What happens if you boil Coke in a teapot?

It is difficult to imagine at least one person who would not try such a drink as Coca Cola. However, few fans of sweet water thought about the question, what would happen if boiled Coke in a teapot? But this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to clean the inner surface of kitchen utensils from scale. In this article, we will share with you the secret of how you can use Coke for good.
to contents ↑What is scale?
It is unlikely for anyone else to remain a secret that the water supplied through the pipeline to our apartments is far from perfect. Its composition includes a large number of various impurities and salts. A particular danger to household appliances and utensils in our kitchen is precisely the salt of carbonate origin. You can get rid of it only by installing expensive equipment that will filter and soften the water. However, not every resident of an apartment building can afford it.
It is precisely because of the problems of the water supplied to our dwelling that the scum forms - a precipitate that covers the surface of the teapot and does not dissolve in water. Since we get water of medium or high degree of hardness from the tap, the appearance of this trouble is only a matter of time. Therefore, those who already know what will happen if you boil Coke in a teapot, think about how to do it correctly in order to get rid of all the negative effects of water.
to contents ↑Why it is so important to descale:
- A layer of scale on the walls of the kettle significantly reduces the rate of heat transfer, and, accordingly, increases your costs for gas or electricity.
- With the formation of such a plaque, household appliances can quickly become unusable.
- The scale in the kettle can peel off and fall into the water, as a result - you will notice its clouding and you will feel an unpleasant aftertaste.
- Drinking drinks from such a liquid can lead to poor health and quite serious health problems, which are primarily associated with the accumulation of carbonate salts in the body.
to contents ↑Important! At the initial stage of formation, the scale has a porous structure and is quite easily removed from the surface of household appliances. However, with each boiling of water, the amount of sediment on the walls of the kettle grows and it becomes more difficult to remove it.
How to clean a Coca-Cola kettle?
Many will help to cope with the problem of scum on the walls of the kettle by many, but at the same time quite caustic drink - Coca-Cola. To eliminate plaque, buy this drink in the store and follow the following instructions:
- Pour Cola into the kettle so that the drink occupies approximately half the capacity.
- Bring the liquid to a boil.
- Leave the kettle with a hot drink for at least half an hour, which is necessary to undergo a chemical reaction between its chemical composition and the deposits formed on the walls of the device.
- Clean the inside of the kettle with a sponge to remove any remaining deposits.
- Pay special attention to inaccessible places - often such is the spout of the device.
- To achieve the perfect result, you can repeat the procedure again or leave Coke in a container for the whole night.
- Cleaning the kettle with lemon juice will help you get rid of the unpleasant smell of deposits.
to contents ↑Important! To enhance the cleaning effect, you can add a little soda to Kola and leave this mixture in the teapot for 30-60 minutes. However, it is worth remembering that soda leaves an unpleasant odor. Therefore, after its use, the device should be thoroughly washed and boiled clean water in it.
Useful Tips:
- In order to minimize the sedimentation rate of deposits on the surface of such a household appliance, rinse the kettle in cool water every time after boiling.
- Try to regularly descale household appliances using the most natural means possible. This will prevent the accumulation of unpleasant plaque and significantly improve the quality of the fluid used. You can use the above method, because now you know what will happen if you boil Coke in a teapot.
- Install high-tech water filters and systems to soften it.
- If scale has formed in your kettle, do not rush to throw it away, because it can be removed quite easily and quickly.
- To clean the plaque, you should not purchase expensive chemicals that may not always be effective enough. There are always folk ways, the use of which will not only not require large financial investments, but will be absolutely safe for your health. Besides the fact that you can clean the Coca-Cola kettle, you can use acetic or citric acid according to the same algorithm: vinegar will be needed for 1 appliance - 1 cup, and lemon acid powder - 1-2 sachets.
- Permanently get rid of the problem of scale formation will help the magnetic transducer of water. This device is a metal tube that is mounted inside the heating pipe and contains a magnet. The magnetic field created by the device prevents the salts contained in the water from being deposited. The cost of such devices is relatively low, but the benefits will be clearly tangible.
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In this article, we told you how to Coca-Cola clean the kettle from scale, and we sincerely hope that from now on your household appliances will have an attractive appearance and will not harm your health.
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