How to paint the heating battery?

How to paint the heating battery? - For those who have old cast-iron “accordions”, such a question worries literally every 2-3 years. Sometimes people think about it, who during the current repair suddenly find that the color of the radiator does not fit into the color concept of the room. Every year on the shelves of construction stores, the range of paints and varnishes is increasing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to make the right choice. In this article you will find all the necessary information about how to paint the heating batteries with old paint, how to do it, and whether this decision is always the right one.
to contents ↑Which batteries can be painted and which are not worth it?
Before considering the variety of colors, let's talk about whether all types of radiators are recommended to be painted. So, to begin with, determine the type of your heating battery, because it depends on whether it can be painted, or is it better to abandon this venture:
- It is undesirable to paint modern aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Initially, they are painted at the factory with resistant powder paint, which, thanks to the features of the technology, fits perfectly evenly. If you decide that the original color of the radiator (usually white) does not fit the interior of the room, and want to repaint it, then you are unlikely to achieve the same perfectly even coating. Even if you remove the battery and paint it horizontally. In addition, an additional coat of paint will reduce heat transfer, which is a significant minus for regions with harsh winters.
- It is undesirable to paint plate radiators, especially those with a large surface area. They are installed in houses where the network passes with high internal pressure. They have low convection but high heat dissipation. As for our question, thanks to its design, it is difficult to paint a heating radiator of this type with high quality, especially with a brush. If this is so necessary, you will have to remove it, thoroughly clean it (which is very difficult) and paint it in a horizontal position with a spray gun or car paint in the form of a spray. But even so, you may not achieve perfect application. Missed areas may remain in hard-to-reach places, because the plate radiator elements are too close to each other.
Important! Manufacturers recommend painting only removable metal linings, and only clean the rest of the dirt and dust.
- Convectors, tubes with fins (especially with frequent aluminum fins), do not paint, since painting can adversely affect their heat transfer. In addition to a heat source, a removable casing is included in the design of the convector. It can be painted to ennoble the overall look.
- It is recommended to paint cast iron batteries. This is not difficult to do, the paints are different and they do not affect the heat transfer. The choice of color is huge.
- Painting of steel panel radiators is possible. But there is a nuance - to smoothly cover the surface of the battery with a brush will not work. You have to use car paint in a spray can, and it is advisable to paint in a horizontal position.
to contents ↑Important! In order to bring the battery as close as possible to the desired color and color scheme of the room, it is recommended to use decorative panels. They are sold in hardware stores and online stores. Can be made of wood, metal, plywood, plastic and even glass. Such screens come in different shapes, colors, sizes. They can be applied curly carvings, patterns, photo printing and more. So the choice is wide, and you can pick them up for any, even the most sophisticated interior.
What tools and materials will be needed?
To paint the heating battery, you will need these tools:
- For painting a cast-iron radiator - straight and curved soft brushes with a width of not more than 5 cm.
- For painting a panel radiator - a foam roll of small width.
- Paint in cans or spray.
- Paint bath (if the paint is not aerosol).
- A special wash for paint (if you decide to get rid of the old paint chemically) and a metal spatula.
- Drill with a nozzle in the form of a metal brush for cleaning the battery from paint residues.
- Solvent.
- Gloves, goggles, respirator or gauze bandage, protective clothing.
- Newspapers, oilcloth, cardboard, masking tape to protect surfaces.
- Rags.
What paints are suitable for painting a radiator?
During the repair process, we think about how to paint the odorless heating battery, without stains and drips, so that the paint dries quickly, and the beautiful appearance of the device is preserved for a long time. At the moment, there is no such ideal paint yet. However, there are several options to get the best result.
For painting a radiator, the following may be suitable:
- water-dispersion and water-based paints;
- alkyd enamel and auto-enamel;
- acrylic paint;
- oil;
- silicone aluminum paint;
- silverfish.
Consider each option in more detail.
Oil paint
Regarding this type of paint, we immediately make a reservation that theoretically it certainly fits. But in practice, it is almost never used for painting batteries:
- Her biggest disadvantage is that it dries for a very long time. This process can take up to a month, agree, this is not very convenient.
- In addition, oil paint has a rather unpleasant odor.
- It is difficult to paint the surface evenly, without sagging and sagging.
Important! In view of such significant shortcomings, it is recommended to choose another option for these purposes.
