How to remove fungus in the bathroom

If the smell of dampness is constantly present in the bathroom, and you find brown or blue-black spots on the ceiling, in the corners or at the joints between the tiles, these are moldy fungi, the result of increased humidity and poor ventilation in the room. How to remove the fungus in the bathroom and forget about the mold problem forever, you will learn by reading the recommendations of our experts in this article.

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How does mold harm?

how to remove the fungus in the bathroomMold is not only an unsightly view of the “mushroom clearing” on the walls, but also a threat to your health. The decay products of the vital activity of the fungus affect the respiratory, immune systems, as a result, you can get an allergic reaction. If there is such a problem, it is necessary to act immediately - to carry out the treatment of the premises in order to avoid troubles with your health. To do this, you should learn how to destroy the fungus in the bathroom and what means to use in order to ensure a long and high-quality result.

Important! The fungus does not disdain anything, it forms on wood, concrete, painted surfaces, even gets under the sealant. Fungal spores germinate with thin threads on any surface, destroying it irrevocably. To remove the fungus on the ceiling and on the tiles in the bathroom, you need to apply drastic measures to destroy it.

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Why does a fungus form on the surface?

Ideal conditions for the appearance of the fungus are faulty ventilation, high humidity and poor ventilation. If you made repairs in accordance with all the rules, but do not adhere to the rules for preventing the problem, the fungus may be in a “sleeping” state for several years until favorable conditions arise. If the room has an excess humidity level: frequent washing, drying of laundry in the room, temperature changes, faulty plumbing, poor waterproofing, etc., in such cases condensation forms - this is the future ideal environment for the formation of fungus.

Important! To prevent the appearance of the fungus in the bathroom, first of all, establish the cause of its formation and consider measures to eliminate it, so that in the future the fungus could not appear again. Only in this case it makes sense to wonder how to remove the fungus in the bathroom. Otherwise, all actions will go down the drain and very quickly mold colonies will resume their existence.

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How to destroy mold?

Removing fungus in the bathroom, start with these steps:

  1. Check the operation of the hood. With improper ventilation design, often there are problems with excess moisture and as a result, the problem is how to destroy the fungus in the bathroom. In addition, the ventilation shaft may be clogged with extraneous debris, which does not contribute to the free outflow of air.
  2. Identify sources of damp. The culprit of constant moisture may be faulty plumbing, constant condensation on the pipes, a bathroom closed at the bottom with plastic panels.
  3. To avoid the above reasons, isolate the malfunctions, install a modern heated towel rail, and if possible make a warm floor.
  4. If there is a washing machine in the bathroom, make sure that it does not accumulate water after washing.
  5. Remove objects infected with the fungus from the room.Furniture with traces of mold is a constant breeding ground for fungal spores, if you notice affected areas in small quantities, in this case, it is worth fighting for the item of comfort with antiseptic agents. But if the mushroom sites are extensive - you will have to dispose of the infected item.
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Destroying the fungus in the bathroom

Since the removal of fungus is the most time-consuming part of the process, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Dry the bathroom thoroughly with an electric heater.
  2. Treat the affected areas with special or folk remedies, depending on the degree of damage.

Important! Before you start the fight against fungus in the bathroom:

  • Take care of personal safety: put on protective clothing, use things that you will dispose of after finishing work, wear a hat, rubber gloves, goggles and a gauze bandage (respirator) so as not to breathe dust containing fungal spores.
  • Close the doors to the bathroom so that dirt does not spread to the rest of the rooms.
  • Prepare working materials and tools for the destruction of fungal mold.
  • Determine the surface to be cleaned so that excess dust does not form, moisten the area to be cleaned a little.
  • If you will use a special drug to destroy the fungus, be sure to read the instructions for use before use, in order to avoid unforeseen reactions.

how to remove the fungus in the bathroomTo qualitatively remove the fungus in the bathroom, the main rule is the choice of a means for cleaning and prevention. The success of the process largely depends on this. We offer a list of available tools that are likely to be in the medical kit and in your kitchen:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Clean the affected area with sandpaper and treat with the drug, leave until completely dry.
  2. Ammonia. Mix 2 parts of ammonia and detergent, add 4 parts of water, grease moldy areas. Leave for some time for exposure and brush thoroughly.
  3. Borax. This natural mold inhibitor can be used by people with allergic reactions. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. Apply the solution to the affected area with a stiff brush. Do not rinse after treatment.
  4. Boric acid and table vinegar. Wipe the mold with undiluted vinegar, for a better effect, make a solution: add 4 parts of vinegar, 2 parts of peroxide and 1 part of boric acid to 4 parts of water, lubricate the affected areas with this mixture.
  5. Soda. The most affordable and effective substance. On a problem zone, apply a thick layer of powder and pour vinegar. Rinse off the foam after some time with water.
  6. Aromatic tea tree oil. Perfectly affects the fungus on the tiles in the bathroom, subsequently gives a pleasant aroma to your room. On 1 tbsp. warm water add 2 tsp. oils. Use a spray gun to spray into problem areas.
  7. Chlorine bleach. Distribute the product around the affected area. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes. Carefully use on silicone - it may turn yellow.
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What else to remove the fungus in the bathroom?

If a fungus has formed on the ceiling and walls, it has destroyed paint and tile glue, more drastic measures need to be taken. In this case, you can not do without dismantling the surface finish:

  1. Remove the areas affected by mold to concrete with a sharp spatula or drill with a special nozzle.
  2. Dry with a construction hairdryer.

For prevention, use special remedies for fungus in the bathroom:

  1. Covering felt-tip pen. It can be used when tile joints are affected. The marker is based on a waterproof dye that prevents the formation of fungus. In order to quickly solve the problem of how to remove the fungus in the bathroom, clean the problem areas with a mill and treat with a felt-tip pen.
  2. Copper sulfate. An excellent remedy for fungus on the walls in the bathroom.Dissolve the powder in water in a proportion of 1:10. Brush soaked in vitriol, treat the surface, pay attention to more affected areas. The time for exposure is from several hours to a day. Rinse off and dry thoroughly. The drug is toxic, so work in a well-ventilated area.

Important! This chemical can be used with the above drugs, depending on the severity of the degree of damage. Before use, such solutions are heated to 50-70 ° C and applied to problem areas.

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Modern remedies for fungus in the bathroom

Chemical manufacturing is releasing new, more effective anti-mold agents. Antifungal drugs can be purchased at any construction or hardware store, they professionally remove biocorrosion qualitatively and prevent its further appearance.

Such means are especially popular:

  1. Antiseptic “Teflex Anti-Mold”. The drug is used in waterproofing works, in the finish coating of walls and ceilings, as well as in the form of an aqueous concentrate for the treatment of moldy areas.
  2. Antifungal spray. Fungal spores are constantly floating in the air, so to prevent a new appearance of the fungus, periodically treat the air space in the bathroom.
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Now you know how to remove the fungus in the bathroom, and for sure you managed to solve the problem with the help of our useful tips. Do not forget to arrange room maintenance in a timely manner and your bathroom will delight you with its cleanliness and freshness.

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