What to do with old mirrors?

Healers and people who have extrasensory abilities recommend taking special care with mirrors. Everyone knows from an early age that there are many superstitions associated with this subject. The most famous and frightening among all the popular signs, if one is believed, is a broken mirror, which portends misfortune and misfortune. Based on this, for a person who knows and adheres to popular beliefs, throwing it into a trash can is an unacceptable action. Having broken into many small pieces, it foreshadows in the near future bad events in your life. What to do with old mirrors? How to throw them away so as not to bring trouble to your home and relatives? This is worth knowing, especially for superstitious people. This topic is dedicated to this article.

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What to do with a broken mirror?

If your favorite mirror glass breaks, no matter how expensive it is for you, the fragments will have to be collected and thrown into a garbage container. Do not try to glue it in pieces, do not expect anything good from this. Broken glass has a devastating effect on a person’s aura. If you continue to look into it, your affairs will be unsuccessful.

Important! This fact is confirmed not only by healers, it is even confirmed by scientists: mirror objects have the ability to remember a person, his condition and energy.

Why do you think that when someone from your loved ones is lost, they close the mirror with a dark opaque cloth? It is true that your condition is not imprinted in it and does not reflect it in later life.

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What to do with an unnecessary mirror, old or alien?

If you rent an apartment or move to another room, some items may remain from the old owners. You just throw things you don't need into the trash, but what can you do with the mirror?

On the one hand, it is known that it could remember the energy of the previous owners and reflect it now in your family. It is very good if these are positive influences, but what if not?

If scandals and quarrels constantly occurred in the family, sometimes even assault, such negative energy will also be reflected in your loved ones. To resolve this issue, you have two options:

  1. Without hesitation, wrap it in a cloth flap and take it to a landfill.

Important! Do not throw the glass product into the container, leave it next to it.

  1. If you want to leave the mirror, there is a method with which you can clean the mirror of the old energy.

The method of cleaning the mirror from negative energy

In order to conduct a rite of purification, you will need the following items:

  • Holy water;
  • Candles;
  • Thursday salt (it is prepared before Easter on a clean Thursday).

Purification Sequence:

  1. Pour quaternary salt into a small container.
  2. Light a church candle, place in a container of salt.
  3. Put a candle in front of the mirror, pronounce the following words: “I burn all evil, I drive it out into the pipe, I lock the clean mirror with three locks”.
  4. Sprinkle the surface with holy water.

Important! After the ritual, the object can be considered purified from negative energy. Now you can safely use it.

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What to do with old mirrors? Throw the magic item correctly

As it might seem at first glance, there is nothing complicated to solve the issue of getting rid of the old mirror. We are forced to disappoint you, in this case, too, there are nuances and rules that are very important to observe. Otherwise, you can harm yourself and bring negativity not only to your life, but also to the life of your family.

In order to correctly throw away an unnecessary mirror, you will need the items that we wrote about above. And how to apply them in this case - read on.

Thursday Salt:

  1. Wrap an unnecessary mirror with a dark opaque cloth.
  2. Carefully, so as not to break the item, take it out of the house.
  3. Place the product near the trash can.
  4. Pour a small amount of salt on the mirror glass, as well as on the place where you left it.
  5. With the help of such actions, the surface of the mirror is cleaned of your energy.


  1. Remove the mirror from the wall and place it under running water. Water has the ability to erase all information and cleans objects from energy.

Important! If it is not possible to place it under water, type it in a container and put glass in it for a while.

  1. After the ritual, calmly pack the product in paper or bag and take it to a landfill.0917_6

Holy water:

  1. Sprinkle old and unnecessary mirror products with holy water.
  2. Thank you mentally for the good service.
  3. Use a church candle to cross over the item.
  4. Wrap in thick material and remove from home.

Important! This method is considered the most effective and powerful.

Buried in the ground

If you do not want anyone to use your mirror, and at the same time want to protect yourself from troubles, there is an old proven way to get rid of unnecessary things:

  1. Find a dull place in the forest so that a person or animal cannot get there.
  2. Dig a hole of the appropriate size.
  3. Put a mirror there and sprinkle on top with Thursday salt.
  4. Dig a hole in the ground, sprinkle with leaves or branches.
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How to throw a mirror? Helpful hints:

  • To take out a mirror together is not recommended. If you cannot lift it yourself, wrap the object in dark cloth, then you can remove it with the help of another person.
  • Do not take things out of the apartment with a growing moon or full moon.

Important! All obsolete furnishings, unnecessary things, a mirror, throw it on a waning moon.

  • It is advisable to install a new mirror at least a week later.

Important! Some healers recommend waiting for about two weeks.

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Mirror Guidelines

The basics of how to properly install furniture and other decorative elements are in Feng Shui. Regarding the placement of mirrors, these exercises also have their recommendations:

  • Hanging a mirror opposite the front door is undesirable. This is due to the fact that positive energy will not accumulate in the room, but rather will come out of you, since the front door is reflected in it.
  • The mirror in the bedroom does not bode well, but it’s still not worth it to place it in front of the berth. With this placement, you may be haunted by failure.
  • For a married couple, the mirror opposite the bed can promise frequent quarrels and scandals, sometimes even treason.

Important! The way out of this situation is quite simple: move it to another place or cover with an opaque cloth for the night.

  • Place the mirror product on the wall so that the whole family is comfortable looking at it.

Important! Positioning it too low, or vice versa - high, disrupts the flow of positive energy in the house.

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This article reveals all the nuances regarding what to do with an unnecessary mirror. Adhering to simple rules and recommendations, getting rid of an old or unusable item, you will not bring harm to yourself or to your family. And the correct placement of the new mirror will help bring peace and joy to the house.


