What to do if a mirror crashes?

What to do if a mirror crashes? - Absolutely everyone can face such a problem, because mirror objects are now in every house: dressing table, wardrobes with mirrored doors, wall, pocket, mirrors on stands for pointing makeup, powder boxes, and so on. Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, signs still dominate our minds. Modern people are quite realistic about the chances of moving to other planets, but at the same time they’re scared of black cats on the road and watch “The Battle of Psychics” with enthusiasm. And in cases of whipping such a fragile piece of furniture, they simply panic. If a mirror crashes - what does this mean and what to do, this article will tell about this.

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A bit of history

Archeology proved that people had mirrors more than 5 millennia ago. The first to use them were the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Sumerians. Only then were they made of bronze and silver.

In the 12th century, glass mirrors were invented in Venice, and for several centuries manufacturers concealed the secret of their manufacture. A similar item was considered a luxury, it was cherished and passed on by inheritance.

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The magic power of the mirror

It is believed that mirrors have certain magical properties:

  • Many believe that they not only accumulate the positive and negative energy of the house and its owners, but can also be a portal to the other world.
  • Mages, psychics, esotericists and other specialists in “subtle matter” cannot do without a mirror in their manipulations.
  • In addition, the tradition of divining unmarried girls at Christmas time with the help of two mirrors and a candle is still preserved. The reflection of the mirrors in each other supposedly forms a “corridor” in which they tried to see the future bridegroom. Or they simply put a mirror and a candle on the table, peered into the reflection for a long time, waiting for the appearance of the narrowed image.

Due to the fact that the mirror is endowed with many magical properties, many people are very scared of the situation when it cracks or breaks. So, if you broke a mirror in the house - what to do and what to be afraid of?

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A mirror broke: what to do if you do not believe signs?

Many people do not believe in signs, fortune-telling, predictions and consider this nonsense and relics of the past. As the saying goes, if a person believes in signs, then they will come true in his life, since subconsciously he will seek their confirmation in everything. And if you do not believe - then nothing threatens you. For people who do not bother with the supernatural, the algorithm of actions in the case of a broken mirror is very simple.

What to do if the mirror is cracked?

What to do if the mirror is cracked, but not broken? It should be replaced with a new one, since sooner or later it will shatter into fragments that can injure someone.

What to do if a mirror crashes?

  1. You need to wear gloves so as not to get hurt, and collect large fragments with your hands or a broom.
  2. Vacuum the room thoroughly to collect small particles and glass dust.

Important! Do not really rely on the broom - it will not collect small fragments as carefully as a vacuum cleaner. This is especially important if the house has small children or animals.

By the way, some craftsmen, even fragments of the mirror can find useful applications. They can be used in decor - decorate a photo frame, put a mirror mosaic in the bathroom, for making Christmas decorations on a Christmas tree or build a disco ball for a home party.

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What to do with a broken mirror if you believe in signs?

For those who are still wary of such a situation, the algorithm of actions will be somewhat different. But first things first.


Different beliefs are associated with a broken mirror. It is believed that after such an incident, “7 years of happiness cannot be seen”:

  • The family expects constant quarrels and misfortunes, lack of money and illness.
  • Possible loss of loved ones, especially when a hinged mirror falls and breaks.
  • The scale of future failures corresponds to the magnitude of the mirror itself. The more, the worse.
  • It is considered the most harmless to break a small mirror, for example, in a powder box. This promises small troubles, minor losses, the collapse of future plans.

Important! All this can take place if the mirror is not new. If it spent less than 40 days in the house, then you can not be particularly upset - nothing will happen, since this item did not have time to accumulate any energy in your house.

What needs to be done when the mirror crashes?

If I broke a mirror, what should I do? First of all, do not panic and fight in hysterics. There are several ways to neutralize even bad omens.

