What to add to the water so that the roses stand longer?

It is hard to name a person who would not be happy with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, especially if it is a rose. But along with this, every such lucky person immediately raises the question of what to add to the water so that the roses stand longer ?. And the truth is, whether it be a gift or just freshly cut flowers, you always want them to stand for as long as possible. This article will help you with this problem.

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Choose the right flowers

Isn't a bouquet of roses the best present for anyone? But how to choose such a charm in order not to make a mistake in freshness? What kind of flowers to choose in the composition so that it pleases the eyes for a long time? The fact of how long the roses will stand and maintain their beautiful appearance will depend on the correct choice.

The following tips will help you do this:

  1. Pay attention to the sheets that are near the buds. As far as they are adjacent to the bud, you can determine how long they will still be in all their glory. Tightly fitting leaves mean that such a flower is still very fresh and with proper care will stand for a very long time in water. Completely blossoming is a sign that the flower will soon fade, even with the most perfect care. But, of course, these roses are cheaper. What to buy is up to you.
  2. The best time to buy is morning. The secret is that roses cut in the morning are more saturated with moisture than “evening” ones and, accordingly, will have a fresh look longer.
  3. Do not ask the seller to “cultivate” the stems of the plant, if in the near future you can do it yourself - so you keep their fresh look for longer.
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Fresh cut roses care

If you received a bouquet as a gift, do not despair right away, because even such flowers can stand in a vase for a long time with proper care. You can save the bouquet and make the roses stand longer, using the following recommendations:


  1. Roses that were presented to you in the cold months of the year should be left out of the water. Put them on a horizontal surface and leave them there for half an hour. Only then proceed with their further processing.
  2. Leaves and thorns that are in the vase under water will need to be removed. The products of decay, which will fall into the water, if this procedure is not performed, will provoke a deterioration in the state of water and the bouquet as a whole.
  3. Before you put a gift in the water, cut its stem at an angle with a sharp knife or garden shears 2-3 cm higher than what you have now. This must be done under water so that the capillaries, through which substances enter the flower, are not clogged with air. Without doing this, you doom the flowers to perdition, since no water will flow into the uncut stem. Florists also recommend making a cross-shaped incision at the tip. This will allow water to flow in the right volumes.
  4. Water in a vase should reach flowers no lower than the middle of the stem. We select the place where it is best to put the bouquet so that there are no drafts and direct sunlight. The room should be cool and shaded.
  5. The water temperature in the vase should be slightly lower than room temperature in summer and slightly higher in winter. It is also better that the water is infused or boiled - this will remove excess oxygen from it.
  6. For roses to stand for a long time, biologically active products must be added to the water.Which substances to use is determined by what properties you want to give to the water in the vase.

In addition to the preparatory procedures, the bouquet still needs daily proper care and you need to do this like this:

  1. Buds and leaflets need to be sprayed daily with sprayed water.
  2. At night, it is advisable to place the bouquet in the bathroom with cool water in order to restore freshness.
  3. Every day you need to change the water and accordingly add fresh additives. It is also advisable to wash the vase itself well from the plaque that has appeared.
  4. A very effective way to make roses stand longer is to update the cut on the stem daily.

Important! Roses are very whimsical and do not tolerate neighborhood with other flowers. Therefore, it is very desirable to place such neighbors no closer than a few meters from the bouquet.

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The most effective water supplements

In order for roses to stand for a long time, usually various additives are added to the water. This procedure has already become a tradition and has been used for several centuries in a row. Flower shops are now overflowing with a wide variety of drugs designed specifically for these purposes. But many flower growers are still advised to use long-proven grandfather methods.

Among them, the most effective are:

  1. A good remedy is charcoal in powder form. Ammonia has the same properties. Just a few drops of the product in water and after a couple of minutes you can already put flowers there.
  2. Many plants love sugar - roses are no exception. Dilute the water as follows: 2 teaspoons of sugar per liter of water.
  3. Camphor alcohol will help you speed up the opening of the buds - the ratio should be as follows: half a teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water.
  4. To preserve the color of the buds, aspirin is used. One tablet added to water performs its excellent role.
  5. If a bouquet of flowers presented to you was brought from another country, then most likely it is already accustomed to household chemicals. Otherwise, the plant would not have lived so long. In this situation, add a couple of drops of bleach to the water.

In addition to these most popular proven products, there are many others, including: potassium permanganate, vodka, borax, alum, sugar solution with acetic acid.

Important! Do not mix such substances in water, roses will not only not stand for long, but will also fade faster in this case.

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Resuscitation of roses

There are times when you notice that the bouquet has already been planted, although it could stand a little more. In such a situation, it can and should be reanimated. It is done like this:

  1. Refresh the sections on the stem, somewhere at a height of 1-2 cm from the edge.
  2. Dial cool water into the bathroom and lower the bouquet there for twelve hours, under the water there should be stems and leaves, and the buds should only touch.
  3. Also, after updating the slice, you can put roses in a vase with hot water. As the liquid cools, the bouquet will become fresher.
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Now that you know all the intricacies of how to make roses stand for a long time, you can enjoy the beauty of this queen of the flower world for a long time.

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