Ultrasonic silver cleaning

Ultrasonic silver cleaning is a very high-quality and quick procedure that allows you to remove dirt of any origin from products of all sizes and shapes. Ultrasound removes contaminants even in the most inaccessible places, which special active liquids could not handle. It very well cleans items with stones and those places where they are fixed, which cannot be done by conventional methods manually at home. At the same time, it eliminates manual cleaning and makes it possible to replace expensive toxic cleaning fluids with inexpensive safe alkaline solutions and mixtures.

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What is ultrasound?

Ultrasonic silver cleaningUltrasound is sound waves whose frequency is in the range of 16 kHz - 1 GHz and exceeds the threshold of human audibility. The use of ultrasound in an environment with liquids creates the effect of ultrasonic cavitation.

Important! Cavitation is the instantaneous formation and destruction of small bubbles in liquids. It arises due to the generated waves arising from ultrasound, alternating between low and high pressure. From this effect, the bubbles increase from microscopic size to large, after which they shrink and burst. The cavitation process, in combination with detergents or chemicals, leads to the active removal of contaminants from the surface of the silver product being cleaned.

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What pollution does ultrasound remove?

As noted above, ultrasonic cleaning of silver allows you to remove all types of existing contaminants on jewelry, cutlery, and decor items.

Blackening and dirt on silver come from various factors, such as:

  • the use of cream, lotion, perfumes, soaps cause a reaction on the metal;
  • natural fatty secretions of the skin leave their imprint, which form a thin film, pollution accumulates on it and clogs into the recesses;
  • corrosion products such as oxide film, rust, sludge;
  • hard precipitation formed on the surface of the product with solid particles of metal, abrasive, dust and fiber;
  • soot, which consists of resin, coke, ash;
  • inorganic compounds - protein, sugar, starch, blood, salts.

Important! To qualitatively remove dirt from silver and not damage it, ultrasonic cleaning machines are used. Cleaning silver in the Hagerty Sonic Cleaning Machine ultrasonic bath can also be done at home. With it, you can clean your favorite items without making much effort.

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What is an ultrasonic bath?

An ultrasonic bath is a bowl in which a special liquid is poured and an item that needs to be cleaned is placed. When the device is turned on, vibrations are formed in the bath with a frequency of 18 to 120 kHz in the ultrasonic range.

The device of such a device includes the following elements:

  1. The generator generates electrical oscillations and amplitude modulation.
  2. The emitter converts electrical vibrations into mechanical (ultrasonic) vibrations; they penetrate through the wall of the bathtub into the liquid to be cleaned.

Important! The generated vibrations penetrate deeply into all places on the subject, even with a complex relief surface. This is the reason that high-quality cleaning of silver in an ultrasonic bath is performed.

After the procedure, the mud settles at the bottom of the bath. This method of cleaning is absolutely safe and takes only a few minutes, suitable for almost all types of non-porous stones.

Important! Before cleaning jewelry with precious stones, it is recommended that you consult a jeweler, since this procedure can lead to a loss of sparkle of an expensive stone - this is the only drawback of this method.

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How to clean silver in an ultrasonic bath?

So that cleaning silver in an ultrasonic bath does not cause you any difficulties, do this:

  1. Take an ultrasonic bath.
  2. Pour liquid into it to remove dirt.
  3. Put silver on the bottom that has lost its appeal.
  4. Turn on the appliance.
  5. Wait a few minutes.
  6. Turn off the appliance.
  7. Remove the cleaned item.
  8. Rinse it with running, distilled water.

Important! The product that is poured into the ultrasonic bath should be selected according to the type of dirt that you remove. For example, a greasy coating is washed with a detergent - a concentrate for dishes is suitable, and blackening from silver is removed with water with the addition of ammonia.

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How much to pour the solution into the ultrasonic bath?

Ultrasonic silver cleaningThe liquid must be poured and maintained in the tank at the level of the indicator. With this approach, cleaning silver in an ultrasonic bath will be as efficient as possible due to optimal circulation. In this case, overheating of device parts and power surges is excluded.

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What liquid should not be used for ultrasonic cleaning?

  1. Do not use flammable products and solutions for ultrasonic cleaning - they can cause a flammable situation.
  2. Avoid using acids and bleaches - they can damage the stainless steel tank.

Important! These substances can only be used in a glass test tube and under close attention with sufficient experience in handling various chemicals and their reactions.

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How to determine the cleaning time in an ultrasonic bath?

The cleaning time takes several minutes. The duration of this process depends on such factors:

  • degree and type of pollution;
  • selected solution;
  • item condition.

Important! Light pollution is almost instantly removed, while more serious ones take a little longer.

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What is the most effective ultrasonic cleaning?

Effective cleaning of silver in an ultrasonic bath will be subject to the following rules:

  1. Choose the right silver cleaner based on the degree and type of contamination.
  2. Select the correct temperature mode.
  3. Set the optimum ultrasound power.
  4. Correctly determine the duration of cleaning.

Important! When choosing an ultrasonic bath, consider the size of the item that needs to be cleaned.

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The benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

  • Manual application is minimized.
  • It takes a small amount of time.
  • Deletes all types of pollution and in all inaccessible places.
  • Degreasing is carried out without the use of organic solvents.
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Good to know:

To keep your silver jewelry pleasing to your eye for a long time, follow these guidelines:

  • Before bed, remove all jewelry.
  • Avoid getting water on the locks of chains and bracelets.
  • For any household work, remove jewelry.
  • After washing silverware, wipe it dry with a clean towel.
  • A pendant on a chain or bracelet should not be more in weight than the thread itself.
  • Cosmetics, creams, lotions and perfumes in contact with jewelry can cause an undesirable reaction on the metal.
  • It is not recommended to wear gloves on rings with rivets on which stones are attached.
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We hope that our article was useful to you and now you know how ultrasonic cleaning is carried out, and you can decide whether it suits you. Try this modern technology and you will be amazed at how easy it is to return the original look of your product!

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