What to do if you have washed your passport?

Sometimes, due to our own inattention, we find ourselves in unpleasant situations that lead to additional difficulties and troubles. We especially reproach ourselves if something happens to important documents. For example, what should I do if I washed my passport? Either he was stolen, or the child played. There is a way out of any situation. We will tell you what to do in this case.
to contents ↑What to do first?
So, the passport “rolled” in the washing machine. Congratulations, you are not the first person to encounter such a problem! The most important thing is to stop panicking, you can still save your passport.
First of all, we determine to what extent the document is damaged. This is influenced by several factors:
- powder used for washing;
- operating mode of the washing machine.
Important! With a longer stay of the document in water, with a strong chemical effect, less chance remains to preserve clear inscriptions and seals.
If you washed your passport in the washer, you need to proceed according to the following algorithm:
- We take out the certificate from the drum.
- We study how badly it is damaged.
Important! Be sure to view all the pages. We pay special attention to the state of records and stamps. If the words can be read, but the prints have not spread, there is every chance of a successful recovery.
- Pages are divided among themselves by means of an ordinary white paper or a paper towel. So the sheets will not stick together, and ink will not print on adjacent pages.
- The passport remains until it dries completely.
Important! Periodic replacement of paper or towels is required. This is done about once every half an hour for maximum moisture absorption.
- After the document has completely dried, it must be closed and put under the press. This is done to straighten the pages. The press can be replaced with a thick heavy book or even a pile. The passport is straightened out during the day.
to contents ↑Important! Drying of the passport on the heating battery is strictly prohibited. This procedure will lead to the appearance of waves on the pages, which is very difficult to fix.
Is it necessary to change the washed passport?
In the current legislation there are no norms that determine the degree of corruption of the certificate. As the legal acts state, a damaged or worn out identity card requires a replacement, but it does not say that it becomes invalid.
Important! There are no penalties for using a moderately shabby passport (with shabby pages and cover, but with whole seals and readable inscriptions).
A citizen has the right to replace a battered passport, but this procedure is not necessary, since its effectiveness is preserved.
In other words, if you don’t care how aesthetically pleasing your main identification document is, it can be used even if it is moderately worn and slightly washed.
Before the wedding, I washed my passport in the washing machine, what should I do? The ceremony will still take place, provided that the inscriptions and stamps are legible. And after that - if you wish, you can already apply for a new one.
to contents ↑Important! It is better to change your passport, of course.Otherwise, problems with passport control at customs may occur, which happens at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is better to immediately get a new one.
Signs of the validity of the document:
- Prints must be intact, ink does not leak.
- All entries are easy to read (name, date and place of issue, series and number).
to contents ↑Important! Often, when submitting such a document to state authorities, one can hear recommendations on its replacement, but they cannot refuse to accept an identity card because of deterioration.
Production time and cost
The time frame for the production of a new certificate in the Russian Federation, regardless of the method of filing documents, is affected by the place where they were submitted:
- If you applied for a replacement at the place of residence, a new document will be issued in 10-14 days.
- The same terms are respected in the case of the restoration of the passport after theft.
- In the event that you do not apply at the place of residence, a new identity card will be received in two months.
Important! Keep in mind that it will take one to two weeks to collect the necessary documents.
Citizens of Ukraine should contact the GMS with the necessary documents and wait for a month. If there are no failures in the bureaucratic apparatus, then in thirty days you will become the owner of a brand new passport, and otherwise - the waiting period may double.
to contents ↑Documents required for replacement
Changing such an important document is not so easy and fast, so you have to stand in lines and spend many hours getting the necessary documents.
The list of documents is the same at any age.
Citizens of the Russian Federation will need to provide:
- Passports to be replaced.
- Application form 1P, filled in manually or in a typewritten manner.
- Birth certificates. If it is lost, you will need to get a duplicate.
- Two photographs, black and white or color. It must be implemented in a special format, which establishes the administrative regulations.
- Documents marked with mandatory marks:
- Military card;
- Marriage or divorce certificates;
- Birth certificates of children under the age of 14;
- Registration documents at the place of residence;
- Receipts received after payment of state duty.
Important! If any documents are filled out in a foreign language, their notarized translation and certification in accordance with the law will be required.
Citizens of Ukraine will need to provide:
- Statements about the theft or loss of the established form, the form of which can be obtained from the HMS.
- Two photos (three photos in case of replacement at the place of registration).
- Receipts for the payment of the required state duty.
- Birth certificates of children - if there is a desire to put down information about them in the passport.
- Decisions to institute criminal proceedings in case documents are stolen.
- If the document is damaged, it must also be provided.
Online Submission
Such a service is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation, in Ukraine there is no such innovation.
- To order a service, the user must register on the Unified portal of public services. To verify your identity, use an electronic signature or a universal electronic card. To confirm the data, you can be authenticated at a specialized center of OJSC “Rostelecom” or with the help of a confirmation ordered by Russian Post.
Important! The provision of the service is free of charge. In any case, the user becomes the owner of an individual activation code, which is necessary to access the site.
- After entering the site, the last name, first name, code and SNILS number is required. Then the tab “Public Services” is selected.
- Information on obtaining a service, its cost and terms of provision will appear on the tab “Replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation”.
- We are preparing documents with which you can fill out an electronic form. This is the same list that is required to submit documents personally.
- On the “Get a Service” tab, we confirm our consent to the processing of personal data and select a city.
- Then the choice of the basis on which the replacement of the document is to be made.
- Personal data is entered in a special form.
- Data on citizenship and parents are filled.
- The next page is for filling in marital status data. Indicate the presence of a spouse, the data of children.
- Data about the previous passport is entered.
- The system then provides information on where to obtain a new identity card.
- The penultimate stage is to upload a personal photo, while it can be edited, changed colors and brightness, size.
- The last stage is checking the entered data and sending them to processing.
to contents ↑Important! After entering the data in electronic form, do not relax. All documents on the basis of which the forms were filled are collected. They will need to be provided at the time of receipt of the new identity card.
Stock footage
As you can see, replacing a passport is not a quick procedure. It will take a lot of time and effort. But most importantly, the washed passport is not an insoluble problem.
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