Cleaning chimney stoves and fireplaces from soot

The effective operation of the fireplace and stove depends not only on the quality of the fuel and materials of construction, but also on the condition of the chimney. Even the best firewood leads to soot and burning on the surface of the pipes. Therefore, regular cleaning of chimneys of stoves and fireplaces from soot is the most important rule of operation of the furnace system. Today, there are many ways to effectively clean a pipe without the help of specialists.

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Why is soot formed?

The combustion of any fuel is an oxidation process for which two conditions are necessary: ​​oxygen and high temperature. If at least one of them is not satisfied, then this leads to the formation of soot, and as a result - insufficient oxidation of carbon. In this case, the smoke has a characteristic black color and contains a large number of small particles remaining in the pipe, especially in rotary places.

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Causes of soot formation

Almost all firewood leaves soot on the walls of the chimney, especially at the time of burning. However, there are a number of factors due to which the burnout is several times more active:

  • Raw firewood. It is known that if wet fuel is put in the fireplace or stove, then it takes time for it to dry. A large amount of energy is spent on this, and the temperature in the furnace decreases. Because of this, insufficient oxidation of carbon occurs and characteristic black smoke appears.
  • Burning plastic and polyethylene in an oven or fireplace - leads to the formation of a huge amount of soot and burning on the pipe. This not only damages the furnace system, but also pollutes the atmosphere.
  • Inadequate draft in the furnace. The combustion process is impossible without a good supply of oxygen. If there is not enough air, then the wood burns poorly, soot and cinder are formed. This may be due to improper design of the furnace, as well as a consequence of a chimney clogging.

Important! The rate of soot formation in the kiln system is highly dependent on the quality of the wood fuel. It is undesirable to use coniferous varieties - spruce and pine, for burning in an oven. A large amount of resin in the wood leads to a quick clogging of the chimneys. It is best to purchase only dry hardwood logs, otherwise - more frequent cleaning of the chimney from soot will be required.

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Methods for cleaning soot from the stove and fireplace

Today, there are three main methods for cleaning chimneys:

  • The mechanical way. This is the easiest but most effective method of cleaning pipes. A special brush or brush is lowered into the chimney, with the help of which the pipe walls are cleaned.

Important! This method is not suitable for everyone, because direct access to the chimney on the roof is required. By the way, chimney sweeps used exactly this method.

  • Dry cleaning of pipes. This is the most affordable and easiest method to clean the chimney from soot. During the burning of firewood, powder or special briquettes are added, which, using a chemical reaction, clean the surface of the pipe even in the most inaccessible places.

Important! This is a great way to prevent pollution, however, it is ineffective for cleaning up serious blockages.

  • Folk methods. Chimney soot pollution is a long-standing problem that people have faced centuries ago. Previously, there were no chemicals, and not everyone could afford chimney sweep services.Therefore, various methods were invented how to easily clean the chimney using improvised methods.

Mechanical cleaning

Cleaning chimneys using a special ruff and kettlebell is one of the oldest methods that is still used today.

The device itself is very simple:

  • This is a flexible iron or rubber cable, at the end of which is a stiff metal brush.
  • Its diameter is selected depending on the size of the chimney.
  • Sometimes the brush is combined with a small weight, so that the cable freely penetrates into the chimney to the very end.

Important! The device is lowered into a pipe on the roof, and then lifted, and so on, until pollution is removed. The cleaning technology consists in mechanically knocking soot off the surface of a pipe.

1523516When using this cleaning method, it is extremely important to observe the sequence of work, otherwise - all efforts will be useless - soot will remain on the surface of the chimney:

  1. Close all oven openings tightly, including the furnace door. This is important so that soot particles torn from the surface do not fly into the house. If you are cleaning a fireplace with an open firebox, then you need to hang it with a damp cloth.
  2. Climb to the roof, be sure to use insurance. It is not recommended to clean the chimney from soot in windy or snowy weather, in order to avoid breakdown.
  3. Carefully inspect the chimney. If the soot layer does not exceed 2 mm, then it is best to resort to chemical cleaning, because the use of a ruff with a weight is necessary only for severe contamination.
  4. It is desirable to clean a dense burning layer with a long-handled scraper. Only after that take a ruff and begin cleaning the pipe.
  5. For effective cleaning, the use of weights at the end of the brush is not always necessary. This is only necessary when there is congestion in the chimney. Throw it very carefully, exactly in the center of the chimney, trying not to touch the masonry of the stove or fireplace.