Important! First you need to say a conspiracy. The following options are possible:

  • "The mirror for happiness breaks, misfortune and misfortune do not concern me."
  • You can spit over your left shoulder and say: “Chur, not to trouble, but to change.”

How to remove a broken mirror?

  • You must collect the fragments with gloves or a handkerchief (the main thing is not to use your bare hands).
  • You can hold them under running water for a while. Water removes all negativity. You can read the conspiracy: “I wash, I wash the old, I wash the evil, I pour it out with water. Amen".
  • Some advise painting the face of the fragments with black or other opaque paint. This lesson can be stretched for a long time, and there may not be any paint at hand, so this advice is not for everyone, as they say.
  • If you are afraid that some evil will penetrate the house through the fragments, it is better to quickly put them on a dark cloth with the mirror side to each other.
  • Removing the remnants of the mirror, you can say: "Where the fragments, there is trouble. May it be so". After - cross them three times, tie a cloth into 3 knots and quickly take them out of the house.
  • If possible, dig the fragments deeper into the ground, in some abandoned place.
  • If you have a paved yard, but you don’t want to dig into a flower bed, then just throw them into the trash can. During this, knowledgeable people advise saying: “I did not break the mirror, but my misfortune. I do not throw away the fragments, but my grief. ”

Important! It is necessary to throw out not only the remains of the mirror, but also the frame from it, even the nail or hook on which it was mounted.

  • Sometimes you can come across such advice - leave the fragments of the mirror for day and night on the windowsill, so that the sun and moon will clear them of negative energy.

Important! Most importantly, don’t look at the fragments. In general, you can’t look in a mirror that is cracked or has a chip, a broken corner. Otherwise, health and beauty will leave you, you will gradually lose vital energy.

  • After you take out the fragments from the house, in the place where the mirror stood or hung, light a church candle. Let it burn for a while. Fire is known for its powerful cleansing power.
  • Read the prayer “Our Father”.

Important! After any action, carefully ventilate the room and tune in a positive way, because, as you know, thoughts can materialize. If you focus on the fact that after a broken mirror you are undoubtedly in trouble and loss, then this is what will happen to you. Bad thoughts will attract bad situations.


What to do if a mirror crashes at work?

Usually this situation also does not bode well. Signs that breaking a mirror at work means dismissal, conflict with superiors or colleagues, failure of the project, destruction of plans and other sorrows.

In order to weaken its effect:

  • It is necessary to collect fragments with a rag and sweep away the remnants of a mirror with a broom moistened with water. You can say: “Chur, not to trouble, but to change.”
  • Pack everything in a bag and take it out of the room faster.

The mirror cracked. What to do?

A cracked mirror promises quarrels, minor conflicts, a lack of understanding in the family, and the gradual separation of spouses. What to do to avoid such consequences:

  • You should not look in the mirror and you can not keep at home. It will gradually suck out all the good energy, multiplying the bad.
  • Do not be greedy and camouflage a crack with decor or varnish. You need to cover such a mirror with a dark cloth and throw it away without regret.
  • Buy a new one and try to look into it only with a smile on your face.

The beneficial effect of broken mirrors

Sometimes a broken mirror is not a bad thing, for example:

  • If a person was seriously ill for a long time, and when he recovered, a mirror suddenly broke, then this is - on the contrary, good. This means that it took all the negativity onto itself, fulfilled its mission and crashed.
  • When a loved one recovered from a serious illness so that the disease finally disappears, relatives deliberately break the mirror into which he most often looked.
  • If the mirror fell, but did not break, then you do not need to panic very much. This situation should be regarded as a warning. This means that in the near future you need to be extremely attentive with health, with finances, while driving, do not walk alone in the late evening and do not make dubious acquaintances. Higher powers have warned you of danger.
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The opinion of the clergy about the problem

What do the priests say about the broken mirror? The clergy urges people not to believe in signs, fortunetelling, magicians and other things, believing that this is all “from the unclean”. Their advice is to read a prayer that will calm the soul from worries and protect you from bad.

