax after home depilation.
- If you use a special heating apparatus, into which a wax cassette is inserted, and you buy the strips separately, then you need a very oily lotion. With this method of depilation, you need to act as quickly and professionally as possible - apply a thin layer of wax and wash its remains with lotion instantly from each strip, preventing it from drying out.
- The strips must be pressed as tightly as possible to the hairline, then the hairs will take the maximum part of the substance with them, leaving a minimum on the skin.
Attention! Wash off the wax substance with water is unrealistic. It’s better not to even think about it.
Removing remaining wax
Well, if you could not avoid this problem, here are a few ways to clean the wax after home depilation.
Option number 1
Soak a dry napkin in any oil available in the house (several can be), preheating the oil to a temperature acceptable to the body. Or apply such oil on cotton wool - as it is more convenient, so do it.
Now with what happened, wash your wax residue. Add cotton pads to the arsenal - they are also convenient to work with.
Option number 2:
- In places with adhering substance, apply a greasy cream or lotion.
- Wait a few minutes.
- Remove cream and softened wax with a cotton pad.
- Repeat as necessary as needed.
Option number 3
Not everyone can handle it, but the method is very effective. With a heated hairdryer, you can melt the wax at the sawed-off spots and it can be easily removed.
to contents ↑Important! There is a risk of burns, be extremely careful!
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Now you fully own the information on how to wash wax from candles and depilation of any type, composition. Indulge yourself with pleasant moments and the beauty of your body, and let the question of wax frozen on furniture, floor or leather do not bother you anymore.
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