What if the phone falls into the toilet?

What should I do if the Samsung phone drops, it falls into the toilet and does not turn on? - Oddly enough, this question is asked on the forums and driven into the search engine much more often than we think. A similar situation happens with almost every third. And why? We are so merged with our gadget that we can not part with it even for a second. The most common situation is when the phone falls out of the back pocket at the time of taking off the pants. And it’s good if the toilet is in your apartment. And what if a public or summer cottage with a hole instead of a toilet?

You can wet your phone, of course, not only in the toilet. People drop communications in sinks, in a puddle on the street, they may recall that the phone remained in the shirt pocket when the washing machine was already running. Quite often, various liquids (tea, coffee, juice, etc.) are shed on a mobile. That is, there are many situations with wetting a mobile phone, but not everyone can save their “friend”. It all depends on many factors: which phone, how many spent in the liquid, in which particular liquid, and much more. Unfortunately, when people try to find the information they need on the Internet, it is often too late to do anything. But still try to help you, all of a sudden, you are lucky and you can still save him?

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What to do if the phone gets wet?

So, consider the situation when the phone fell into the touch toilet. What to do for resuscitation of a drowned mobile device, and what to do under no circumstances.

What can not be done with a wet phone?

  • Categorically, after removing the gadget from the liquid, it is impossible to turn it on and check the operability. Otherwise, a short circuit will finally finish it.
  • It is not recommended to shake the phone while trying to shake water out of it. By such actions, you will only contribute to an even greater spreading of fluid along the interiors of the mobile.
  • Do not dry the gadget with a hot spray of a hair dryer or on a hot battery, as sensitive parts may melt.

Important! Some people even tried to dry the phone in the microwave. For obvious reasons, this should not be done, otherwise - you will not only say goodbye to the phone, but also ruin the microwave.

  • Since adsorbents are good at absorbing moisture, you can try using them to dry your mobile. But if silica gel or rice can still be considered as an option, then salt or sugar - in no case. They, of course, perfectly absorb moisture, but categorically are not suitable for the phone.
  • If your means of communication gurgled into the toilet bowl and do not want to use the “drowned man” after such an incident (the phone was old, not very expensive, you are very squeamish), do not think of flushing the water. It will most likely get stuck in the sewer, and then clogging on the entire riser is guaranteed. After you pay for the work of plumbers, you may not have enough money to buy a new mobile. So in any case, you need to get it out of the toilet, armed with improvised means.

What needs to be done to save a wet phone?

Immediately make a reservation that the instructions described in the article do not give a 100% guarantee of restoring the performance of your “drowned man”.Simply, if you do everything quickly and correctly, then the chances of using your favorite gadget are still quite large for a while.

Important! As practice shows, the life of a wet and properly dried phone is reduced several times. But it’s better than throwing it away right away.

iphone6So what if the phone falls into the toilet?

  1. Try to get the phone out of the water as quickly as possible, wipe it with paper towels and immediately turn it off.

Important! No need to check whether it works or not, call it, press the buttons. This will cause a short circuit. Then you will most likely have to buy a new phone.

  1. If the device was in contact with coffee, tea, juice, sea water, then before disassembling it should be quickly rinsed with cold running water, since salt will corrode the contacts and microcircuits, and sugar will glue everything together.
  2. Take out SIM cards, micro SD and battery, if, of course, it is possible. Do not pull the battery. Even if the phone is turned off, some microcircuits still receive power.

Important! Phones from which the battery cannot be removed are much more difficult to dry. In this case, we recommend urgently contacting a service center.

  1. Unscrew, remove and remove everything that is possible. The more openings for air access, the better. To disassemble the phone, arm yourself with small clock screwdrivers. Such is desirable to have on the farm for everyone. Sometimes you may need a straight and curly screwdriver.

Important! Disassemble the mobile for parts wisely, methodically laying out all the cogs and other trifles in order. You can even sketch out an assembly diagram on a piece of paper or make a photo session as you work, otherwise - then there may be extra details left.

  1. Wipe everything that is wet with a paper towel. Microcircuits, loops, contacts (if you got to them during disassembly) should be wiped gently with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Alcohol will cleanse them and accelerate the evaporation of moisture. In itself, water is not dangerous for microelectronics, but everything that is dissolved in it - salts, alkalis, minerals and so on, is harmful. They lead to corrosion and oxidation of phone parts.

Important! On sale there are special spray cans with a liquid that quickly dries the contacts.

