Face cleaning at home

Every self-respecting woman monitors the condition of her skin. Facial cleansing at home is a pleasant, easy, and sometimes beneficial procedure. In this article, you will learn how to easily and quickly cleanse your skin at home. Which skin cleansing products are right for you so that oily or dry skin is truly effective.

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Why cleanse your face?

Beautiful, well-groomed facial skin is the calling card of any woman. If you do not care for your face, it becomes flabby, it can even hurt. Every day, particles of dust and other contaminants settle on the surface of the face, harmful substances accumulate in the upper layers of the epidermis, which causes aging processes.

Face cleaning at homeReasons to cleanse your skin:

  1. When cleansing the face, contaminants are expelled from the deep layers of the epidermis, which stabilizes the metabolism in the cells and has a good effect on skin color and health.
  2. During the procedure, you clean the pores, the skin begins to breathe and looks fresh and young.
  3. Facial cleansing at home neutralizes inflammatory processes on the surface and prevents their appearance.
  4. The procedure stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the walls of even the smallest vessels. This leads to self-renewal of the skin, reduces the likelihood of contaminants entering the bloodstream, and frees from harmful substances.
  5. Protective properties are improved.
  6. During cleaning, you protect the body from germs and bacteria. The probability of inflammatory processes and infections is reduced.
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When do I need to clean my face?

Any facial cleansing is a purely individual procedure. Depends on the condition of the skin, the needs of the woman and other factors. On average, normal skin needs to be cleaned once a month. With obvious problems - the presence of inflammatory processes on the surface of the face, cleansing is simply necessary, and the frequency and methods are established by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Important! When conducting an independent facial cleansing, consider such skin problems when you can not do it at home:

  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • allergy to any substance;
  • excessive dryness.

In most cases, before cleansing the face at home, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for advice. They will help you choose the ingredients that are right for you, taking into account the specificity and needs of the skin. Having visited a specialist several times, you can easily carry out the procedure yourself.

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Features of self-cleaning face

If you decide to start cleaning your face yourself, without consulting a dermatologist, you need to know the basic rules for handling skin during such a procedure. No matter what preparation you use to clean, the sequence of actions is always the same.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning your skin:

  1. At the very beginning, determine your skin type.
  2. To care for oily skin, you need more time and effort.
  3. Dry skin does not tolerate rough treatment, requires as careful care as possible.
  4. Cleanse your face with gel or milk. This removes a layer of dust and dirt, prepares the face for further manipulations.
  5. Apply and scrub your face.
  6. Such a massage normalizes blood circulation, and solid particles of the substance will remove the coarse skin flakes.
  7. Close the cleansed pores with tonic.
  8. Apply your moisturizer.

The cleaning process itself cannot be called easy, and sometimes, with special pollution, it becomes painful. Follow our recommendations and facial cleansing will be as simple, effective and enjoyable as possible.

Important! Facial cleansing at home can be done as a ready-made mass, and a self-made scrub. The main condition is that the solid particles should not be large, this will lead to mechanical damage to the skin.

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How to get rid of acne at home?

One of the most common facial skin problems is acne. This acne rash appears for various reasons:

  • hormonal surges;
  • subcutaneous tick;
  • digestive system problems;
  • external factors of influence.

An experienced doctor will help you identify the cause and find a solution to the problem. Often, the treatment is complex and includes a diet and cleansing procedures. You can carry out some of them yourself, but only with the approval of a specialist.

To combat acne at home, you will need such recipes.

Recipe number 1

You will need black clay. Step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. Prepare your skin for mask application as described above.
  2. Prepare the mask: dilute the clay in a sufficient amount of water to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass.
  3. Apply the mask to the face, leave for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Treat your skin with your daily cream.

Recipe number 2

Face cleaning at homeYou will need milk and oatmeal. The mask is prepared like this:

  1. Pour the cereal with hot milk.
  2. Let the oatmeal swell, then wait for it to cool.
  3. Massage the skin onto prepared skin.
  4. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Important! If you have serious diseases of the epidermis, then these masks are unlikely to help you. It is better to solve such problems under the supervision of highly qualified specialists.

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Brushing black dots on the face

Each woman zealously monitors the state of her appearance, and black dots always look untidy and ugly. They appear on the face for various reasons:

  • irregular and improper care;
  • bad ecology;
  • poor and improper nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • enlarged pores.

Important! Self-cleanse your face from black dots in case they are caused by non-genetic diseases. In this situation, only a professional will help you.

In addition to preparations for basic skin preparation, for independent cleaning of black spots you will need:

  • sage, chamomile, calendula or plantain;
  • bath with water;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Important! Such facial cleansing at home is always performed in the evening, before bedtime. At night, new cells are more actively emerging.

The process takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Perform all face preparation procedures.
  2. Prepare a herbal decoction. Pour 2 tbsp. any herb 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Hold your face above the steam for 15 minutes.
  4. As soon as the skin is steamed, wipe it with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  5. Treat your fingers with peroxide, press on a point with a small pad. Pollution should come out this way.
  6. Periodically treat your face with peroxide.
  7. After cleaning, wipe the face with tonic, apply a mask to narrow the pores.
  8. After 10 minutes, rinse off the mask and apply a nourishing face cream.

Important! Experts do not recommend frequent mechanical cleaning of the face. Once a month is enough. Do not crush the dots with your fingernail or force them out. This will damage the epidermis and aggravate the situation with acne and black spots.

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Popular face masks

All such natural masks can not only cleanse the skin, but also produce other beneficial effects. Depending on the ingredients, masks moisturize, nourish or dry the skin.

Option 1

Flour will help very well.Various additional components are added to it and used as an independent drug. For oily skin, wheat and potato flour is suitable.

The method of application is as follows:

  1. Dilute the flour with water to a creamy mass.
  2. Apply on face.
  3. Wash off after 15 minutes.

For high-quality cleaning with flour, instead of water, you can add:

  • tomato juice;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • egg white;
  • cucumber juice;
  • lemon juice.

Any of the components will enhance the effect and add life and radiance to your face.

Important! To clean dry skin, you will need oatmeal and milk. They are used in the same way as for oily skin. You can add vegetable oil, yolk and sour cream to the flour.

Option 2

Various sorts of clay are famous for their miraculous qualities. Each of them is suitable for a certain type of face surface. For oily and problematic skin:

  • blue
  • green
  • white.

For dry and sensitive:

  • yellow;
  • red.
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Having studied all our recommendations on how to clean your skin at home, and properly following them, your face will always be in excellent condition. This is appreciated by you and the people around you.

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