Water-dispersion and water-based paints
Water-dispersion paint is made on the basis of polymers and aqueous dispersion. Its main features:
- It is moisture resistant and can be washed.
- It is diluted with water.
- It is mainly available in white.
The water emulsion is water-based, and it:
- It can have many colors and shades.
- Not so resistant to abrasion, can be washed off slowly on contact with water.
- It is diluted with solvents (e.g. white spirit).
Important advantages of this type of paint are:
- their environmental friendliness and safety;
- lack of chemical smells when applied;
- ease and simplicity of painting;
- the possibility of tinting;
- wide selection of application tools and affordable cost.
Important! The only negative is that the surface must be primed before painting, otherwise the water in the composition will cause rust.
Alkyd enamel and auto enamel
Alkyd enamel is one of the best options for painting a heating battery. It behaves perfectly at high temperatures (withstands up to 100 degrees), at temperature extremes, is resistant to abrasion and has many colors.
Regarding its capabilities:
- This type of paint is sold everywhere and is relatively inexpensive. This is the familiar PF-115 and its imported analogues (produced by the brands ACE, Dulux, Sigma Coatings and others).
- A significant disadvantage is the persistent chemical smell, which for a long time disappears after applying this paint to the battery.
- In addition, poor-quality enamel may turn yellow over time.
Auto enamel also has a persistent unpleasant odor, so you will need to ventilate the room for a long time. There are other nuances of application, if you need to paint the heating battery:
- Applying paint from a balloon is quick and easy, but for this, of course, you need skill to keep the paint layer even.
- With this application, unpainted spots may remain, and it is also necessary to carefully cover all surfaces surrounding the radiator from spray.
- Auto-enamel has a glossy gloss, it will give out and emphasize all the surface irregularities.
Acrylic paint:
- Acrylic also has a water base.
- It practically does not smell and has an affordable price.
- The basic basis is white, but if this color does not suit you, you can tint it in any other shade.
- The temperature limit of acrylic paint is +80 degrees - this is quite enough for average radiators.
- It dries quickly. To apply 2 layers and all this has dried, it will take less than a day.
- It does not turn yellow over time, but also requires preliminary priming in order to avoid the appearance of rust.
- After drying, acrylic paint forms a polymer coating that is resistant to washing.
Silicone-aluminum paint:
- Perfectly lays on any surface, forming a dense layer that tapers and expands with the metal.
- It withstands temperatures up to 500 degrees, does not require preliminary priming, is easily washed by any means and does not lose its external attractiveness for a very long time.
Important! This paint is one of the most expensive. Another minus is a pungent odor that erodes for a long time.
Known since Soviet times. On the shelves of construction stores are its modern counterparts. For example, heat-resistant paint BT-177.
How does it differ:
- It consists of varnish mixed with aluminum powder.
- Serebryanka is inexpensive, but also has an unpleasant odor.
Color selection:
- If you just want to update the appearance of the radiator without significant cost, then paint it white. White and silver are classics of the genre.
- If you want the batteries not to catch the eye and fit into the situation, but you can paint them to match the walls.
- In a children's room, a radiator can be made part of a fun interior - cover it with bright paint or even make sections colorful. You can apply patterns to the batteries with a brush by hand or using a stencil. It is possible to decorate the radiator with decoupage.
How to paint a heating radiator?
What paint to paint the heating batteries - you already know, now we will begin the process itself. It can be divided into two stages:
- preparation (cleaning of old paint);
- application of paint.
Ideally, for high-quality cleaning, the radiator needs to be disconnected and the remaining water drained, since getting from the back side will be difficult. How to wash the battery from dust and dirt - we will miss, everyone will cope with this without additional advice. But there are several ways to clean old paint.
Method number 1
The easiest and most time-consuming method is to use a special wash. This chemical is sold in all construction stores. But it is suitable for processing only cast-iron radiators, since cast iron is inert to this substance.
- Before starting work, wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, and preferably a respirator, as the wash has a strong odor.
- Pour a small amount of the chemical into the paint tray and apply with a brush.
- If there are not many layers of paint, it will be enough to apply the product and wait. In just a couple of minutes, the paint will begin to bubble and collect in lumps.
- If there are plenty of layers of paint accumulated over many years, then after applying the product, you can wrap the battery with a film and wait 40-60 minutes to get a better effect. You may need to repeat the process.
