Kitchen drawing

Repair in the kitchen is a special event, which takes a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to think over the design in such a way that every member of the family liked it, the guests were surprised that the room was functional, convenient, easy to care for. But good preparation is the key to the success of any undertaking. Today we will consider how to properly prepare for the repair and draw up a drawing of the kitchen, which will only please you. With the help of our helpful tips, you can easily cope with this time-consuming task in the best possible way.

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Do it yourself

Often a trip to a furniture store brings one upset. Inexpensive kitchen options look ridiculous, and that same ideal option costs more than a week's rest abroad. Of course, you can order furniture, but it will come out even more expensive, plus you have to spend a lot of time looking for a good workshop.

But do not get upset over the little things, because there is always the option to make a kitchen with your own hands. Here you can choose the best option for yourself and create your own cozy corner. However, lack of skills is a small problem. If you ever tried to put together a shop, and it worked out for you, then you can make a kitchen, it just takes a little more time than when ordering.

Advantages of an independent project:

  1. Savings, because the cost of a finished kitchen or one that is made to order is very high.
  2. You yourself can model your kitchen, taking into account all its nuances.
  3. The furniture created according to your sketches can rightfully be called unique, assembled in a single copy.
  4. You can not pick up a finished design, but create your own.
  5. The functionality of your kitchen will depend only on your plan.

But you still have to try a little. The first thing to do is draw a little.

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Make a sketch

So, we take a piece of paper, a pencil and present our future ideal kitchen. In this case, it is worth remembering one convenient rule - the working triangle. A little more about it below.

Triangle rule

Typically, designers divide a kitchen room in a drawing into three main sections:

  • cooking area;
  • section for storing food, dishes;
  • area for cutting food, washing dishes.

Important! If you imagine these sections in the form of a triangle, then access to each of them should be at a distance of no more than three steps. This arrangement is considered the most convenient, functional.

At this stage, also consider whether it will be possible to open windows, doors without interference for work.

Then you can start drawing.


Getting started is always difficult, but here you have to show your imagination:

  1. First, imagine what and how it will be located in your kitchen, what materials it is made of.
  2. Next, you will need to make a sketch of everything invented. Moreover, you do not need art education. The main thing is that you understand what kind of objects you draw.
  3. Next, you need to carefully measure the room and begin work on the drawing of the kitchen.

Important! You can make a drawing manually, or you can install a special program for modeling on a PC. Free versions are available on the Internet that are quite suitable for non-professionals.


  • Pro 100;
  • Sweet Home;
  • Aston dizayn.

Important! The advantages of computer modeling are the ability to see the layout of an almost finished kitchen in color, from various angles.Moreover, these programs allow you to place not only furniture, but also communications, doors, windows.

This is convenient, but there are times when even the simplest programs are incomprehensible. Then the drawing can be done manually. The following recommendations should be considered here.


  1. Be sure to indicate the scale for yourself, strictly adhere to it. A convenient option is a scale of 1:10, and a unit of measurement of 1 mm.
  2. Measure the dimensions of the room, apply its perimeter to the drawing.
  3. Mark all dimensions on the drawing, taking into account the divergence of the walls near the floor and the ceiling.
  4. Mark the places where the various communications will take place.
  5. Mark outlets and ventilation.
  6. Indicate where the window opening is located, its dimensions and the corresponding dimensions of the door.
  7. Do not forget about the plinth, otherwise - in the scheme an error is possible.

Important! Measure the room not only in width, length and height, but also:

  • in height from the floor to the windowsill;
  • from floor to ventilation;
  • from corners to windows;from walls to communications and stuff.

Next, you should place large household appliances on the drawing of the kitchen.

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Instrument Placement

Large-scale equipment means a refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and other items that require various communications to be connected to themselves, and which are difficult to move. It is important to consider the following tips when placing them.

How to arrange equipment?

  1. Do not place the refrigerator close to the stove - the appliance will quickly fail due to strong heating.
  2. The stove and the sink must be kept at least 50 cm apart. Water from the sink can easily get both on the equipment and directly into the outlet. In this case, a short circuit cannot be avoided.
  3. Dishwashers and washing machines must be installed as close to the water inlet and outlet as possible.

When arranging the technique, it is important not to forget about the outlets.

