Cleaning polished furniture at home

Polished furniture is beautiful and practical and does not require special care. Cleaning polished furniture at home is easy, subject to certain rules and requirements. In this article you will learn how to properly care for varnished, polished furniture.

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How to clean polished furniture?

Cleaning polished furniture at homeTo remove stains of different origin, there are a number of tools that neutralize them without causing damage to the coating. There are also funds that give such furniture a characteristic shine, for which it is so appreciated.

You will need different substances depending on the situation. Choose the right polish furniture care product from the list below:

  • polish;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ethanol;
  • salt;
  • gasoline or acetone;
  • turpentine or kerosene;
  • White wine;
  • milk.

Important! Polished furniture has a coating that does not tolerate abrasive and aggressive substances. Be careful and follow the instructions when using acetone or gasoline.

You will also need rags to apply all of these funds. It is advisable that you have rags made of different materials: wool, linen, cotton. The first and second are perfectly suited directly to give a gloss to the surface, the latter - for wiping off contaminants.

Important! Please note that high-quality cleaning of polished furniture will be if the funds are correctly selected. Therefore, pay special attention to this moment - read the rules for caring for such interior items and methods and recommended situations for the use of various means.

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Cleaning polished furniture from stains

If you constantly look after the design of rooms in your own home, you can easily avoid situations with large, stubborn stains. If, nevertheless, you missed the point and such formed, use one of the following methods so that cleaning polished furniture at home does not take you much time and effort.

Method No. 1

If the stain is oily, neutralize it with vegetable oil. The instruction is:

  1. Take a piece of wool.
  2. Moisten it with oil.
  3. Treat the stain.
  4. On the next day, polish the stain.

Method number 2

Remove particularly severe contaminants with acetone or gasoline. This is a radical way, so do not overdo it and act strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Dampen the cotton wool.
  2. Lightly contaminate.
  3. Polish back to shine.

Important! This option is suitable for removing mold from the surface of a tree.

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How else to clean polished furniture?

Cleaning polished furniture at homeIf you accidentally put a hot iron, kettle or other hot utensils on a varnished coating, there are two ways to remove traces.

Method number 1

  1. In equal amounts, mix oil and alcohol.
  2. Moisten a linen cloth with a solution.
  3. Wipe the marks.

Method number 2

  1. Wrap salt in a bag.
  2. Rub the marks.
  3. Polish the stained area.
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How to bring polished furniture back to shine?

A distinctive feature of lacquered wood furniture is its sheen. If the coating has faded, you can return it with a polish. Such a polish furniture care product can be bought at a household chemistry store.

If you are a supporter of natural remedies, prepare them yourself or use the improvised means.

Solution No. 1

Prepare a polish from vegetable oil and turpentine. The instruction is:

  1. Mix turpentine and vegetable oil 1: 1.
  2. Use a soft cloth to clean the surface.

Decision number 2

A mixture of kerosene and vegetable oil will also help organize the proper care of lacquered furniture. For this:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. oils.
  2. Add 5 tbsp. kerosene and stir.
  3. Apply to furniture.
  4. Wait for it to dry.
  5. Rub with a cloth to shine.

Decision No. 3

The surface of such interior items shines perfectly after processing with a mixture of wine vinegar and olive oil. For this:

  1. Mix the same amount of oil and vinegar.
  2. Put on a rag and wipe the necessary areas.
  3. Use a dry wool cloth to walk along the surface without much effort.

Decision No. 4

A mixture of shampoo, antistatic agent and water will help restore shine and protect varnishing from dust. If you have all the ingredients, proceed as follows:

  1. Take 8 tbsp. water.
  2. Add there 1 tbsp. shampoo and 1 tablespoon antistatic.
  3. Mix and wipe the surface if necessary.

Important! If you take the proportions of glasses, such a tool will last a very long time and, if necessary, you can use it. But it is better to cook a small amount first and evaluate the result. If you like it, then you can prepare a cleaner for polished furniture in a larger volume.

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Useful Tips:

  1. Try not to place hot objects on the surface or use special stands for cups and plates.
  2. Do not use a lot of water when cleaning such furniture.
  3. Remove stains from flies with cotton wool dipped in white wine.
  4. Removes stains and gives shine to a varnish a glass of beer with the addition of a piece of wax.
  5. Stains from grease can be easily removed with a heated beer and a cotton rag.
  6. Wipe mahogany objects with a soft cloth dampened with burdock oil. If there is no burdock - any other vegetable oil.
  7. Traces of glasses are well masked by a walnut. Rub it with a stain core and remove the marks with a dry cloth.
  8. Shallow scratches will be concealed by a shoe polish of a suitable color. Just rub them with traces and polish with cloth.
  9. Remove deep scratches on the surface of walnut or oak furniture with iodine solution. Rub it with a brush, but without pressure.
  10. Remove iodine stains on light wood items from the potato. Cut the raw potatoes in two and rub them with ginger traces.
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Polished furniture is reliable and practical, but only on condition that the care is competent, and polished furniture is cleaned at home regularly. With the right approach, you do not need serious funds.