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The mirror in everyday life

In order to avoid troubles, the mirrors in the house should be placed in the right places, have the correct shape and should be handled correctly too:

  1. Mirrors cannot be placed in the bedroom, and especially on the ceiling or opposite the bed. The sleeping person should not be reflected in it, otherwise, the vital energy will leave, and the person will wake up broken and lethargic. The mirror opposite the matrimonial bed promises treason.
  2. This item must be bought personally, however, like a knife or watch. If you give a mirror, it will lead to a quarrel, severance of relations, the gradual estrangement of these two people: the giver and the recipient.
  3. It is undesirable to bring home old foreign mirrors. They are full of energy, often negative, completely strangers. Most likely, this antiques will not bring you anything good, but if you break it, you can bring serious trouble to the house.

Important! The mirror could belong to some witch or just an evil person who radiated hatred every time he looked at him.

  1. They say that it is impossible for two girls to simultaneously look in one mirror. This can lead to one of them taking the groom or husband away from the other. So follow the sequence when hovering beauty, even if you are in a hurry.
  2. It is desirable to have an oval or round mirror; it will soften the negative. In addition, it should be positioned so as not to “cut” the figure, that is, not to visually cut off the legs or head. This can lead to diseases of the “cut off” part of the body.
  3. Do not forget to often wipe the mirror, this removes the accumulated bad energy. Try not to see your reflection when you cry or get angry. You need to look at yourself only with positive thoughts and a smile on your lips.So good energy will be concentrated in the mirror.
  4. If you left, but for some reason returned, you need to look in the mirror and smile, do what you forgot, while not talking to anyone, and leave the house again. If you have done so, then your journey will be successful, you will do everything you have planned.
  5. Another sign says that at the death of a loved one, all the mirrors are hung at home so that the soul of the deceased, who will be in his native monastery for several days, does not get stuck in the mirror and does not bother the family after.
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Mirror protection

Many people use mirrors not only to put their appearance in order. Some wear small mirrors spellbound by magicians as a talisman and protection from the evil eye and damage.

The principle of mirror protection is to return the negative impact to the one who sent it. That is, damage will return to a bad person, like a boomerang, and it can multiply. Such protection is especially needed for weak and suggestible people.

Important! The creation of mirror protection is carried out by people with magical abilities.

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Mirror and Feng Shui

According to the Feng Shui system, mirrors also have powerful energy and some magic:

  • According to this teaching, the best place for such an item is a bathroom and a living room.
  • The mirror should be large, in full growth, so that you can see your whole reflection, and even better - if there is space above your head, “for growth”.
  • Also, mirrors should reflect objects that are pleasant to you - talismans, flowers, joyful photos.
  • The mirror, located in the dining room and reflecting the table at which the family eats, increases prosperity.
  • But in the bedroom it should not be. During sleep, the soul travels, and the mirror is a vehicle to other dimensions.

Important! If it so happened that it is still in the bedroom, then at night, cover it with a screen.

  • All mirrors must be framed, otherwise - their energy will be dissipated, and not directed in the right direction.

Important! Ideally, you need to have a mirror at home framed by a frame in the form of the sun - it will bring prosperity, positiveness and joy to the house.

  • Do not mount the mirror opposite the window, otherwise - all the good that you want to attract into the house will not stay in it, but will evaporate into the street.
  • What to do if a mirror breaks, according to Feng Shui? Carefully collect its remains and take out of the house. It is believed that if this happened, it means that this subject has fulfilled its mission, has exhausted its forces, so to speak. Do not worry about this. Just buy a new one.
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Now, knowing what to do if a mirror crashes at home, you will be able, according to your beliefs, to determine the correct algorithm of actions. The main thing is not to go in cycles in this event, then all sad thoughts concerning trouble will disappear by themselves. Believe only in the good and that the bad are only accidents.  