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We place sockets

If you place the sockets wisely, then any kitchen will please you with functionality. In the absence of a clear plan for the placement of equipment, you will have to use many extension cords, and they often look unattractive, and their safe use is not always possible.

There are some useful tips on this subject:

  • Remember that it is possible to place sockets in the kitchen not only on the walls, but also mount them in an apron or in the countertop.
  • If you use the built-in technique, take into account the manufacturer's recommendations when planning.
  • For small equipment, you also need to provide a separate output of electricity.

Important! Usually, three outlets in an apron are enough, but you can leave room for an extension cord if you wish. Remember about safety precautions.


  • mount sockets in close proximity to the sink;
  • connect electrical appliances above the stove;
  • install power at the back of household appliances.

Important! The exact miscalculation of the placement of sockets in small-sized kitchens is especially relevant.

Next, consider the tips on the location of furniture in the drawing of the kitchen.

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At this stage, you should already understand exactly how you want to place the kitchen.

Placement options:

  • the letter “P” - a kitchen with two angles;
  • the letter "G" - a kitchen with one corner;
  • linear version;
  • accommodation peninsula and island.

It is also important to provide space for the table and chairs, if necessary. Consider in size that the chairs should move freely. After - we consider the options for the location of the cabinets, and also determine their optimal number. After that, you can plan the arrangement and transfer it to the drawing.

Important! In this case, modeling programs are again convenient. There are even programs that themselves suggest how to make the kitchen more functional.

At this point, consider even the smallest details:

  • which way the cabinets open;
  • how far the drawers extend;
  • note the placement of cabinet lighting, if available;



When placing the elements, do not forget about the following details:

  • sink and cabinet;
  • cabinets and niches near the sink;
  • Dishwasher;
  • oven or stove;
  • wall cabinets and shelves.

Next, we’ll talk about how to determine the correct dimensions of kitchen cabinets. The drawings will help us with this.

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This stage is very important, because if you make a mistake in the calculations, the headset may simply not fit in the space laid for it.

As a rule, a kitchen set has several levels:

  1. The upper level is hanging cabinets and shelves. Their size is determined by the size of the room. The height of the cabinets can be up to 100 cm, and the standard depth and width are up to 50 cm and 80 cm, respectively.
  2. The lower level is the floor structures. Their height is selected in accordance with the growth of the user. Standard sizes reach 90 cm. The built-in appliances are often installed in the lower part of the headset. The standard depth of the cabinets is 60 cm, and the width depends on the model.

Important! If it’s difficult for you to determine the standard sizes of kitchen cabinets, drawings from the Internet to fit your room’s dimensions can ease the task.

We will analyze the nuances of placing the hood.

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Cooker hood

The width of the upper cabinets will depend on the size of the hood.
On the plan, note that the height from the electric stove to the hood should not be less than 70 cm, for a gas stove the distance is increased by a meter.

Next, we will consider how to correctly make drawings of kitchen sets with dimensions.

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For the correct drawing, you need to make the right measurements. And here we also have some recommendations:

  1. When you measured the length of the proposed kitchen, subtract from the obtained length 2-5 mm - this will avoid trouble in case of an error.
  2. Also be sure to check for even angles. If the angle is not 90 degrees, these differences must be taken into account in the plan. This moment will be especially relevant when creating a corner kitchen.
  3. Check the walls for level. Rough surfaces can become an obstacle, and the hinged structures will not fit snugly.
  4. Separately, calculate the dimensions of each cabinet and its components: drawers, shelves, doors, panels, walls.
  5. Check the dimensions left for household appliances.
  6. Indicate how much space the fittings take.

Important! The final drawing of the kitchen should include as much as possible all possible sizes, since any error can ultimately lead to inconvenience.

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And a couple more nuances

  • With the finished drawing, you can draw up a separate cutting map. It marks the size and number of necessary parts for the independent creation of a headset. Then you can go to the store and purchase materials.
  • Preparation of materials for the kitchen requires a lot of time, effort and a separate room. Therefore, it is easier to turn to the furniture workshop for help, where you can make blanks on a map for your kitchen with high quality and very inexpensive.
  • The further stage of the work includes repair work in accordance with your plan and the assembly of furniture.
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Making your own kitchen is easy if you know the basics and step by step. Using computer programs, you can create a drawing of a corner kitchen with dimensions and detailing, or any other layout of your ideal room. But if you find it difficult to cope with this task yourself, you can turn to the designers for help.

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