What is better in the kitchen - tile or laminate?

If you decide to make repairs in the kitchen, then the most pressing issue is the choice of flooring in this part of the house. So, each person thinks about what is better in the kitchen - tile or laminate, because it is such materials that are in constant demand, and it is no accident. Today we will consider these two materials, talk about their shortcomings and advantages, determine which one is more practical in the most visited part of the house.
to contents ↑Features of flooring in the kitchen
Before talking about which is better - laminate or tile, it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements that should be put forward to the flooring in the kitchen
Features of the floor in the kitchen:
- Regardless of which material you choose, it is worth considering that the kitchen is the most visited part of the house. As a result of this, the operation is always much larger than in other rooms. When choosing a material, it is worth considering that active loads on the surface are planned.
- The main material that you prefer to lay on the floor should be resistant to moisture. This is due to the fact that a large number of vapors are in the air during cooking and often water spills onto the floor.
- In the kitchen, various temperature fluctuations occur regularly. So, today you bake cookies in the oven and the temperature on the floor can reach 30 degrees, and after that, you opened the window, and already in the kitchen it became pretty cool. Therefore, the coating must be resistant to temperature extremes.
- Another important factor is the temperature. That is, the floor should not be cold. If you still prefer ceramic products, then there should be a function of “warm floor”.
Ceramic tiles on the floor in the kitchen
Let's talk in more detail about ceramic flooring in order to understand what is better in the kitchen - tile or laminate for specific facts.
The benefits of tile:
- Ceramic tile is the most reliable material. It has excellent performance and is resistant to damage. Intended for active use. Due to the fact that it can be used in any room, it will withstand even when exposed to sand on the surface.
- Resistant to moisture. Do not be afraid of wet cleaning with such a coating. Even if you pour a bucket of water on a tile, nothing will happen to him.
- Resists any chemically active and aggressive substances. If you bought a tile of different shades, you can wash it by any means and not be afraid that the color will change.
- You can remove various contaminants from such a surface.
The disadvantages of tile:
- Tile - cold material. If you do not equip the room with the “warm floor” function, then it is not recommended to walk barefoot on such a floor.
- Installation of tiles takes a lot of time. This is due to the preparation, styling and drying process.
to contents ↑Important! Tile - the coating is very hard, so if you drop a plate or other glass product on the floor, it will simply break.
Laminate and its features
Let's talk in more detail about the material, which consists of wood sawdust, and its cost is several times lower than ceramic products.
Coating Benefits:
- Laminate is a warm material. Due to the fact that it consists of sawdust, it is laid on a warm base, the floor is not cold, you can walk on it with bare feet.
- Laminate is easy to install. It can be laid not by a professional, but by an ordinary person, without special skills. The process itself takes a little time.
- Easy to care. Of course, when cleaning, do not use a large amount of water. However, with a vacuum cleaner, mop and water, you can bring the coating to a perfectly clean state.
Important! You can use special cleaning products.
Laminate disadvantages:
- The surface of sawdust is afraid of water. Therefore, do not use an ordinary rag when cleaning and you should avoid spilling moisture.
- When exposed to abrasive substances (such as sand), it quickly loses its original appearance, and the service life is automatically reduced. Therefore, it is worth regularly cleaning the premises.
So, we have compared two coatings. Now let's all the same highlight what is better in the kitchen - tile or laminate.
to contents ↑Choosing a floor covering for the kitchen
Before deciding which is better - laminate or tile, you need to consider the following:
- Assess your financial capabilities. This is due to the fact that the laminate belongs to the low price category. This is a budget option. However, its service life is much shorter than that of ceramic products.
- Another major factor is the effect of moisture on these two coatings. If the water, for example, near the sink will spill regularly, then the laminate simply “leads”. Ceramic products are not afraid of moisture. Even with constant exposure, they will not lose their appearance and do not change size. That is why when comparing what is better in the kitchen - tile or laminate, it is still recommended to give preference to tiled products.
- Ceramic tiles for the kitchen is a classic option that fits any interior and style. It is easy to clean, wash and look after such products. Tiles can go well with an apron on the walls. However, bare feet walking on such a coating is strongly discouraged. Even if you have electric heating for this floor, you will not use it in summer. Then you will need to walk around the house in slippers. If this factor does not bother you, then do not even think and lay the tiles.
- If your kitchen is combined with the living room, then you should not even think about it, but you must give preference to the tiles. This is because you will often move kitchen furniture from place to place. For a laminate, this action is simply contraindicated. Yes, and you must admit that you can fight with a cold floor with the help of an ordinary beautiful carpet or a rug.
- The material based on wood sawdust is laid much faster than tile. During installation, much less debris is manifested. And besides, it is beautiful and durable, and with careful use it will last you a very long time.
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Based on all of the above facts, you yourself need to decide what is best in the kitchen - tile or laminate, and give preference to the material that you like best. The most important factor when choosing is usually a financial issue, since the cost of ceramic products is several times higher than the price of a laminate. And then it's up to you to decide how much you are willing to spend money on arranging a kitchen in your home.
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