Interior cleaning

Every self-respecting motorist should clean his car at least once a month. Cleaning the interior is one of the most crucial moments in car care. Someone seeks help from specialists. We suggest you do it yourself by studying the proposed methods and means for cleaning the inside of a car.

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Organization of the cleaning process

Interior cleaningAn important point is the determination: where to start cleaning the car interior and how to finish it? We suggest you take advantage of our plan, the sequence of items of which will help to complete this work faster and more effectively.

Work plan:

  1. Clean the ceiling of the car. Divide it into four zones, the borders of which extend above the seats - this will greatly facilitate the cleaning of the upper part of the cabin.
  2. Tidy up the car seats.
    • remove covers or capes;
    • treat the chairs with cleaners unfolded;
    • wash seats that are reclining.
  3. Clean the floor. Remove all large and small debris. Pay particular attention to the areas immediately below the seats.
  4. Clean the door trim.
  5. Rinse and polish the interior plastic.
  6. Clean all reflective surfaces: mirrors and glass.
  7. If you smoke in a car, pay attention to the inner panes - a plaque will form on them that cannot be removed without effort.

Important! If you stick to this sequence, you will be surprised how fast and high-quality a car can be cleaned, moreover, done on its own, without the involvement of specialists and additional waste of money.

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Car Interior Cleaners

Nowadays, motorists are offered various detergents, as well as tools for the quick and high-quality removal of any dirt from various materials.

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it with water. Therefore, the best option is dry, i.e. chemical.

All funds are divided into several categories:

  • helpers;
  • special;
  • steam equipment.

Important! Also, you should always have a vacuum cleaner at hand and, before using any cleaner for the car interior and just for the purpose of prevention, treat it with all surfaces of the passenger compartment. Even better, if it turns out to be water, then it will not only clean up small debris and dust, but also clean up dirt and some types of stains.

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Dry cleaning with improvised means

To carry out such a cleaning of the cabin you will need:

  • any detergent such as “Vanish” or “Fairy”;
  • napkins and sponges;
  • dry towels;
  • polish;
  • brushes of different size and stiffness;
  • spray gun.

Important! Before cleaning the interior of the car, check the reaction of materials to cleaning products for cars. If everything is in order, get to work.

Follow this step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare two types of solutions from concentrates: weak - for minor contaminants, more saturated - for serious stains.
  2. Using the spray gun, apply the solution you need to the ceiling surface, doorways and reflective surfaces in the sequence we have proposed above.
  3. Wipe with brushes if dirt is not removed with a rag.
  4. Wash mats and clean the bottom of the machine.
  5. Vacuum the seats thoroughly.If stains remain, treat them with locally thick, active foam of your product.
  6. Dry all surfaces and polish.

Important! If you have leather seats, then they need special care. You can’t manage with improvised means - they can be easily ruined.

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Dry cleaning with special tools

Interior cleaningThe cleaning process itself is exactly the same as with the previous ones, but here you need to seriously approach the choice of funds. You can focus on those that sellers advise in the store, or you can focus on consumer reviews.

Important! The second option is sometimes preferable, since here you will find not only the pros, but also the cons of one option or another. So it will be much easier to determine the best tool for cleaning the passenger compartment.

According to reviews, such aerosol cleaners for upholstery have become the leaders in sales today:

  1. Gank (GUNK). In terms of quality and speed of removal, this tool can be safely put on the first step. The process takes only 1 minute, the volume of foam is supplied from the spray evenly and correctly, its price is also very attractive. The only drawback is the sharp aroma, which is why it is better to perform all the work outdoors, rather than in the garage.
  2. LIQUI MOLY - has a pleasant smell and quick action. It copes with dirt in exactly 2 minutes.
  3. Sonax (SONAX) - it will take 3 to 5 minutes to wait for the result when using such a tool. The cost of this tool is acceptable if you focus on the average price category. The benefits are a uniform foam supply, no odor and effective stain removal.

Extreme distrust among consumers is caused by such means:

  1. Hi-Gear. Despite the fact that this car interior cleaner is being manufactured in the United States, where the quality of the products is supposedly vigilant, this option is not an indicator of it. The foam is sprayed evenly, but it does not give a good result for removing contaminants, and besides, during and after treatment, a pungent, intrusive, unpleasant aroma is felt for some time.
  2. Interior-1. This car interior cleaner has an unreasonably high price. Yes, the foam is evenly supplied from the bottle, its smell is pleasant, but it does not have any effect on the spots. But the cylinder itself is equipped with a built-in brush.
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Dry cleaning with steam equipment

This is the easiest, most effective and cheapest way to clean the interior. You will need to spend money on it only once, then it will quickly pay for itself.

Benefits steam cleaner:

  • easy to use - with it, any family member can clean the car;
  • can be used on almost all interior surfaces;
  • You do not have to spend regularly on detergents;
  • You can quickly restore any piece of furniture in your home.

Important! Be careful when cleaning the ceiling and do not use on electronics.

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Folk remedies for cleaning the passenger compartment

With their help, you can remove stains on the seats and other surfaces of the machine. Main working conditions:

  1. Before use, test in inconspicuous places.
  2. All funds must be applied locally and without a large amount of water.
  3. Stains from wine and other alcohol are removed with an acetic solution.
  4. Stains from juices, tea, coffee, etc. - ammonia.
  5. Cosmetics, ink and paint - ethyl alcohol.
  6. All residual products are removed with a damp cloth, and the spots are well dried.
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Stock footage

Now you know all the ways how to clean the interior, what means are suitable for cleaning the car and how to use them correctly. Surely, you have already determined the best tool for cleaning the car. Do not forget to use it regularly, then the salon will look like new for a long time and you will be much more pleasant to spend time on the trip.