  1. It draws moisture well from the mobile refrigerator, but only, of course, modern, with the “No frost” system. This technology (fan + evaporator) will help get rid of the water inside. Treat all available surfaces of the gadget with a cotton swab with alcohol, and then place in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!) For 30 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the appliance, remove the moisture with a paper towel, treat it with alcohol again and place it in the refrigerator again. So you need to repeat 3 times.
  2. You can try to remove residual moisture with a vacuum cleaner, but this is provided that there is a narrow nozzle to it. Blow at least 5 minutes into each hole.

Important! It is undesirable to use a hairdryer for this purpose. In extreme cases, you can turn on the cold air blowing mode from a distance of 10-15 cm from the phone. Hot air will not accelerate the drying process, but will only melt the parts. On a hot battery, drying is also not worth it for the same reason.

  1. Then you leave the phone disassembled in a dry, warm place for two days (sometimes the process can take up to a week).

Important! On many sites, you can come up with advice - put a wet phone in a jar of rice or silica gel, even some recommend using cat litter filler. These listed substances should absorb the remaining moisture from the mobile. You can try this tip. The main thing is that small particles do not clog the gadget inside.

  1. After two days, if the parts of the phone are visually dry, you can try to assemble and turn it on.

Important! When assembling, pay attention to the battery. If it is oxidized, then insert it and turn on the device is not worth it. This can finally finish him off.

  1. If the screen is still foggy, wait another day or two.Try to enable it later.

Important! Practice shows that, better and faster, dry, nevertheless, push-button models, simple, old-style. Touch - much more capricious. The more “smart” your phone is, the more likely it is that after drying there will be many malfunctions in the operating system.

If you have completed all the points of this instruction promptly and correctly, there is a chance to restore your phone. True, no one will guarantee how long he will work after that. Maybe a week, maybe a year or two. In any case, prepare mentally immediately for the purchase of a new gadget. We also recommend contacting a service center for diagnostics, even if after drying your communication tool has worked like a new one.

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Should I contact a service center?

Do I need to contact them if, anyway, there are no guarantees to restore the phone’s performance? Our advice is needed if the phone is dear to you. But contact the masters at once, not the reception center. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of time, and in this case, every minute counts.

When you need to run to the masters, if the phone fell into the toilet:

  • If, of course, you drowned the old apparatus, which you were about to replace, and nothing important was stored on it, then you should not fool yourself and people. Diagnostics and repairs can cost more than the phone itself.
  • Another thing is if it is new, expensive or important information was stored on it (necessary contacts, valuable photos, etc.).
  • It is also worth urgently contacting the masters if your gadget is touch-sensitive, from an expensive series, a model from which you cannot get a battery. You are unlikely to cope with the drying yourself.

Important! When transporting a wet phone, do not wrap it in a rag or put it in a bag. This will enhance moisture condensation.

  • The case of drowning is not a guarantee, so you will have to pay for diagnostics and repairs. In addition, no one will give you guarantees of a “long and happy life” of the saved gadget. It's like a lottery. But all the difference from home drying is that the craftsmen are able to disassemble the device to the last screw. They have all the necessary tools and knowledge for this. In addition, with the help of special compounds, they will cleanse moisture and process all boards, microcircuits, cables and other details.
  • If something is worthless, it is replaced (often the speakers, cameras, touch screen suffer from water). If the motherboard has suffered, then fixing the gadget does not make sense. Its replacement at a cost equal to the price of a new phone.

Important! Statistics say that after contact with water, up to 80% of mobiles “survive”, but only 20% of those who bought in sea water and beer.

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How to get rid of a specific smell after drowning the phone in the toilet (video)?

What should I do if the phone falls into the toilet and after that has an unpleasant odor?

  • If you still need a phone, rinse it quickly with running water, unplug it, wipe it with paper towels and dry it as described above.
  • Thoroughly rinse and disinfect the cover, if it was, or rather, replace it with a new one.
  • If the phone worked after drying, but there was an unpleasant smell, try putting it in a bag in which you put a bag of coffee, activated carbon or soda (they absorb all the smells well). Close the bag tightly and wait a day or two. If the unpleasant odor persists, repeat the procedure.

Important! Place the mobile itself so that these substances do not wake up on it. Do not even try to sprinkle the gadget with perfume, otherwise, a “hellish" mixture will come out.

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Stock footage

Here, in fact, are all the tips on resuscitating a mobile who has been in the water, which really work. So that you do not have to use them, put the phone out of jeans before going to the bathroom, swimming in the sea, going to a foamy party, checking your pockets before washing and do not put the gadget on the table with meals. Then all of the above you just do not come in handy.

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