How to remove mold on the stroller?

The occurrence of mold on the child’s transport materials is a very common problem, as it is often stored in dark and poorly ventilated rooms. Therefore, every housewife should have information on how to remove mold on a stroller quickly and without damaging the tissues.

Important! If the stroller mattress is the main focus of the spread of mold, then it is best to throw it away, since it is simply impossible to remove the fungus from porous products. If you leave the problem to chance, you will constantly observe the process of flowering and the spread of mold to other parts of the stroller.

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What is mold?

Before we begin the discussion of cleaning methods, we will consider what mold is and what harm it carries in itself.

Mold is fungal microorganisms that appeared on our planet long before the appearance of a person on it. It has the properties of rapid reproduction and great vitality. High humidity, poor access to fresh air - the most optimal habitat and reproduction of the fungus. Mold spores are capable of producing toxins, and due to the natural air currents they are carried over fairly long distances.

Important! Mold spores live in the air of any room.

Soaring in the air, fungal spores affect almost all objects. Mold responds well to frosts, it freezes during large colds, and with an increase in temperature it begins to actively form spores. As for high temperatures, they are detrimental to the fungus.

Important! You should know that some types of mold can be completely destroyed only by exposing it to a 100-degree temperature for several hours.

In poorly ventilated or completely sealed rooms, the concentration of mold spores of the fungus is so high that our body’s filters cannot cope with breathing. Due to this, toxic microorganisms settle in the lungs, penetrate deep into the lung tissue. The greatest danger to the human body is black mold.


Important! Scientists have proven that some types of mold can cause the following disorders of the human body:

  • Allergies, often turning into asthma.
  • Diathesis in young children.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Frequent migraines.
  • Otitis.
  • Bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Mycotoxicosis.

Often, doctors shrug, not understanding where the disease came from in an absolutely healthy person before. Everything turns out to be both very simple and very complicated - the air we breathe.

The body of a small child is weak, susceptible to various kinds of irritants. Therefore, parents must know how to remove mold from the stroller. Even small specks can harm your baby. Do not run the problem, do not leave it unresolved!

Important! The longer the fabric is exposed to dampness, the deeper the mold fungus penetrates and the more difficult it will be to remove.

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How to remove mold from the fabric of a pram?

Do not rush to resort to the most drastic measures and throw away the thing.It may still be useful to you, because even mold can be removed from the tissues. How to do it? There are actually quite a few options:

  • Household chemicals.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Dry cleaning.

Important! Never use chlorine and ammonia at the same time to remove mold on the stroller. The chemical reaction that occurred as a result of this will cause the release of toxic substances with a persistent formula, which are very dangerous for human health, especially children.

Let's consider all of them in more detail.

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How to remove mold from the fabric of a pram using household chemicals?

Modern stores provide a wide selection - both aggressive and not very means for washing and cleaning.

Important! When treating tissue damaged by fungus with household chemicals, rubber gloves and a respirator should be used to protect against harmful fumes. This treatment is best done in the fresh air.


This tool is in almost every home. It not only helps to give washed clothes a snow-white color, but also is an excellent disinfectant for various surfaces and materials.

Important! If, after processing, the mold does not begin to recede, then it is advisable to soak the cloth at night, and in the morning try to brush off the remains of the fungus with a brush.

To properly and completely remove mold on the stroller:

  • For delicate stroller fabrics such as ventilation inserts, prepare a solution of 1 part white and 10 parts water.
  • Bologna or nylon fabric is treated with a solution of water with whiteness, made taking into account a ratio of 1: 1.

Important! Since whiteness is a fairly aggressive tool, it should be used very carefully. Try the prepared solution in a closed, inconspicuous area of ​​stroller tissue. If the color begins to fade, it is better not to use this tool, so as not to spoil the stroller completely.


The composition of this tool also includes whiteness, but already combined with other components:

  1. Use a spray gun to apply industrial product to problem areas.
  2. Leave for a while.
  3. Then rub with a brush and rinse with water.
  4. If the mold is deeply ingrained in the fabric, soaking cannot be avoided.


Important! The following household products have also made good marks in the fight against mold: Silit Bank, Tilex, Pufas comet and Anti-spots. Follow the instructions on the packaging of the purchased product, and you are most likely to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

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How to remove mold from a stroller at home? - Folk methods

There are many popular ways to remove mold from the stroller. The most effective of them are as follows.

