How to paint a wooden staircase in the house on the second floor?

When arranging housing, each of us tries to make it as comfortable and cozy as possible for our family. When planning the premises, each element of the decor is carefully selected so that it harmoniously blends with the style of the room. A beautiful wooden staircase has always been and remains an elegant and spectacular addition to any interior. However, wood, although it is one of the best materials for the manufacture of stairs, must be covered with paint or varnish to preserve the longer beautiful appearance, as well as the operational properties of the material.
Painting a wooden staircase is a fairly simple process, but to achieve the best result, some processing rules must be followed. About how to paint a wooden staircase in the house on the second floor and what color to repaint, how to do it correctly, is described in detail in our article.
to contents ↑How to paint a wooden staircase in the country? Paint Selection Criteria
Before you start buying a dye, you should carefully think about what color should be and what effect you want to get. The choice of product and the technology of applying it to the surface directly depend on this.
When buying paint, pay attention to the following criteria:
- If you do not want to paint over the structure of the tree and wish to leave it visible, the surface should be coated with glossy or matte varnish. Paint is not used in this case.
- Before applying the product on the surface of the steps there is no need to process them with a primer. Give preference to formulations that allow the material to “breathe”.
- The steps of a wooden staircase inside are painted with quick-drying compounds that do not have a sharp, long-weathering odor.
Important! Before buying a paint and varnish product, read the quality certificate of the selected product.
- In order for the structure to retain its shine longer, and the coating looked like a new long time, choose products that have increased abrasion resistance and high strength.
to contents ↑Important! In this case, additional protective properties against fungus, dust and rot will not be superfluous.
What is the best way to paint a wooden staircase in a house? Varieties of colors
Construction stores, as well as paint and varnish departments, have a wide range of solutions. In order to choose a suitable paint and varnish product and achieve the desired effect, you need to have an idea about the composition of this product. Paints for the treatment of wooden surfaces have a different basis.
The staircase can be installed both inside the house and located outside. In this case, there are differences in the choice of how to paint the stairs. For interior decoration, use the following compounds:
- Paints.
- Lucky.
- Wood stains and stains.
Important! Painting of wooden stair railing can be performed with several varnish and varnish products. For example, a transparent varnish can be applied to the surface of the board over the main layer, which will provide additional protection to the coating from scratches and wiping.
Consider the most popular options for solutions to decide how to paint a wooden staircase in the house on the second floor.
Alkyd paints:
- The coloring matter dries rather quickly.
- The composition includes antiseptics, which additionally protect wood from pests and the formation of fungus and mold.
- They are not toxic for indoor use and do not harm the human body.
- A special layer prevents the appearance of mechanical damage on the surface of the steps.
- Affordable cost of goods and a wide range of colors.
Acrylic paints:
- Due to its composition, they quickly dry on the surface and do not have a sharp unpleasant odor.
- High wear resistance of the paint.
- During operation, it does not fade, does not lose its original color.
- The product does not contain harmful substances.
- Wood treated with this type of paint can breathe.
- Reasonable price and variety of colors.
Oil paints:
- The main advantage of this product is its reasonable cost.
- Economical consumption of raw materials for surface treatment.
- When applied to wood, it completely paints the structure of a natural board. As a result, the material “does not breathe”.
- During operation, it wipes out quite quickly, painting is easily damaged.
Important! The disadvantages of this option include a pungent odor, long drying.
Enamel paints:
- Suitable for interior wood. It is a quick-drying paint of high quality.
- The absence of toxins and harmful substances in the composition makes it popular among consumers.
- It has high protective properties.
- Affordable cost, a wide range of shades.
Important! Enamel paints should be applied in a dry, well-ventilated area, with a minimum level of moisture.
Varnish is not used for application to the stairs installed outside the house, it does not have frost-resistant properties. It is suitable for processing the structure inside the house, and has the following features:
- Easy to apply, dries quickly.
- It additionally emphasizes the structure of the tree, adds gloss to the surface.
- To process the stairs, it is better to choose an alcohol-based product.
Important! A special varnish for treating the decks of yachts, the so-called “yacht”, is not suitable for covering the steps indoors. It has toxic substances in the composition, dries for a long time, has a pungent odor before and after drying.
- This tool not only gives the wood a tint, but also has bio and fire retardant properties.
- For finishing, raw materials based on wax or oil are used.
- At the end of the staircase finishing, be sure to use varnish - it will provide wear resistance and give additional gloss to the surface.
to contents ↑Important! The best tool for processing the steps of a wooden staircase, masters recommend alkyd paints. They give the best staining result, long retain color fastness.
How to paint the stairs?
The staircase leading to the second floor is one of the most important elements of the interior design of the house. The consistency of style and color of the entire room depends on its external condition and method of decoration. In order for the staircase to remain presentable for a long time and you do not have to paint it after a short period of time, use simple tips on how to paint a wooden staircase:
- If your staircase is completely ready for painting, but has not yet been assembled, painting is best done for each part separately.
