How to glue the toilet?

Despite its massiveness and apparent strength, sanitary ware products are quite fragile. With a careless attitude, unaesthetic chips and cracks may appear on it. In this article we will tell you how to glue the toilet to at least slightly extend the period of its operation. However, it is worth remembering that bonding is considered only as a temporary measure, because when cracked, the device loses its aesthetic and operational properties.

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Popular causes of cracks and chips

To avoid damage to the sanitary ware, you need to know what causes most often lead to cracks and chips:

  1. According to statistics, the first place is occupied by a drop in the toilet of a wide variety of objects. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the owners of small apartments try to use every centimeter of free space and place shelves or cabinets in the bathroom directly above the equipment for storing household chemicals and various household items. In this case, the slightest negligence is enough - your plumbing will be damaged.
  2. The next reason may be sudden changes in temperature. They provoke uneven expansion or contraction of the material, create internal stress. Such a process can lead to cracks in the toilet bowl.
  3. Incorrect installation is the third reason. Errors in the installation - unevenly tightened fasteners or excessive force when tightening the fixing bolts, can also cause cracks in the tank.

Important! You need to know that consequences such as cracks may not occur immediately, but after some time. Moreover, in some cases it takes quite a long time to wait. If these three reasons are excluded, then it is almost guaranteed that you can save your sanitary ware from damage and destruction.

However, if after all the trouble has occurred, you can try to cope with the problem with the help of improvised means.

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How to glue the toilet?

Typically, repair of cracked plumbing is carried out in several stages.

Stage No. 1 - Preparation of the bonding surface

Preparation for the repair of plumbing is as follows:

  1. The problem area is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. The damage zone is wiped to remove small particles of ceramics.
  3. The damage zone is degreased with gasoline or acetone.
  4. Excess moisture is evaporated from the place of the future seam due to the thorough heating of the product with a hairdryer.

Important! The preparation will be somewhat different if the damage has a complex fault relief. In this case, it is impossible to peel the skin. When using it, it is possible to unnecessarily curb the bulge, and in the process of bonding, the formation of voids is possible, the presence of which will negatively affect the strength of the seam on the tank. The treatment of such a seam should be carried out only slightly, first with a hairdryer we remove small fragments, degrease, dry and apply glue with a thin layer.

Stage 2 - Bonding

Before applying the adhesive, carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with the recommendations given by the manufacturer. Often, toilet glue is used as follows:

  1. A layer of adhesive is carefully applied to a chip or crack.
  2. The time period specified in the instructions is expected.
  3. The glued surfaces are strongly pressed against each other.

Important! In many respects, the gluing result will depend on the pressing force - the stronger it is, the stronger the seam will be. For a more reliable fixation of the repaired area, you can use a tight elastic bandage or clamp. When the glue dries, the repaired area will require additional processing.


Stage 3 - Reinforcing the Inseam

The seam inside the toilet must be strengthened, which is done according to the following algorithm:

  1. The surface is cleaned with a sandpaper, degreased and we blow dry with a hairdryer.
  2. The seam is lubricated with glue, after which a strip of thin plastic or soft metal is laid on it, which will act as an amplifier.
  3. A special grout designed for ceramic tile joints treats bonded external damage.

Important! Grouts come in different colors, so you need to choose the shade that best suits the tank or the toilet itself.

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How can ceramic plumbing be glued together?

Choosing how to glue the toilet bowl, pay attention to the following ready-made compounds:

  • Unique
  • Mars;
  • Rapid
  • BF-2;
  • EPO;
  • MTs-1;
  • EPD.

If for some reason their use is undesirable or impossible, then you can use self-made glue. There are many recipes for the preparation of such compositions, but the following are most popular.

Option number 1

Such an adhesive composition must be prepared immediately before use, as it sets very quickly. Therefore, you must first prepare the glued surface and only then make glue. To prepare the adhesive, one part of quicklime is thoroughly mixed with ten parts of chalk and two and a half parts of liquid glass.

Option number 2

Two parts of pure water mix 10 parts of casein and 1 part of borax. So that the seam that will be bonded by the composition is waterproof, it is recommended to pour a few drops of aluminum alum or formalin solution into it. All this is thoroughly mixed.

Important! The glue prepared according to this recipe will completely harden in 2 or 3 hours. During this time, you need to have time to carry out all repairs.

Option number 3

Such a composition can be prepared “in reserve”, it can be stored for a long time and not deteriorate. To make it, you will need to do the following:

  1. Take one part of turpentine and two parts of light shellac.
  2. Place utensils with ingredients on a slow fire.
  3. When shellac is completely melted, it is thoroughly mixed with turpentine.
  4. The resulting composition is cooled.

Important! Such glue can be put into storage, divided into pieces. If the need arises, they can be warmed up and applied with a thin layer to the surfaces to be bonded, which are then compressed with effort. Excess glue that comes out is immediately removed.

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Unfortunately, no one can insure against such a serious nuisance as a chip or a crack on the toilet. If you exclude the most common causes of damage to equipment, you can maximize your plumbing safety. However, if it was not possible to avoid the trouble, we hope that the recommendations given by us will help you glue the toilet, extending its life until the purchase of new plumbing equipment.


