How to cover scratches on furniture?

Furniture is one of the most important components of our housing. It is impossible to imagine how we could do without this household item, because we are talking not only about cabinets for storing clothes, but also about chairs, tables, coffee decorative tables, which exist in order to ensure a comfortable life. However, during operation, scratches of various depths often appear on it. This disadvantage is very noticeable and just leaving it is not recommended. Today we will talk about how to gloss over scratches on furniture.

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We remove defects from the varnished surfaces

The nature, location and depth of the discrepancy may be different. When deciding how to remove cracks from polished furniture, the most popular way is to contact specialists. However, in this case, it is worth considering the factor that the household item will be absent in your house for a rather long time.

Not all people have the time and money to repair furniture in a special workshop. In this case, various means will come to the rescue, for example, a wax pencil for furniture from scratches.

Wax pencil

Wax pencil for furniture from scratches is the most common solution for sealing minor discrepancies. Its main advantage lies in the low price category and a huge variety of color shades. You can choose exactly the color that the furniture has.

Using this item is very simple. It is enough just to wipe the surface from dirt, dry well and apply this pencil to the place of damage. After a couple of minutes, there was no shortage.


Another option, how to remove scratches from the table, is a special wax. It is sold in hardware stores. In this case, you can also choose exactly the shade that you have furniture.

Application principle:

  1. To apply wax to a crack, it is necessary to degrease the surface, clean it of various kinds of contaminants and rub this crack well with the main material.
  2. After applying wax to the damaged surface with a special knife, you remove the remains of the base material.
  3. Literally after 10-15 minutes you need to wipe this place with a cotton cloth.

No flaws on the subject of the interior will not be visible!

Important! Wax is suitable for lacquered furniture. However, before applying any method to eliminate surface defects, it is necessary to test it on an invisible area, and only then use it on the front side.

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Handy tools to eliminate surface imperfections on furniture

If cracks appeared on your household items, and you thought about how to remove scratches from furniture at home, then you can use not only professional tools, but also those items that every housewife has. So, let's look at what is needed so that the cracks are not visible.

Use of iodine

The most budgetary way to remove scratches from the table is to use iodine:

  1. This drug is diluted in water in different proportions.
  2. Using an ordinary brush, paint over the crack.
  3. You can’t paint the defect the first time. You will need to repeat this procedure several times.

Important! The use of iodine is only suitable for those cracks that are visible visually, but on tactile sensations - they are not. To eliminate deep cracks, you should choose another method.



A more effective option to remove cracks from furniture is to use walnuts. This product is suitable for all types of furniture. To get the result:

  1. It is enough to peel it off and rub a crack with the core of the nut.
  2. In just five or ten minutes, the place will darken, and a small crack will not be visible.

Important! Great for shallow cracks. In order to consolidate the result, many experts advise using varnish.

We use mayonnaise

Now we will consider the most extraordinary, but effective method of dealing with flaws and cracks. These are uses of mayonnaise. If on the surface of your interior item there are small cracks that can spread throughout the area, then you need to use homemade sauce consisting of butter and eggs:

  1. Rub the whole surface with mayonnaise.
  2. In just two or three days, all your flaws will not be visible. This is due to the fact that mayonnaise contains a large amount of fat, which fill all the cracks, the tree swells, and the cracks cease to be noticeable.
  3. After carrying out this procedure, you must carefully wipe the remaining sauce, polish the surface - your table will again be like new.

Cigarette ash

This method is that you mix a large amount of ash with a few drops of water. As a result, you get a “gruel” with which you fill the cracked surface.

Important! This method is not suitable for all furniture. Compared to other methods - not as effective.

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Overwrite deep cracks

To eliminate all surface defects use anti-scratch furniture. However, depending on the depth of the crack, it is worth choosing your own individual method. Removing a deep dent will require a few items and a desire.

To remove deep scratches, you must:

  1. Wipe the surface from dust and dirt.
  2. Strip the crack.
  3. Fill the cleared dent with a special putty on wood, which can be bought at any hardware store.
  4. Dry the surface.
  5. Using sandpaper to wipe the remains of a new layer.
  6. If necessary, paint with stain.
  7. Fix everything with varnish.
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Now you know how to remove scratches from furniture at home. Try to put into practice one or more of the options we have proposed, and you will succeed!

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