Important! Disassembled staircase painting makes it possible to paint steps and railings in hard to reach places.
- If it is necessary to paint with an already installed wooden ladder, paint the steps one after another, after drying completely, paint the rest. Thus, you will have the opportunity to use it when the paint dries.
Important! Processing with paints and varnishes through one step is possible in the case of monophonic painting of stair elements.
- Painting starts from the top rung. If there is an emergency exit from the second floor, painting can be started from the bottom.
to contents ↑Important! Finishing strokes should be done strictly along the structure of the tree. For the paint to dry completely, add about another 5 hours to the drying time recommended by the manufacturer.
Painting a wooden staircase from pine
A pine staircase differs from products from other types of wood in that it needs additional processing before painting, or rather, the product must be tarred.
A series of manipulations should be carried out for the following reasons:
- The resin that protrudes from the wood creates a film on the surface. Because of it, the paint layer does not penetrate inside the fibers, which can affect the condition of the stairs during operation.
- The areas where the resin is released darken over time and look unaesthetically.
- It is difficult to paint a tarry trace on the surface. Varnish and other products are uneven, painting has a poor quality result.
Resin removal of wood
For these works you will need all kinds of solvents.
Important! For pine, it is better to use a 25% solution of technical acetone.
How to act:
- Apply the product on the surface of the steps and railings with a brush.
- After treatment, wipe the surface with warm water.
- Leave the product to dry completely.
Important! Too resinous areas must be cut, cleaned indentations with putty.
After the procedure, the wood is ready for painting.
How to paint a pine staircase?
- Enamel dyes are considered the best option for processing stairs from pine.
- When diluted, when applied to wood, the structure of the wood species will remain visible.
- If an undiluted mixture is used, the paint will completely hide the structure.
- Before applying paint to the surface, the stairs must be cleaned of dust and debris.
- Alkyd paints are easy to apply and dry quickly.
- Pigmented dyes perfectly hide defects and chips on the steps.
- Urethane - alkyd liquids are suitable for application on a board that has already been painted.
to contents ↑Important! To give additional shine in the department of paints and varnishes, you can choose a varnish in the tone of wood.
Technology for painting wooden stairs
In order to paint the flight of stairs from a variety of wood species, you can contact a specialized company. But be prepared for the fact that the professional painting service will cost you a tidy sum. If you want to handle the stairs economically for the family budget, this procedure is easy to do with your own hands.
How to paint the stairs to the second floor? Sequencing:
- The first and important step before applying varnish or other means is the preparation of the surface. Remove dust, dirt and other debris from steps and railings.
- Visible chips and crevices fill with putty. If the wood is too thick or old, coat it with a primer.
Important! In the absence of this treatment, the paint on the surface will soon swell or peel off.
- Leave the treated ladder to dry completely, then go over it with sandpaper, smooth out all the bumps.
- Sand the board thoroughly again, only then can you apply the paint.
- Remove any dust from the steps.
Important! Even the smallest particles on even wood will be noticeable under a layer of paint.
- Ground the flight of stairs in two sets with an interval of 24 hours.
Important! If you process a wooden product with varnish, it does not need to be primed.
- After the primer is completely dry, proceed to painting.
- Before varnishing a tree, the coloring matter must be thoroughly shaken or diluted.
Important! Read the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging of the purchased product.
- During the processing of the coloring composition, the air in the room should not be too dry, but not humid.
- You can apply the dye with a roller, brush, spray or spray.
Important! In the process of staining, make sure that the paint does not drip or drip.
- To achieve high-quality color, apply varnish from 3 to 5 layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.
- The stairs should dry in a room with moderate humidity, otherwise, cracks may form.
- Apply a topcoat to further protect the steps from abrasion.
Color recommendations:
- Thinking about how to paint a wooden staircase in the house on the second floor, as well as choosing a color scheme for decoration, do not forget to take into account the general style of the room in which it is installed.
- To create coziness and a harmonious combination, the staircase should correspond to the color scheme of the room.
- In order for the installed staircase to beautifully complement the interior of the room, paint it in a color that will differ from the shade on the walls and floor.
- The tint of the paint for processing steps can completely repeat the color of the tree or have a bright saturated color.
- The most common color is wood, but painting the stairs in two colors is often used to create an original finish.
- If the staircase is painted in several colors, cover the wooden parts before assembling the product.
- You can add a dark shade to the railing or steps by mixing the impregnation with the finish. In this case, the product penetrates faster into the fibers, the color lasts longer on the surface.
- To lighten a plot of wood, use translucent glazing agents, which contain light coloring pigments.
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A wooden staircase is an element of decor, which, with proper processing and design, can become the highlight of the room. Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize in choosing shades. Do not think that it is difficult and almost impossible to paint a wooden structure without the help of a specialist. Tips on the procedure and recommendations for choosing the paint described in our article will help you design a staircase with a unique and exclusive design.
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