Important! Do not use a weighting material with a displaced center of gravity. During the procedure, it may roll over or twist, causing it to become stuck in the pipe or disrupt the surface of the chimney.

  1. At the end of cleaning, be sure to open all the shutters and remove the soot that has settled on them. In the case of open fireplaces, it is imperative to clean not only the chimney, but also the furnace itself.

Dry cleaning

If the chimney is not very clogged, a soot cleaner can be used to clean the chimneys.

Important! They work especially well if the pipe is ceramic or stainless steel. However, the brickwork can also be cleaned by the chemical method if the soot layer does not exceed 2 mm. It is advisable to regularly use special cleaning products as a preventive measure - this is a reliable way to avoid mechanical cleaning of the chimney.

To date, the following products are most popular:

  • “Kominichek” is a product of the Czech manufacturer. It is a paper bag inside which are granules. The drug is laid directly on the wood in a well-heated stove without breaking the package. When heated, the powder will cause a reaction, due to which the soot begins to exfoliate from the walls of the chimney and exit along with the smoke.
  • Various logs for cleaning the chimney, for example, “Log-chimney sweep”. Regardless of the name and manufacturer, the principle of using such products is the same - put a log in the preheated stove or fireplace to clean the chimney. During combustion, a catalyst is released that works like powder - soot softens and exits the pipe along with smoke or falls into the furnace.

Important! After using chemicals to clean the chimneys, it is necessary to ventilate the room, and clean the stove or fireplace. Soot after processing can pour in for several more days, so it will take a long time to clean.

Folk methods

Various folk remedies are the most affordable way to clean the fireplace yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals.Here are the most effective methods:

  • The use of salt. Put a few handfuls of rock salt on the wood and flood the stove or fireplace. During the combustion of the fuel, a large amount of oxygen will be released, which will soften the soot on the surface of the pipe.

Important! This method is not suitable for cleaning a large layer of soot and can be used only as a preventive measure.

  • Peeling potatoes. This is one of the oldest methods of cleaning furnace equipment. The number of potato peelings is determined only by the size of the oven, usually a bucket is enough to clean a medium-sized chimney. Potato waste is poured directly onto the wood during burning. Starch, which is released during the combustion of cleanings, softens the soot and it leaves the chimney. After the procedure, it is advisable to clean the furnace, remove the ash and ventilate the room.
  • Aspen firewood is the most unreliable and dangerous folk method. It consists in heating the chimney to a maximum temperature, as a result of which the soot simply burns out. For this, it is aspen firewood that burns with the hottest flame. Before using this method, make sure that there is not so much soot in the chimney, otherwise it can explode and damage the tightness of the pipe.

Important! None of the popular methods can remove a large layer of soot. These are, rather, methods of preventing pollution than methods of fully cleaning the chimney.

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When is cleaning required?

When using high-quality hardwood fuel, cleaning the system will not be required soon. As a rule, prevention by chemical and folk methods is enough to avoid strong blockages of soot. Cleaning the fireplace from soot is only necessary when the color and quality of the smoke changes - it becomes dark and dense. The hue of the flame in the furnace can also change, with clogging of the chimney, it becomes dark orange. Plus, a characteristic smell of burning can be felt in the room, which should not be during normal operation of the furnace equipment.

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Cleaning the chimney from soot is an important procedure for the proper operation of the furnace equipment. With strong soot deposits, not only the quality of the heating deteriorates, but also the risk of damage to the pipe, as well as the likelihood of a fire. You can clean the pipe yourself, or you can resort to the help of specialists.

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