Which is better - an iPhone or a smartphone?

Inexperienced users, when they go to the browser’s search page or visit a real store, ask the question, which is better - a smartphone or an android? It should be understood that this wording is initially incorrect, because the smartphone and Android are two completely different concepts that complement each other, which create a single functioning product - a smartphone.

Often, these two concepts are separated for the reason that the smartphone may have another operating system, and the consumer is interested in a comparison between two devices, one of which works on android. But no less often, the question arises, which is better - an iPhone or a smartphone? It is precisely such errors in the wording that lead to misunderstanding. In this article you will find all the information you are interested in about the two most popular operating systems for phones today.

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What is better smartphone or android phone?

To begin with, we’ll figure out what is the difference between a smartphone and a phone with the Android operating system:

  • A smartphone is a mobile phone that has the functions of a handheld computer. A feature of such a device is the presence of an operating system with great functionality, which is open for integration of third-party applications. Such a device is also used as a mobile multimedia device.
  • The operating system is essentially the “heart” of a smartphone. Without it, a device is simply a shell that is not of particular value and unsuitable for use. Today, there are dozens of operating systems for phones. Some of them gain popularity and become famous, others stop their development, as they are not able to compete with more functional and popular platforms.

Important! An example of such a system is Symbian, known for smartphones from Nokia, or the MeeGo project.

The following OS remain relevant today:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows 10 Mobile
  • BlackBerry OS
  • Sailfish OS;
  • Firefox OS
  • Ubuntu Touch
  • Tizen

Among such a large assortment of OSs, the question arises, which is better - an android or a smartphone, and why? Android is much more popular than other platforms, but is it perhaps less good?

Important! A distinctive feature of the android smartphone is the ability to almost completely configure the device to fit your needs. It is with this platform that smartphones are most often produced now, since the functionality and possibility of it is much more than other OSs. Of course, we don’t take into account the main competitor in this area - the “apple” phone system.

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Which phone is better - iPhone or Android?

The operating systems iOS and Android are considered the closest competitors, and nevertheless, they have significant differences. We will discuss them further.


Apple's operating system is a closed source program. In addition to programmers and engineers, no one has access to it. To create programs, third-party developers should use the official set of software for development, and implement in their software only the functionality inherent in it.

Apple protected their operating system from unauthorized use, officially unapproved capabilities, by third-party developers.

Important! Without a “hack”, to which, incidentally, the company is extremely negative, full access to the file system, installing programs from sources “from the outside” and implementing hidden functionality is simply impossible.

This approach provided the platform with stability, energy optimization, protection against malware and viruses. But at the same time, many consumers did not appreciate such restrictions and preferred a simpler and more understandable Android.

Android is a system whose program code is open. Theoretically, everyone can get access to the platform, modify the system, modify, add and delete functions at their discretion. Therefore, such devices are considered by default to be more vulnerable to malware.

Important! Following the recommendations of Google, any smartphone manufacturer can officially install this operating system on its products.


  • The graphical shell of the Apple platform has an attractive appearance, but differs in limitations in functionality. iOS does not support widgets on the home screen, and not everyone will like desktop controls. The user of the iPhone has to pay with the rejection of useful functions for the beautiful appearance of the system.
  • Android allows you to use third-party graphical shells. There are a lot of similar applications in the Play Market.

Important! If desired, the user can give his operating system the look of the same iOS, or any other platform. Owners of the iPhone do not.



The question, an iPhone or a smartphone - what to choose, is not decided in favor of the first one and the organization of memory:

  • Access to memory in phones with a bull’s eye is limited. You can’t move freely on it, as on a personal computer. There is also no way to expand the memory using a memory card or USB drive.
  • There are no such shortcomings in Android.

Important! However, it is worth noting that the creators of smartphones with this platform also gradually refuse to install a MicroSD slot, but more and more devices are equipped with USB OTG support.

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IPhone Benefits

At first glance, Android is better and more convenient in everything. But there are a number of important aspects that do not allow giving the palm to the primacy of this platform. In search of an answer to the question of which is better - an iPhone or a Chinese smartphone, the cost of the device plays an important role.

On the basis of Android phones are found at times cheaper, however, it is worth considering what caused the decline in prices. Often, savings are due to the OS, its subsequent support through updates. As a result, the consumer receives a cheap, but "raw" device, which is characterized by unstable operation of the operating system.

Large manufacturers, such as LG or Samsung, are less often known for such actions, and only in the case of budget devices. However, their reputation also suffers, and fans of the "bullseye" claim that the fault is the unstable and flawed Android system.

Important! Such statements cannot be considered 100% true, but as a result, iPhones have similar disadvantages to a much lesser extent.

A positive aspect of the iPhone can also be considered a strict selection of software, since any program loaded into the AppStore stably functions on 1 GB of RAM. In the Play Market, there are applications that slow down even 2 GB of RAM.

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Interesting facts about the smartphone and iPhone

The following interesting and unexpected facts about such devices are by no means known to everyone. Perhaps some of them will be a decisive argument in favor of buying a particular device:

  • Initially, the Android operating system was written as software for digital cameras. The shell, however, was so successful that it became the basis for creating a new OS.
  • On the iOS platform, malware does not exceed 0.7%. This is due to the strict control of the Apple team for all new applications, as well as the closed system code.
  • The first Android smartphone was released by HTC. All iOS products are exclusively manufactured by Apple.
  • Since the start of iPhone sales, the apple corporation has increased its revenue by 17 times. This was the impetus for reducing the company's production of less successful devices on the market.
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IPhone or smartphone - what to choose?

To make a conclusion for yourself, you need to decide for what purposes the device is purchased:

  • iPhone is a smartphone with modern functionality, a good implementation of multimedia options and a well-developed OS.
  • Android is a universal platform that will appeal to both beginners in the world of mobile devices and professionals involved in the field of software development. They offer more options for system modification and personalization.

Important! In favor of the first devices, those who are interested in quality with balanced capabilities make a purchasing decision, while the issue of price is not so important. For proponents of savings, as well as enthusiasts to "pick" their acquisition, the "apple" technology can be a big disappointment. For this category of people, a smartphone on Android will become a more successful acquisition.

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Now, knowing the main differences between the two popular devices, the choice will be made easier. Every year, electronic devices become more productive and powerful. The devices considered in the review also do not stand still. New technical solutions and innovations increase the entertainment potential of the smartphone and iPhone. Which one to choose? - It should be decided only by you, taking into account individual needs and desires.


