How to clean silver at home - chains, bracelets, rings?

Silver is a very noble metal, jewelry made of this material looks rich and elegant, while the price can not be called sky-high. Unfortunately, silver has a very unpleasant feature, its only minus is the tendency to darken. Therefore, if you like to wear not even individual elements, but entire headsets, the question will inevitably arise how to clean silver at home - chains, bracelets, rings.

Often the causes of darkening of silver are: contact with water, the release of human sweat, a humid environment and the banal aging of the metal. Experts argue that this phenomenon cannot be avoided, which means that you need to find ways to deal with the problem. This article will talk about silver chains, but these tips and tools can be applied to any silver jewelry.

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We clean silver chains with chemicals

Today, there are many methods that allow you to clean silver yourself at home. When buying silver items abroad, complete with them you will receive a specially made cleaning product as a gift. But often in our jewelry stores offer such drugs.

Important! If you have not purchased such a product, then you can use any improvised chemical preparations, for example, a dishwashing detergent. It is just worth putting on a sponge and rubbing the product. Be sure to use any chemical agent according to the instructions.

Moreover, stores can now offer special wipes, soap, and even ultrasonic silver cleaners. Absolutely all of these methods will be effective in the purification of silver.

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We clean silver chains using improvised means

It is easy enough to clean the silver chain of the house with the help of improvised means. There are innumerable methods, but we will talk about the most basic.


A very common method is brushing with toothpaste. But gel or colored toothpaste is not suitable for cleaning this metal, choose a white remedy.

Technology is as simple as it gets:

  1. Take a toothbrush with small but soft villi.
  2. Gently brush the jewelry with toothpaste for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with running water and towel dry.


Important! After this procedure, it is recommended to rub the jewelry with tooth powder or chalk powder.


An ammonia solution or ammonia is also a very effective and common method, which allows you to clean the silver chain from black at home, regardless of the complexity of the pollution.

You need to act like this:

  1. Take a glass and pour in heated soapy water.
  2. Add 6-7 drops of ammonia.
  3. In the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes we place a silver chain or other silver jewelry.
  4. After the expiration of the period, we simply wash the silver with cold running water.

Important! You can add chalk powder to ammonia and rub silver with this mixture. After 5 minutes, the blackening will disappear.

Salt and soda

Salt and soda are very effective in combating the darkening of silver, if used in this way:

  1. Take a pan and cover it with foil.
  2. Pour water in a pan, 3-4 cm high.
  3. Put a blackened chain on the bottom of the dish and cover it with 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of soda.
  4. The pan must be put on fire and boil the resulting liquid. Before your eyes, silver will regain its former luster and radiance.
  5. As soon as all blackness is gone, you should get the chain, dry it and boldly put it on your neck.

Important! In this method, soda is often replaced with citric acid. You can also simply mix the salt with water and rub it thoroughly with a mixture of silver chain and rinse under running cold water.


The next way to peel a silver chain is with potatoes. Yes, it also helps to clean silver and give it a shine.

It works like this:

  1. 3 peeled potatoes cook until tender.
  2. In another ceramic bowl, place the foil at the bottom and put the silver chain there.
  3. Pour the vegetable broth into the container with the dressing for 20 minutes.
  4. After you rinse the product, there will be no blackness on it.


This method is designed to easily cope with the problem than to clean silver at home - it will not matter for chains, bracelets, rings or other jewelry.

Use the tool like this:

  1. Foil needs to be spread out on a table and to fill it with soda.
  2. Put silver jewelry on this foil and wind them up.
  3. Wrapped tubules put in a pan with soapy water and boil it.
  4. After boiling, turn off the burner and leave the liquid to stand for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Next, we take out chains or other jewelry from the water and transfer it to a bowl of cold water.
  6. We wipe them with a towel and notice that all the browning has disappeared.

Olive oil

Another equally simple method for cleaning such a metal. Olive oil is applied to the towel, which need to wipe the silver products. After this procedure, wash off the fat with water and soap, then classic drying follows.


Vinegar can also easily and quickly clean silver jewelry:

  1. Pour some vinegar into a sufficiently deep container.
  2. Put a chain or other silver item there. Some just wet the rag with vinegar and rub it with silver, but the first method is much more effective.
  3. Then the decoration is washed with cold running water and wiped dry.


Aqua regia

The most effective, but also dangerous method is the use of “royal vodka”. The method of use is exactly the same as with vinegar. The only thing that doctors do not recommend using this method, since the tool is very harmful to health.

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Tips that will be useful when cleaning silver

There are several simple and inexpensive methods that will make it easier for you to clean your silver chain at home. They will help you solve the blackening problem on silver jewelry much easier and faster:

  1. Cloth material is an excellent solution for cleaning silver at home. It is enough just to rub the cloth with cloth, and the dullness with blackening will pass.
  2. Some are trying to combat darkening with soda drinks, in particular Coca-Cola. It is the most common silver purifier. Coke is poured into a sufficiently deep container and silver jewelry is put there for 2-3 hours, or boiled in a drink. After that, the silver is rubbed with foil and rinsed in cold water.
  3. You can also use lemon juice. Pour freshly squeezed juice into a container and place silver there for 20-30 minutes (depending on the number of spots and the degree of darkening). If there is no lemon juice, then you can prepare a fairly concentrated solution with citric acid. On average, you need 1 sachet per 1 cup.
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How to slow down the process of darkening silver?

In order not to fool yourself with how to clean a silver chain at home, you should not allow it to quickly darken. In order for the chain to remain brilliant for a long time, it is worth following a few elementary rules:

  1. Experts advise to wipe the product with a wet flannel after each silver sock.
  2. Silver jewelry should be stored in a box upholstered in fabric. Also, do not put silver next to other metals.
  3. It is necessary to clean silver with the above methods approximately once a month. This will save them from severe darkening, and the jewelry itself will look newer and fresher.
  4. If you don’t have the time or the desire to clean jewelry regularly, then right after the purchase you can cover the jewelry with colorless nail polish. After coating, it’s worth shaking the chain, ring or pendant with silver in the air, this will protect from the accumulation of varnish in one place. Such a tricky technique will allow you not to clean silver so often.
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You probably already realized yourself that it is quite possible to clean silver at home. Moreover, we did not need much time, effort and money. Soda, salt, vinegar, citric acid, olive oil, carbonated drinks, toothpaste and powder - a bunch of methods. Choose the one that suits you and get down to action. Good luck

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