Turpentine, soda and hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Generously treat the affected area with turpentine and leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  2. After half an hour, when the liquid has penetrated into all layers of the fabric, pour ordinary table soda on the stains and carefully rub it into the fabric. Use a clean sponge for deeper rubbing.
  3. Mix a small amount of washing powder and hydrogen peroxide in a bowl. The consistency of the mixture should resemble wet sand. Rub the stroller with the prepared gruel and leave for an hour.
  4. If it is possible to rinse in the washing machine, use it.

Important! Pre-deactivate the spin function in the washing machine, as it may harm the shape of the stroller covers.

  1. If rinsing is possible only by hand, then prepare for the last rinse vinegar solution. To do this, dilute 1 liter of warm water and 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

Important! After rinsing, let the fabric dry in the fresh air. For complete removal of odors and good drying, it will take 2-3 days to stay on the street.

Potassium permanganate

If the damaged tissue of the stroller is coarse and has a dark color, then you can try to remove mold stains with potassium permanganate - it effectively kills the fungus. Application has the following algorithm:

  1. Dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water.
  2. After several layers of bandage, strain the mixture to remove particles that have not dissolved.
  3. Process the filtered solution and leave for 30-60 minutes the entire surface of the stroller.
  4. After waiting for the necessary time, wash and dry all the stroller covers thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove mold on a stroller made of light fabric, hydrogen peroxide is best. Use it in such a situation as follows:

  1. Pour peroxide over the stain and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  2. After waiting for the set time, wash the matter in the usual way.

Laundry soap, soda and salt

Brown laundry soap contains a large amount of alkali. This is what makes it effective in combating mold:

  1. To make it easier to apply soap on stroller fabrics, it is best to prepare a soap gel. To do this, grate half the bar on a grater and pour hot water. The consistency of the gel should resemble sour cream.
  2. For best effect, add baking soda and salt to the mixture. Such components will help to quickly cope with the fungus and eliminate unpleasant odors from the stroller.
  3. Apply the prepared gel to the fabric and leave for 1-2 hours.
  4. Rinse thoroughly in clean water and dry the fabrics.
  5. After drying, vacuum the covers to remove residual soda and salt from the fiber.

a piece of chalk

This method is suitable for those areas that are inconvenient to wet and wash:

  1. Grind white chalk to make flour.
  2. Pour white sand onto a damp cloth and place such a compress on the mold stain on the stroller cloth.
  3. Cover the compress with newspaper and iron it several times. Such actions will help absorb the fungus and remove it.


Milk serum

  1. Dampen mold-damaged areas of the stroller covers liberally and leave for half an hour for better penetration of serum and effect on the fungus.
  2. Use a detergent to wash fabrics.

Onion juice

If the areas with mold are small, then you can try to remove the fungus with juice from onions:

  1. Take 2-3 onions and mince them. You can also beat them with a blender, the main thing is to chop the onion so that it is convenient to squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  3. Treat all mold stains with the resulting liquid and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash all the treated areas of the stroller in the usual way for you and thoroughly dry them.

Borax solution

To cope with fungal microorganisms and the first time to remove mold on a stroller, you can use a solution of borax:

  1. Prepare a solution with the calculation of 100 grams of borax per liter of warm water.
  2. Treat them with damaged material and leave for a while for action.
  3. Wash the stroller thoroughly.

Important! Washing fabrics to consolidate the result should be done in water with a temperature of about 90 degrees. Such a temperature will help to finally get rid of colonies of microorganisms.

Dry cleaning

The easiest and fastest way to get rid of the moldy stains on the covers of the stroller is dry cleaning. The very next day after putting the stroller in dry cleaning, you will pick it up fresh and clean.

Important! The only significant drawback of this method is its cost. Therefore, if you want to save money, use one of the methods described above.

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How to prevent mold on the stroller?

As you know, a problem is always easier to prevent than to deal with it later. Therefore, it is worth listening to the following recommendations and properly caring for children's vehicles than washing mold from a stroller:

  • A dirty and wet stroller, for example, after walking in the rain, should not be stored. Residues of moisture, dirt and food on matter are an ideal habitat for mold spores.
  • We strongly recommend that you do not store the stroller in a room with high humidity and poor access to fresh air.
  • If there are no other options for storing children's vehicles, then before placing the stroller in the basement, on the balcony or in the garage, you should treat the covers with a solution of soda, wipe with vinegar and thoroughly dry them after that.
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Mold on stroller tissues is a very undesirable phenomenon, as it can harm the baby's health. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the condition of the stroller covers and remove even the smallest mold spots.

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