Which is better - a candy bar or a laptop?

The modern choice of computer equipment is amazing. Having decided on a purchase, the consumer often faces the question of which is better - a candy bar or laptop, or a stationary computer. The advantages and disadvantages of all these types of devices are described in detail in this article.

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Which is better - a candy bar or a regular computer?

Monoblock appeared on the computer market relatively recently, but its popularity among consumers is growing every day. A stationary computer is an “ancient” and familiar invention. However, it has remained popular for so many years and is in no less demand. So which device do you need to buy - a candy bar or a computer? What's better? This will help to understand the comparative analysis of the parameters of the technique.


The main difference between a stationary personal computer with a system unit and a monoblock can be seen immediately, even with the naked eye - the amount of space:

  • An ordinary computer takes up twice as much space, because a separate place needs to be allocated for the monitor and the system unit. It is also worth considering the large number of wires that connect all parts of the PC.
  • Monoblock in this parameter clearly wins, because it takes up very little space, and from the cords - only one that provides power to the device. The camera and microphone are usually built-in, and the mouse and keyboard that come with the kit are wireless.


  • The appearance of the candy bar is clearly better than the system unit. The design of these devices is diverse in color, style, and picking up a device for any interior will not be difficult.
  • System units and monitors fit into the interior only if there is a designated space and its proper design. Often, the system unit is hidden, and the monitors are quite uniform in design.


Regarding sound, then both compared devices correspond to almost the same level:

  • Monoblocks have a pretty good sound, but they do not reach high-quality speakers with a subwoofer. The speaker system is built-in, and is considered somewhat better than on laptops. For non-music lovers this will be enough.
  • The computer is equipped with a separate speaker system, and this results in additional costs. And the sound system will also take up a lot of space. But you can install such acoustics that will delight not only you, but also the neighbors.


This feature is definitely better on a regular computer. The compactness of the monoblock makes it impossible to equip it with powerful components, since they are large and need more cooling. This requires large radiators and coolers, and space for normal air circulation is simply necessary. All these conditions are answered by the system unit.

However, it is worth noting that gaming monoblocks are quite productive and powerful, but the price of such devices is very high. Therefore, game lovers are definitely more suitable for a stationary type of PC.

Important! If you want to constantly be at the peak of technology and productivity, you need to regularly update the system:

  • Monoblock upgrade is a very difficult process.
  • As for the system unit, things are much simpler here.

Touch screen

The usefulness of such an innovation is highly controversial, but it is certainly not yet in a stationary type of personal computer. Perhaps over time, the interface will change so much that it will not be possible without a touch screen, but now it is only a nice addition. Children will definitely appreciate the large all-in-one touch screen.

The cost of computer equipment

In question, a computer or a candy bar - what to choose, the price of the device plays an important role. The cost of a regular computer will be slightly cheaper than the same in terms of functions and performance of a monoblock. Perhaps in due course, when monoblocks become a more mass product, the price ratio will change, but for now you will have to pay extra for beauty and versatility.


It is unambiguous to answer, a monoblock or a stationary computer - which is better, is impossible. After all, it is necessary to take into account many factors when choosing, and everyone should do this based on individual needs and opportunities.

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Which is better - a candy bar or a laptop for home?

At first glance, these devices are very similar to each other, both are versatile and compact. But there are many differences among them.

The size:

  • Even the smallest candy bar takes up more space than a medium-sized laptop. Therefore, if there is not enough space for equipment, then you should choose a laptop.
  • Compact size is one of the biggest advantages of laptops. They can be transported and transported without problems, put wherever convenient. The versatility of the laptop is superior to the candy bar. There are no external devices in it, everything necessary for operation is built into the device.

Important! If the equipment is required only for home use, then you can buy a small candy bar. There are monoblocks that are transformed, have batteries, are sort of large-sized tablets.


The multimedia capabilities and sound of monoblocks are higher due to its size. The laptop, due to its compact dimensions, cannot accommodate a large screen and high-quality acoustics.646259


Gaming potential monoblocks are higher than laptops. Some of these devices have serious graphics cards in their design. And playing on the big screen is much more pleasant. Therefore, at an equal price for a laptop and a candy bar, the latter will always have great performance.

Touch screen

Today there are already laptops with a touch screen, so that in a monoblock is no longer unique. By the way, not all all-in-one PC devices have touch screens, so these two types of devices can be considered equal for this parameter.

Important! The touch screen in the all-in-one is always larger.

Cooling system

Another important parameter for both types of equipment. This is a truly weak side of both monoblocks and laptops. The limited space of the cases creates considerable difficulties for ensuring high-quality cooling.

Important! Laptops are more compact, so they heat even more than monoblocks.


The price of “all in one pc” and laptops of equal power is approximately comparable. Perhaps the laptops will be somewhat more expensive, but it is impossible to highlight the obvious advantages of any device.

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What to choose - a laptop or a candy bar or a desktop computer?

The unequivocal leader in this competition cannot be determined. You can choose a good option only by defining the purpose of using the device and the necessary functionality.

Monoblock computer is more suitable:

  • For use at home, when space saving is especially important, the attractive appearance of the device.
  • For undemanding fans of watching videos, simple games that do not need a lot of power.
  • For those who need a computer for commonplace everyday tasks, as well as for people who do not want to bother with the selection of components and the purchase of equipment in parts.
  • For office use, such a device is ideal.With all office-type applications, such PCs do an excellent job, taking up minimal space.

A computer with a system unit will be a good purchase:

  • For big fans of computer games. Since the technique has the ability to be constantly updated, it will be possible to adjust to any requests of the game without problems.
  • For people dealing with programs that require large computing power, for example, video processing, 3D graphics, working with a lot of data and other similar tasks.
  • For graphic artists, designers who care about the exact transmission of form and color. Professional monitors with high performance will be indispensable for such work.
  • For lovers of good sound and a large screen.

To whom the laptop is ideally suited:

  • For those who care about mobility. By virtue of their work, some people should always have access to a lot of information. In this case, the laptop will become an indispensable device. For Internet lovers, the device will also be a godsend.
  • If there is very little space in the house, as well as in cases where it is impossible to install a different type of PC in the interior without losing its harmony.
  • If the family has a high demand for a computer and the actual sharing by several people, then a couple of laptops solve all the problems.
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As you can see, each of the discussed devices has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, with appropriate and proper application, each of them will be as useful as possible. After weighing all the pros and cons, deliberately making a choice, you will buy equipment, which in the end, even after several years of active use, will be satisfied.

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