Drawings of stairs to the second floor with turns

The staircase in a multi-storey private house is not only a necessity, but also an integral part of the design of the room. Today's huge selection of materials gives room for imagination. Wood, glass, metal structures, stone - there are a lot of options. Particularly interesting look rotary stairs, created independently. It is not difficult to make them, if you know all the nuances: how to make drawings of the stairs to the second floor with turns, how to assemble them and so on. But first things first.

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If you decide that your home cannot do without a staircase, then you need to determine the type of structure and the material of its manufacture. The look of it depends not only on your wishes, but also on the capabilities of the room and its layout. Today, all models according to the type of their supporting structure can be divided into the following types.


Such options consist of steps, which are fastened together by small platforms-spans. These designs can hold:

  • on kosoura - in this case, the steps are installed above the supporting structure;
  • on bowstrings - such stairs are held on grooves in which steps are mounted.

Spiral staircases

These models have a bearing support - a rack, and do not have direct steps. They do not occupy large areas, but to climb them is not as convenient as along the straight steps.

Structures on the bolets

The steps of such options hold on to the wall, and are interconnected by bolts. From this type of fastening, the ladder looks very easy, but at the same time it remains very durable. There is a variant of designs with bolts, when the metal frame is not taken for the bearing base.


These stairs can combine several of these types. Which model will eventually become a decoration of the house depends on the area of ​​the room and the necessary space under the stairs. If the area is small, install rotary systems.

Important! A private house suggests that such structures will be wooden, because this material is much lighter than others, it is much easier to work with.

We will deal further with the varieties of stairs that have spans and turns.

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Swing stairs

Before answering the question of how to make a rotary ladder with your own hands, you should learn a little more about them. Span structures can be straight, or they can have turns. If they are of direct type, then a large area is required for installation. Therefore, rotary options are most often selected. They are divided into different turns:

  1. 90 degrees, or designs in the form of the letter G. They can be connected by spans and running parts. Consider, the more you install the rotary running stages in the structure, the more inconvenient you will be to climb and descend. Corner options necessarily have a pillar support, on which the necessary type of fastening is already mounted.
  2. 180 degrees, or in the form of the letter P. Such models are made with a platform for turning, or with the help of running steps. As we have already said, such steps are less convenient than platforms, but they can save a significant area.

Important! When calculating such structures, not a single mistake can be made. Under rotary stairs, cabinets and niches are often mounted, which allows the most efficient use of space.

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Today, to create a swivel ladder, you can purchase a ready-made set with all the necessary details. To do this, you just need to correctly make all the measurements and transfer them to the manufacturer. But in this case, you only collect your staircase, and not create it from the very beginning. If you are not afraid of difficulties, you can start working on your own. But first you need to prepare a little.

Materials and Tools

The most popular material for stairs was and remains a tree. It is a durable and environmentally friendly material that is convenient and pleasant to work with. Also, wooden structures are slightly cheaper than other materials for stairs.

Popular types of wood for stairs:

  1. Beech - it can be used if the room is not too wet.
  2. Maple is a very durable material, resistant to various damage, but over time it can go cracked.
  3. Oak is malleable and easy to work, durable, but very heavy.
  4. Larch is an excellent hardwood species with high resistance to decay.
  5. Pine - this material is used less often than others, since such a tree can have knots that, when the humidity and temperature changes, can not withstand the impact and fall out. Then the whole structure, if not collapsing, will become much weaker.miniature-1-1068x600 

Important! Before assembling the structure from any wood species, the material must be well dried and must be wiped with moisture-protective and antifungal agents.

Necessary tools and designs:

  • supporting beam, the cross section of which depends on the required height of the span;
  • edged board;
  • balusters and railings for easy lifting;
  • glue for wood;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • skin and breathing protection;
  • work clothes;
  • protective glasses;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • fasteners;
  • nippers.

Important! When working with electricity, be aware of safety precautions.

When all the tools and parts are ready, it is important to correctly make all the calculations and the project itself.

