Cleaning cupronickel spoons at home

By setting the table you can say a lot about the owner or mistress of the house. If these are the simplest forks and spoons that bend even with the slightest effort, few will be pleased to visit such a feast again. A completely different situation - if at the festive table at the celebration the table is covered with shiny, interesting devices made of stainless steel, silver or cupronickel. Of course, they all require appropriate care in order to look clean, neat, and to make them enjoy eating. In this article, we will talk about how black cups should be cleaned of cupronickel spoons at home, because such a phenomenon is inevitable with the constant use of objects made of such an alloy. But first things first.
to contents ↑A bit of history
Silver has always been considered an expensive metal. The ancient metallurgists began to think about how to replace it. It is believed that the first metal-like alloy was discovered in China long before the New Era. The alloy was dubbed the Pakofong. Then he went to Europe, where he received his non-standard popularity.
After the war with Napoleon, all documents related to silver fell into the hands of the French. Soon, two Frenchmen, Mayo and Shore, set about nickel and copper alloys.
Having created a new metal, they christened it by combining their surnames - major.
But the Germans decided to challenge this behavior. The Germans could not return the former name (the Germans called it - nickel silver), but they turned the French over: in place of the major, nickel silver appeared.
to contents ↑Oxidation and darkening of metal
Every woman wants to see her kitchen beautiful, but she also wants to see her cooking and eating appliances beautiful. Cupronickel perfectly fulfills its function of decoration and exploitation.
Cleaning cupronickel spoons at home is necessary because the characteristics of the alloy inevitably lead to the formation of a dark coating. From this, objects do not look so aesthetically pleasing. And such factors can contribute to the acceleration of the process:
- storage in the wrong conditions;
- humidity;
- improper care of such utensils.
Of all the above reasons, high humidity is the main enemy of cupronickel ware. If you want your dishes to remain beautiful, then store them in a dry place. If you find yourself in such a situation, then here you can figure out how and how to clean cupronickel dishes.
to contents ↑Methods for cleaning cupronickel
Before cleaning dishes, wash them in warm and soapy water. Next - apply one of the proposed methods to restore the bright gloss of the metal.
Suitable for dishes that have not yet been very oxidized:
- 50 grams of soda are dissolved in one liter of water.
- Then just rinse in water.
- Perhaps the dirt will not be removed, then take a soda and a sponge, remove the place of pollution pointwise.
- At the end of the procedure, wash the spoons and forks in cold water, wipe dry.
Important! You can try this: put a few tablespoons in a small container with warm water, take the hard side of the sponge and three, three to shine.
Alcohol solution
Also used for utensils with slight dimming:
- We process a rag with alcohol and wipe our cutlery.
- You can try to soak the utensils in liquid ammonia, for a short while, then rinse and wipe dry.
We use vinegar:
- Pour one teaspoon of vinegar into a glass of water.
- Next, wipe the cutlery with a mixture, rinse and wipe dry.
Chalk mixture:
- Dissolve 50 grams of soap in one liter of water, then add 50 grams of chalk.
- Stir the resulting mass, polish the objects and rinse.
- Wipe dry.
Important! The same mixture can be prepared differently, take half a glass of water, add chalk and ammonia in proportions of 30:60, repeat the procedure.
This method is a great option if you need to clean cupronickel spoons from blackness when the plaque is already thorough:
- We make a decoction - take a shell of raw eggs and boil a decoction.
- We lower our products into it.
- Wash in cold water, dry.
Garlic husk:
Boil a solution of garlic husk.
We drop cupronickel into it and wait for the shine of our dishes.
Important! There is no specific processing time, since it depends on the level of contamination.
Foil Method:
- At the bottom of the aluminum container, put a small piece of foil, lower the devices that need cleaning, fill with water.
- Add soda and bring to a boil.
- Leave on fire for 10 minutes.
- We wait until everything has cooled, rinse with running water.
- Dry and polish items.
Yes, yes soda, any! Great for cleaning cupronickel spoons at home from blackness! We fill it with our dishes for a while.
Important! Best to take: “7-UP” or “Sprite”.
A small amount is applied to the utensils and three with a soft cloth until the stains disappear.
Hyposulfate and thiosulfate:
- Dissolve them in water.
- Then we wet each product.
- Rinse and wipe dry.
to contents ↑Important! Also, if you have the opportunity, you can buy specialized means of emulsion, paste, liquid.
At the end of cleaning:
- Cupronickel spoons, forks after each use, cleaning must be washed in not hot water.
- After washing, be sure to wipe dry.
- After all these steps, leave the dishes to dry in a dry place until traces of moisture disappear.
to contents ↑Important! We also store them away from household chemicals containing chlorine.
Tips for storing cupronickel ware:
- To keep your dishes in good condition, keep them in a dry place.
- When storing utensils, it is advisable to wrap it in paper, then in cling film and wrap foil on top.
- After each use of cutlery, after each polishing, it is necessary to wipe them with a dry towel to dryness.
to contents ↑Important! When storing and cleaning appliances, do not use chlorine, it negatively affects the metal and contributes to its darkening.
Stock footage
Subject to all these rules, your cutlery will always look beautiful and brilliant. It will be a pleasure to use them, you will no longer have to look at black dirty spots and rack your brains on how and how to clean cupronickel at home. Everything turned out to be much easier than you expected!
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