How to clean brass at home?

Surely in every house there is some kind of brass product, whether it is an ornament or a kitchen item. And like all other items they can become dirty, respectively - as soon as this happens, you begin to wonder: how to clean brass at home? In this article we will answer you this question and help in the fight against pollution of brass items.

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What is brass? History and properties of the alloy

Brass has always been very much appreciated. It is an alloy consisting of two metals, where the main element is copper, and the additional element is zinc. In terms of its fusion, brass is more reminiscent of bronze and has similar technical characteristics and properties:

  • resistance to corrosion;
  • fluidity during melting;
  • resistance to a long process of friction.

Important! Brass has a property unique to metals - it is not magnetic. Therefore, to correctly determine the alloy, a magnet is used: if the metal is not attracted to the magnet, then you have brass.

Based on the similarity of the composition with bronze, brass can be cleaned at home using the same means and methods that apply to a similar alloy. But it’s better to take into account the specific composition of your product in order to determine exactly how to clean bronze at home.


Important! Brass alloys are simple, where only copper and zinc are alloyed. But there are more complex compounds in which a small amount of tin, iron, as well as aluminum or other metals are added to the two main components.

The color of the brass alloy varies, depending on the percentage of zinc - from yellow-gold to greenish.

Important! In order to give objects made of brass a more respectable appearance, to increase their wear resistance, as well as to limit the contact of brass with water or air, they are covered with special protective layers. For this purpose, even precious metals are used - gold or silver, which is sprayed onto the surface of the product itself.

Contacting with the environment, the brass product loses its original noble shine, begins to become covered with oxide spots. Therefore, in order to clean brass at home, it is necessary to create special conditions for the removal of oxides.

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The easiest brass cleaner

The methods of cleaning brass products that are widespread around the world include the creation of an acidic environment that will remove all unsightly deposits. Oxalic acid is most suitable for these purposes. Any household chemicals that contain such an acid can be used to make brass objects attractive.

Important! Please note that concentrated oxalic acid and any products based on it are very toxic. Therefore, when cleaning your jewelry, decorative interior items or cutlery, be sure to use protective gloves and observe safety precautions. Acid should never get on your skin.

Method 1

To clean brass at home, you can use a household detergent that incorporates oxalic acid. For this:

  1. Generously lubricate the product with it.
  2. Wait for 15-20 minutes for the product to begin to work.

Important! The reaction that will occur due to the combination of detergent and dirt is the release of a dark coating, which is easily removed under running water with a brush.

  1. After you have washed the product, sprinkle it with soda.
  2. After 20-30 minutes, wash and wipe again until a characteristic shine appears.

Important! Also, absolutely any acidic agent or concentrates that are sold in departments with household chemicals are suitable for this method. Nitric, formic, and other acids that make up cleansers can help clean brass at home very quickly and easily.

Method 2

For a more thorough cleaning, you can prepare a solution consisting of oxalic acid and water. For this:

  1. Take 200 g of acid.
  2. Dilute it in 10 liters of water.
  3. Place a brass product in the prepared solution and observe the darkening process.

Important! This tool is able to completely clean the metal from old oxide spots. After the oxalic bath, rinse thoroughly and wipe the product.

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Folk remedies, clear brass

The use of an alloy of zinc and copper for kitchen utensils has generated a large number of recipes from good housewives to return the original and noble yellow color, as well as the specific brilliance of items made of brass.

Cleaning kitchen items with folk remedies is easy, you just need to use what is always at hand.

Acetone or nail polish remover

Acetone is the same liquid that can revive the original appearance of a brass alloy. To clean brass at home with this particular product, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Dampen a cotton swab, disc, or sanitary towel with acetone liberally. Choose a suitable device based on the size of the contaminated item, its shape, and decor.
  2. Wipe the product thoroughly until the oxide spots are completely removed.

Important! This tool can also remove impurities and excess oxides from copper. But it must be borne in mind that the oxides on copper give it the same unique flavor, and their quantity is the main sign when evaluating products.

Vinegar and salt:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l salt plus half a glass of vinegar in a small amount of water - 2-3 liters is enough.
  2. Put on fire to a boil.
  3. Put brass products in the hot solution and boil for at least 3-4 hours, constantly adding water.

In the process of boiling, all unwanted spots will go away.


Important! In order to give the subject shine, after washing, you can polish it with a suitable cloth.

Flour and vinegar dough:

  1. Knead the sour dough with 1 cup flour and equal parts water and flour.
  2. Spatter all soiled products with this dough.
  3. Wait until it has completely dried, then remove with a rag.
  4. To achieve shine, polish the product well with a soft cloth.

Important! This method will clean the brass objects from oxides, and is also well suited for any products that include copper.

Lemon and Salt:

  1. Sprinkle half a lemon with a pinch of salt.
  2. Lubricate the contaminated areas of the brass product.

Usually this is quite enough to remove even the most severe pollution. Therefore, we can safely say that this is the easiest way to clean brass at home.

Simple vinegar

If oxides have appeared recently, this method will definitely help to remove them. To clean brass, do this:

  1. Preheat 1 cup ordinary table vinegar to boiling point.
  2. Dip a cotton pad or swab in it.
  3. Wipe off any stains on the product.

Abrasive products

The use of abrasive material and substance: the use of toothpaste or fine sandpaper can also be attributed to a folk invention in brass cleaning:

  1. With toothpaste, smear the darkened areas of the brass product, with a toothbrush or a cloth, clean them. In order to clean the metal well in this way, you must first thoroughly wash the product with soapy water. This is done in order to remove spots of a different nature: dirt, old fat and others.
  2. Sandpaper can be used if it is necessary to clean a large volume of oxides. This tool is also suitable to give an acceptable appearance to rough products that do not require special delicacies in handling, for example, fireplace grates.

Important! For cleaning jewelry made of brass, as well as interior items and various rare items, use only special professional tools. Otherwise, with the wrong approach, the product may depreciate. When cleaning is complete, polish to give an initial shine. To avoid contamination of the item to be cleaned, polishing should be done after wearing cotton gloves.

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What if the result does not suit you?

If after numerous attempts to dissolve plaque with vinegar or other means, you are unsatisfied with the result, you will have to remove the paint and then repaint the brass again.

The whole procedure looks like this:

  1. First of all, prepare the surface - spread the newspaper or some kind of film in the place where you will be cleaning.
  2. Remove the damaged layer. Use a nail polish remover and a brush to remove the protective layer of the product. When cleaning, do not forget that you are operating with a combustible substance, and therefore stay as far away from fire as possible.
  3. Next - polish the surface. There is a special polish for this operation - use it specifically. Rub the polish into the surface, and then polish the product until the desired shine appears.
  4. Varnish the product again - this will help it maintain its luster, and also provide reliable and long-lasting protection. Apply the coating layer evenly. To do this, use a brush.
  5. After the varnish has dried, wipe the brass with absolutely any cloth.
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We hope that our tips will help you in the fight against pollution of brass items. Be careful with them, remove dust deposits in a timely manner and they will delight you for many years with their sophistication and elegance.

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