How to paint a wooden crib?

How to paint a wooden crib? - This question worries every parent who has encountered this problem. Often, parents are puzzled by this issue when they decide to update the paintwork on children's furniture. This may simply be due to the natural wear of the materials over time or in the case of mechanical damage. Today we will figure out which paint to choose, how to carry out all the necessary actions, which products are safe for your baby’s health.

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Features coating children's furniture

Before proceeding to resolve the issue of how to paint a wooden bed, it is necessary to choose the right paint product. The main condition is the choice of such a tool that would not harm the health of the baby. Below we will give you some tips on choosing materials for the external transformation of children's furniture.

Tips for covering furniture in the nursery:

  • The composition of the paint and varnish product should be free of harmful substances, as they will evaporate into the air and can adversely affect the baby's health. The child may have itchy skin, irritation of the nasal mucosa or cough.
  • Paints should not contain salts of heavy metals, harmful organics, toxic chemicals and toxic oxides.
  • Opt for a water-based, water-based, paints-free product. Do not opt ​​for phenol, xylene or toluene.
  • Please note that the material must be non-combustible.
  • The paint should be characterized by elasticity and wear resistance, since all children's furniture often needs to be wiped several times a day with a rag.
  • According to aesthetic characteristics, it is better to give preference to bright saturated colors - such furniture pleases children more.

Important! When deciding on what paint to paint the crib, and buying paintwork, it is worth checking the safety certificates for this tool from the seller. This is your right, but when checking, you will be sure of the quality of the products.

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Basic materials for painting children's furniture and their advantages

As we wrote above, it is best to give preference to water-based paints and varnishes or products made from natural oils.

Materials used for painting:

  • Acrylic and latex paints that are designed to cover wood:
  • acrylic-polyurethane furniture;
  • acrylic based enamel;
  • scuba diving;
  • oil wax.

Let's take a closer look at each material.

Acrylic and latex paints - advantages:

  • safe for the body;
  • impeccable quality of the paintwork;
  • rich selection of saturated colors;
  • strong and flexible surface film.

Acrylic-polyurethane paint - advantages:

  • high strength;
  • long term of use;
  • resistant to damage;
  • waterproof
  • large selection of colors.

Acrylic enamel

This paintwork has established itself as a safe means for the health of the baby. It is in great demand among parents.

Scuba diving and oil wax

These types of paints are made on different bases. However, they are in demand, as they repel water, are resistant to damage and are absolutely safe.

Important! All the paints that we talked about meet all safety certificates and are great for deciding what paint to paint the crib. However, due to the large number of tests that they regularly pass, their cost is above average.

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We paint a crib at home

To paint a crib with your own hands you will need:

  • paint;
  • brush;
  • roller;
  • sponge.

Important! In the process of paint, it is worthwhile to ensure that the paint lies in a thick layer and does not run into one place. To do this, you should not collect a large amount of paint on a working tool.


Instructions for painting the bed with your own hands:

  1. We remove the mattress from the crib and all other things that were present on it.
  2. We take out the attribute of children's furniture in a well-ventilated room.
  3. If there is an old coat of paint, it must be removed. To perform this action, you will need a spatula, a grinder with a metal nozzle in the form of a brush and a building hair dryer.
  4. Using emery, fine-grained paper, it is necessary to clean the entire surface that you plan to paint. For large areas, it is worth using a drill with a special nozzle for polishing surfaces.
  5. We remove dust from the cleaned crib.
  6. Small parts that do not require staining are washed in soapy water and water. Draining.
  7. We treat all surfaces with a stain.
  8. We are waiting for the crib to dry completely.
  9. Putting it together.
  10. Apply paint to all surfaces. This action must be carried out in two stages.
  11. In the place where drops of paint have accumulated, gently scrub it with sandpaper or a cloth.
  12. We take out the bed to the street or balcony and leave it to dry completely.

Important! When deciding how to paint a wooden bed, you can, after removing the old coating layer, apply a special primer. This tool will get rid of cracks, chips, scratches and other irregularities.

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If you are thinking about painting a crib with your own hands, then you can make the attribute of children's furniture with your own hands not only of the same color, but also use different shades. Show your imagination and make the baby's bed unique.

Painting Tips:

  • If your baby has not yet been born, but it is only planned to appear, then it is recommended to paint the crib three weeks before the appointed date. In this case, you will eliminate all defects and make children's furniture beautiful.
  • In the event that the coating has peeled off, it is necessary to remove the old paint with solvents and sandpaper, and re-paint the furniture.
  • Use of aerosol paints is possible. Then the painting must be carried out on the street in special clothing that will protect your body.
  • Keep an eye on the painted product. Dust should not get on the surface, midges and other insects should land.
  • It will take about eight hours to dry the furniture.
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With the help of our tips, you can do the painting of the crib with your own hands. When doing the work yourself, your bed will be the most beautiful, soaked with caress and care.