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Make a project

So, to create your own design, you need to familiarize yourself with its main details.


  1. Bearing structures.
  2. Steps - with a turn and straight lines.
  3. Fencing details.

To calculate the rotary stairs to the second floor with your own hands, you will need to use formulas from geometry and drawings:

  1. First, we will need to find out the mid-flight line. It is parallel to the inside of the stairs, at a distance equal to the middle of the step.
  2. The radius of the runway will depend on the radius of the two marches. Today on the Internet for such calculations there are special programs available online. It is necessary to enter all the requested values ​​in them and get the finished result.
  3. When choosing a width, be guided by what area you plan to give for the design, as well as how convenient it will be for you to move.
  4. Also, when drawing up a project, you need to immediately decide how you prefer to organize a turn: with the help of spans or rotary steps.8


  1. The curved step should be more than ten centimeters in its narrow part.
  2. The width of the narrowest and widest step does not differ by more than 10 millimeters.
  3. The span can not be less than 90 centimeters in width.
  4. The middle line of the running stage can not be less than 20 centimeters.
  5. A person-friendly lift does not exceed 45 degrees.

Important! The width of the steps suggests that the whole household will be comfortable climbing them. It can be calculated by the formula: 2x + y = 55 cm, where:

  • x is the height of the step;
  • y is its width;
  • 55 cm is the average step size.

You can derive your value and adjust the formula depending on your parameters.

If you have difficulties with calculations and designing a project, you can turn to specialist designers for help.

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Make a kosour:

  1. The supporting part is made of a beam of the same length as a flight of stairs. At the same time, its thickness should be more than five centimeters.
  2. Before you start sawing the beam, make a triangular pattern of solid material in all sizes. According to this sample, you will mark the beam, cut the teeth.
  3. Depending on the design of the stairs, cut out the required number of supports, the steps of which will be joined to the teeth.
  4. After the beams are ready, they must be fixed. First, the upper parts of the kosour are fixed with anchor bolts to the ceiling beam and the support beam. When mounting to the floor - it can be concreted.
  5. For the strength of the fastening, a groove of about 2 cm is made in the support, which is one millimeter less than the cross-section of the kosour, and the beam is inserted into the groove made.
  6. Further, supports for a wall braid and a base for running steps are mounted.

Important! All work must be carried out, checking the level.

Next, we will consider how to make steps and assemble the structure.

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  • For the manufacture of steps, it is necessary to cut out a template from plywood, and make details on it. Make sure that the parts are the same size, excluding the cross. They are cut separately, also having previously prepared a template. Of course, all details should be treated with protective agents, varnish.
  • After creating the steps, you can go to the bowstring for the lower span. It is also made of edged boards, but without teeth. Here the steps are inserted into pre-prepared recesses and fastened with self-tapping screws.

Important! Parts are installed using self-tapping screws and wood glue. Swivel elements need to be fixed more carefully.

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We make a railing

Creating a railing from scratch on your own is not an easy task, since all the details require perfect evenness, accuracy. Therefore, if you doubt your abilities, take a look at the ready-made parts to order according to your sketch.

To make the staircase not only look beautiful, but also be safe:

  • Install balusters on each of its steps.
  • Fastening takes place by inserting a rod and wood glue into the step. The baluster is drilled to the size of the rod and put on it, pre-treating the drilled surface with glue.
  • At the corners, at the end of the stairs, wide parts are installed - pedestals that also hold the handrails.
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Finally, some more tips:

  1. For safe use of the ladder, fix all the parts securely, carefully check the attachments.
  2. To make sure that all the parts are installed evenly, pull the fishing line from the upper baluster to the support.
  3. So that all the details look beautiful and do not deteriorate from mechanical stress, they are varnished.
  4. If you do not have experience in carpentry, the best option would be to entrust the business to professionals.
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Do not forget about the timely care of the product, then a staircase with your own hands made of wood with a turn will not only decorate your home, but will also last a very long time.

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