How to paint foam ceiling tiles?

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are a budget solution for any room. A large number of different models, shades and textures allows each person to choose the best option. And the life of this material is quite large. However, over time, its appearance becomes worse and loses its original shine. In this case, painting is necessary. How to paint foam ceiling tiles?

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In what cases is the foam tile painted?

The benefits of painting foam:

  • If the foam ceiling is made in the kitchen, then grease stains and condensation from cooking will stick to the ceiling to a lesser extent.
  • The painted foam ceiling in the bathroom will protect the surface from constant exposure to moisture and the appearance of fungus.
  • After passing some time, the foam shows a yellowish tint - this is a feature of the material. So, if you have a blue ceiling, it will also turn yellow, and painting will give the coating a new look.

Important! The main feature of painting foam ceiling tiles is a large selection of shades and colors in which you can paint the surface.

When choosing a paint with a water-repellent effect, in the future it will be easy to wash all types of dirt and dust.

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Types of Paints for Styrofoam Tiles

The durability of the coating depends on the material you choose.

Criterias of choice

For painting ceiling tiles made of polystyrene, it is worth giving preference to such means, which are characterized by:

  • water-repellent components;
  • excellent durability;
  • Density and resistance to detergents.

Moreover, she:

  • should not change its shade when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • should perfectly adhere to the surface and fit into the interior of the room.

Which colors are suitable and which are not?

For many people, the question arises as to how to paint foam ceiling tiles. It is worth noting that not all paints are suitable for this procedure. So:

  • All substances that contain acetone, alkyd and oil are not suitable for porous material. They do not have high strength, can damage the main surface.
  • Water-dispersion paints are best suited for surface treatment of foam. They include acrylic and water-based components.

Advantages of water-based paints:

  • non toxic
  • hygienic;
  • safe for health;
  • the surface dries quickly;
  • paints are easy to apply;
  • possess a little gloss;
  • flawless density;
  • low price category;
  • large selection of shades;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • fireproof;
  • resistant to different bacteria.

Important! Despite the large number of advantages of water-based paint, it is not suitable for rooms with high humidity. This product can not be painted on the surface in several layers, since the paint may peel off.

Advantages of acrylic paint:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to direct sunlight and temperature increase;
  • high strength;
  • flawless elasticity;
  • rich colors, including bright shades;
  • eco-friendly and hypoallergenic;
  • safe for health;
  • dries quickly and is easy to apply on all surfaces.

Important! Acrylic paint has its drawbacks - it is overpriced, poor vapor permeability, when applied in a large layer, it can peel off.

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Preparing for coloring foam boards

To paint a foam ceiling tile, you will need:

  • a ladder or stepladder;
  • container for paint;
  • overalls and glasses:
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • paint roller;
  • great mood.

chem-mozhno-pokrasit-potolochnuju-plitku-iz-penoplasta_01-e1454671907373-1-1Before you get started:

  • If possible, it is necessary to remove all the furniture from the room in which you will be painting the ceiling.
  • Those interior items that cannot be removed must be carefully covered with a film or at least a large piece of cloth.
  • Walls and floors are also recommended to be protected from possible paint on it.
  • It is necessary to wear special clothing. For this purpose, things that you don’t wear and you do not mind to stain them are suitable.

Important! If you want the paint on the foam plates to lay evenly, then you need to close the joints between the elements of the coating with ordinary gypsum putty. As a result of this, the seams will be even, neat, and at the end of the work, the result will please you.

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We paint foam plates with acrylic paint:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling from dust and dirt.
  2. Putty the joints between the plates.
  3. Allow coating to dry.
  4. Before applying the paint it is recommended to cover the surface with an acrylic primer.
  5. Pour an acrylic solution into a tray or other paint container.
  6. Check for density and compliance with the desired shade.
  7. Try painting a small area of ​​the foam with paint. If you are comfortable with the shade, then you can start painting the entire surface.
  8. Armed with a special roller, paint the ceiling. It is worth painting in one direction, then the shade will be uniform.
  9. For hard-to-reach spots it is worth using an ordinary paint brush.
  10. After completely coating the surface, allow the paint to dry.
  11. Cover with a second layer.

Important! If you purchased foam boards with a large number of monograms, textured surfaces and other relief patterns, then for painting it is best to use a spray gun. He will evenly apply coloring pigment and the work will be done in the best possible way.

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Paint the ceiling with a water emulsion:

  1. Use a brush to paint the junction of the ceiling with the wall. This is necessary so that when painting with a roller, you do not stain the wall. There should not be too much paint on the brush.
  2. Water-based paint is applied three times. Each time it is necessary to wait until the previous layer dries. Staining begins from the window to the left.
  3. To remove paint residues, you need to walk on the surface with a dry roller.
  4. Each layer must be applied perpendicular to the direction in which the previous layer was applied.

Important! For the application of the subsequent layer, it is necessary to completely dry the previous one. In order for the emulsion paint to dry, it is worth waiting 8-10 hours. During the drying process, do not allow sunlight to get on the foam.

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Coloring tricks

When deciding on how to paint foam ceiling tiles, it is worth paying attention not only to the main material and surface, but also to know some tricks of coloring:

  • Paint must be applied to the bubble surface with a very thin layer.
  • Spray gun flawlessly stains the foam. Therefore, if possible, it is better to use this device for staining.
  • When painting the ceiling with a roller, do not roll it all the way to the wall. Otherwise - you will leave a trace on the wallpaper.
  • To check the quality and the staining layer, it is necessary to direct the light (desk lamp) onto the ceiling and carefully examine the coating from different angles.
  • When drying, do not create a draft or open the door to the room.
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Foam ceiling tile painting is a budget repair solution in any part of the house. With this coating, you can create an interesting interior or make accents, zoning the room in a way suitable for you.

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