Massage table drawing

The art of massage has existed for a long time, because even in the Stone Age healers, dressed in foxes and bear skins, treated their fellow tribesmen with kneading and grinding. Many people today master its basic manipulations exclusively for themselves, to massage their loved ones. But if you are well acquainted with this matter and even received a massage therapist certificate, then you will certainly want to start earning money on it. Remember that first of all, you should take care of creating the most comfortable conditions for your future customers, so you will have to purchase all the necessary equipment. Unfortunately, not everything is affordable, it is much easier to find a massage table drawing on the Internet and do it yourself. Thus, you will save a considerable amount and spend money on the purchase of other, no less useful equipment. From this article we will learn how to do it yourself, so as not to resort to the help of specialists.
to contents ↑Varieties of massage tables
Today on the market you can find a large number of models of massage tables, which are conditionally divided into folding (portable) and stationary. Now consider each option in more detail.
Such tables are distinguished by an incredibly convenient design, but at the same time they are considered too dimensional, heavy and difficult to carry. That is why they are used mainly in beauty salons, hospitals, inpatient departments and offices.
Such models are equipped with movable headrests that improve the position of the head and neck, which will certainly positively affect the quality of massage.
Important! They are made of the most hardwood and strong steel. They cost quite a lot due to the multifunctionality and quality factor of the design.
Such massage tables are often used at home, mainly by massage therapists who either receive clients at home or go on calls. They are lightweight, compact and quick to fold.
Important! When folded, such a table can be safely put in the trunk of a car, and it weighs no more than 20 kilograms.
The legs in the device are perfectly adjustable, so you can install it even on an uneven surface. Due to the low cost, ease of assembly and lightness, such models are incredibly popular.
Massage couches
This is the easiest portable device. Such models are produced without additional parts and they are not adjustable in height. There are couches that fold in the middle and have a special hole for the face.
On such tables you can do therapeutic, cosmetic, training and rehabilitation massage.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that before performing any type of massage, you need to adjust the legs so that the table is in a horizontal position at the desired height. Depending on the direction of the procedure, you should also set the headrest at the desired angle. In the presence of armrests it is also recommended to adjust them.
Tips for making massage tables
If you have already found information on how to make a massage table yourself, then before a crime to work, be sure to read the recommendations of specialists so that during the work there will be no additional questions.
General tips for manufacturing a massage device:
- The most important requirement that any massage table must meet is that a person with any weight and complexion should fit on it freely. The masseur should also have free access to the client from all sides. Therefore, you need to ensure that the corners are not too protruding, so that later they do not rest against his stomach.
- The design must be solid and strong to withstand a load of up to 250 kilograms. People who understand this probably know that for the effectiveness of treatment it is necessary to make a lot of effort, and poor equipment will not withstand such loads for a long time.
Important! Do not forget about the safety of your customers. The frame should be made of solid wood or lightweight metal.
- The bed itself should be as ergonomic as possible, because if the patient is uncomfortable, he will constantly strain and there will be no sense in the massage. And the female representatives in general, even during the procedure, worry about their makeup, so there must be a recess in the table for the face. This must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing of a massage table.
- Of great importance is the quality of the internal filling of the table. It is better if it is polyurethane or foam rubber of the highest density level. The ideal option is a mixed type of filler.
How to organize the work?
So, have you firmly decided to make a massage table with your own hands from wood? The drawings are ready and you are full of strength and energy, which means that it is time to take up the organization of the process.
Important! Perhaps at first it will seem to you that you have chosen a model of construction that is too complicated, but in reality they are all simple, and most importantly, they are reliable, fold in two counts and fit in any trunk.
Materials and Tools
To begin with, we will prepare the following tools and materials (their dimensions should correspond to the dimensions indicated in the drawing):
- Polished plywood - 2 sheets.
- Bar for the manufacture of legs.
- Foam rubber - 2 sheets.
- A piece of faux leather in a beautiful color.
- Piano loops - 14 pieces.
- Sandpaper.
- Screws 15 millimeters long.
- Clasps and handle.
- Self-tapping screws with a length of 20.35 and 45 millimeters.
- PVA glue.
- Hacksaw.
- Circular saw equipped with an inclined blade.
- Screwdriver.
- Drill with a set of drills.
- Paper cutter.
- Chisel and hammer.
- Joiner's fine-toothed hacksaw.
- Ruler, tape measure, pencil and square.
- Electric jigsaw.
- Staples and a mechanical stapler.
Stages of making a massage table at home
And now we will consider in stages how to make a folding massage table with our own hands. We lay out the drawings printed on paper so that each element is clearly visible, and get to work.
This process involves several steps.
Countertop Assembly
It all starts with making the table base:
- We mark the segments of the given sizes on both pieces of plywood and cut them using an electric jigsaw of the workpiece.
- We carefully clean the ends with the help of sandpaper.
- In one of the blanks, we cut a hole for the face.
- To make a rounding, you can use the pan lid or a plate.
- Then we cut out the frame for the countertop.
- We connect the blanks with self-tapping screws, so that in the end you get two frames of the given dimensions.
- We drill a hole in advance for fasteners so that the timber does not crack under the screws.
- We assemble the frames, fasten the covers to them with the help of self-tapping screws or nails.
Upholstery for worktops
At this stage, we care about the comfort of customers. So:
- Put glue on the countertop and put foam on top.
- When it is completely dry, cut off the excess pieces around the edges.
- Carefully cut an oval hole for the face.
- We put artificial leather on the foam, while pulling it well, and wrap the edges around the frame.
- We fix it with a stapler to the bar, while observing the step of 10 millimeters.
- We form accurate corners so that there are no folds.
- On the one hand (short), we definitely leave room for the installation of loops.
Making legs
According to the drawing of the massage table:
- We cut two sets of blanks from a bar, so that each of them has six bars.
- We assemble the two main supports, for this we fasten three parts together using self-tapping screws.
- At an angle of 40 degrees, cut off the lower ends of the longest workpieces.
- Then we connect two more supports in half the tree, and we make the grooves with the help of a chisel or saw.
- We cut their upper corners at an angle of 30 degrees.
- On the piano loops we collect all the supports and fasten using self-tapping screws.
Important! As a result, you should get two completely identical sets of legs. Be sure to check that they are folded and not have distortions.
Assembly of construction:
- On the inside of the frame we draw a marking for piano loops.
- We fasten them with screws, connect the frames and supports of the countertop.
- We screw the fasteners into the middle hole and check that there are no distortions when folding.
- If all is well, then screw the screws on the sides.
- We attach supports to the frame.
- We connect the two halves of the structure using loops that are not far from the ends of the lid.
- We fasten the loops on the screws so that the halves fold easily.
- Loops connect two halves of the table.
Spacer Making
This detail is necessary so that the massage table is more stable and its height can be adjusted:
- We connect the short ends with a piano loop and as a result we get a long strut. And remember: the shorter the spacer, the higher your table will be.
- We fasten the ends of each elements to the short sides of the supports of the massage table using the same loops and screws.
- We lay out the design and check the table for strength.
- We install latches on the end sides, thanks to which the folded table will have a compact shape.
- We fix the handle on top for transporting the massage table.
Stock footage
That's all, a fairly simple drawing of a massage table has turned into a functional and comfortable equipment for medical and cosmetic procedures.
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