- After the paint “heaved up”, begin to exfoliate it with a spatula. You will get rid of most of the paint, but the rest will still have to be cleaned with sandpaper or a drill with a nozzle in the form of a metal brush.
- Then wipe off any remaining debris and degrease the battery with white spirit.
Method number 2
The second cleaning method is carried out using a building hair dryer or a gas burner.
Important! This method is not suitable for cast iron, since the process will take a long time and will be ineffective.
- The essence of the method is to heat up a layer of paint with a device to high temperatures, and then scrape it off with a spatula or a stiff brush, without waiting for cooling.
- Such work is preferably carried out in the open air, therefore, of course, the battery must first be removed. If this is not possible, protect the surrounding surfaces with plywood and open the windows.
Important! This method can damage the gaskets in the radiator, so be prepared for the fact that they will have to be replaced with new ones.
Method number 3
Another thermal method is treating the battery with a bonfire. The old "old-fashioned" method is laborious, but it allows you to clean the battery not only outside but also inside.
- Remove the radiator, unscrew all plugs and other parts.
- Disassemble the battery into sections using a radiator key (the sections are connected by nipples with opposite threads).
Important! If this did not work right away, then you can do it after firing.
- In the yard, make a good bonfire and put a radiator in it. Maintain fire for about an hour, as long as possible.
- After removing the battery from the fire, clean it with a metal brush, this process will be easy and quick.
- After that, tap each section with a mallet to shake out all the rust accumulated over many years from the internal channels.
- Now it remains to reassemble everything using new rubber gaskets.
Important! Gaskets can be cut from an unnecessary car camera.
- Clean the radiator from dirt and degrease.
Method number 4
You can use the mechanical method:
- Put on a drill (grinder) a nozzle - a metal brush or an emery wheel.
- Treat the surface of the radiator.
Important! The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to get to many places with a tool, so the work will have to be completed manually, using a stiff brush and sandpaper.
- As in the previous methods, the surface after should be cleaned of debris and degreased.
Important! Experts recommend that you do not abuse this method, as this makes the metal thinner and can subsequently lead to leaks.
When asked whether it is possible to paint heating radiators hot, experts answer negatively, because most paints will not fit well on a hot battery. Painting is best done outside the heating season. If there is no way out already, then paint quickly, without collecting a lot of paint on the brush and immediately paint it with a thin layer. Or shut off the supply of boiling water to the radiator and wait for cooling, after which - paint.
Important! During the staining process, be sure to protect your eyes, hands and respiratory system from paint splashes and toxic odors.
After cleaning and degreasing, we proceed to the most important thing - painting. The procedure will depend on the type of dye selected.
Acrylic and water emulsion
If your choice fell on acrylic or water-based paint, the radiator should be primed with an anti-corrosion compound, otherwise, rust will appear over time.
Important! Paints in which soil has already been added are on sale.
Balloon paint
If you paint the battery with spray paint, then the technology is this:
- Start with hard-to-reach spots and then go to the front.
- Move from top to bottom in zigzag movements, not lingering in one place, otherwise the layer will lie unevenly.
- It is recommended to cover the surface with two layers, so after drying the first - proceed to the second.
Important! You can take the radiator for painting at the service station, where specialists will do it professionally.
With a spray gun
Painting with a spray gun occurs in the same way as in the case of spray paint.
Important! To get to all areas, it is better to paint the battery when removed.
Liquid solutions
If you paint with paints in liquid form, then protect the surrounding surfaces with oilcloth, as well as newspapers:
- Pour the paint into the paint tray and with a curved brush, first cover all internal and hard-to-reach surfaces.
- After that, with a straight brush, begin to process the front part, moving from top to bottom.
Important! Take a little paint on the brush, the layer should be thin, otherwise - drips will form.
- After the first coat has dried, coat the second. Two layers are usually enough.
to contents ↑Important! Acrylic paint and water-based emulsion dry quickly and without any special smell; in a few hours, manage without problems. But alkyd enamel will dry for more than a day and emit an unpleasant odor for a long time, so we recommend painting the radiator in the summer, when it is possible to open the windows for a long time.
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That's all the wisdom regarding the choice of paint for a heating device and the process of applying the dye. Using the useful information from the article, you can do everything correctly and with minimal losses. You can be sure that successfully updating the old battery, the interior of the room will improve.
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