Which is better - a laptop or computer for home?

Nowadays, when PCs flooded the market with their diversity, it is very difficult to decide which is better - a laptop or a computer for the home. This article will suit its content not only to users who have not decided, but also confident in what is needed. After all, it is very important to know what are the differences in this technique, what are the pros and cons in each of them.

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A laptop or a computer - which is better?

Nowadays, the abbreviation PC means not only a stationary computer, but also many varieties of laptops, netbooks and other less popular computer equipment.

When you are faced with the choice of which is better - a laptop or a stationary computer, it is important to know why the purchase will be used in your home. So, we will determine the list of questions that you have to answer before giving an answer to the most exciting and important:

  1. What is a PC for - entertainment or work?
  2. Do you work at home? If not, will you carry your equipment with you?
  3. What budget is proposed for purchase?
  4. What kind of games should your device “pull”?
  5. How often do you travel and do you plan to bring equipment with you.

When you answer these questions in most cases it will become a little clear what you are inclined to lean towards. But this is not an unequivocal answer to the question.

Important! Remember that the market provides many options for mobile PCs, which in characteristics are not inferior to stationary ones.

Choosing which is better - a computer or laptop, you need to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options and decide for yourself which one is most adapted to your conditions. Let's consider in more detail.

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When choosing something suitable for yourself, it is important to remember that even the coolest and most expensive type of this equipment will yield slightly to the characteristics of the latest model of a stationary PC. But there are also a number of undoubted advantages that overlap this disadvantage. Let's consider in more detail all the pros and cons of laptops.


The most basic advantages of this type of PC have always been small size and weight, as well as compactness. A set of basic accessories is already present in the “box”, they do not need to be purchased or connected.

Among the remaining advantages, there are:

  1. The presence of a battery. A very important aspect of which is so lacking for full-sized PCs. Even 5 minutes of battery operation without the presence of electricity will help without loss to save all data on the device, as well as turn it off correctly, which avoids breakdowns.
  2. Mobility. Another important thing is the ability to carry the device with you anytime, anywhere. This is especially good for people who cannot work for a long time sitting in one place, or who need a device at work.
  3. Ports and connectors. All that is important is already built into the laptop and does not require additional costs. All this is in an easily accessible place, so you do not have to go under the table in order to connect one of the following items on our list.
  4. Keyboard, mouse (touchpad), speakers and microphone, webcam - all this is still present in the laptop. You don’t have to buy anything else.

Important! Energy consumption is another plus of this choice. A PC of this kind consumes much less than its rival. Therefore, if you are aiming to save, the question is which is better - a laptop or a computer for the home, the choice is obvious.



Alas, as in any other device, there are not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Among them are:

  1. Lack of rework. The saddest fact about laptops is that you can upgrade a little for yourself. Only the disk, RAM, and that’s all.
  2. Heat. Due to the lack of full-fledged full-sized space, the cooling systems of laptops are much weaker than in computers. And also the ability to independently clean equipment from dust is more limited. Due to these factors, overheating occurs, as a result - breakdown.

Important! Please note that repair prices are higher than in computers, due to the difficulty of replacing parts, as well as the higher cost of the latter.

Now, in the question of which is better - a laptop or a stationary computer, we have examined one side. Consider the other, less popular at the moment.

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Desktop computer

Good old stationary PCs are not inferior to their younger brothers. They also have their pros and cons that may interest their audience.

Important! Among the most basic advantages in stationary units can be distinguished: the possibility of modernization and low cost compared to a laptop with the same characteristics.

Consider the benefits in more detail.


  1. Cheapness. If we take the same specifications for the configuration, then the laptop always loses in this battle. A plus is worth noting the simplicity of buying parts in order to assemble a computer yourself to fit your needs.
  2. Modernization. Unlike its competitor, a stationary PC is easily upgraded in almost everything. New graphics card? It’s easy. More RAM. Yes Easy!
  3. Repairing this equipment is also cheaper than a laptop. And if you are an advanced user, then with small breakdowns you can even cope on your own.
  4. Also, in defense of a stationary computer, you can say that the complete set for it - and this is a mouse, keyboard, and even the diagonal of the monitor, you choose yourself, and all this meets your needs.
  5. The cooling system is more powerful and modernized.

Important! Another important aspect is the ease of implementation of the details. By the novelty of the produced models, it is stationary PCs that are one step ahead, because the details for them are simpler and cheaper to manufacture than the similar ones for laptops.


As mentioned earlier, any technique has its drawbacks. In a stationary PC, they are:

  1. Bulky. In your apartment you always need a place to install a PC. His own corner where you will work.
  2. Specialized furniture. For the convenience of installation and work with this type of special furniture is needed.
  3. Energy consumption is much higher than that of a relative. And that means that there can be no talk of any savings. The more powerful your computer, the more it “eats” electricity.
  4. All peripherals will need to be purchased separately. Monitor, mouse, keyboard, microphone, speakers. And this is not a complete list of the necessary equipment.
  5. Risk of data loss during outages in the home. Or additional costs for the purchase of UPS.

Now that we have examined in detail all the main characteristics of laptops and stationary PCs, we can decide what comes first for you.

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Which is better? findings

Now that we have looked at the technique itself “under the magnifying glass”, we need to decide for what conditions it will be better.

For games

It’s worth mentioning right away, if you are solving the problem, which is better - a gaming laptop or computer, take the second option. For entertainment, it fits perfectly. A powerful video card and high performance characteristics will allow you to enjoy the game, and the cost of such a device is lower than that of a similar laptop.

Important! What is important - it can easily be upgraded to more powerful features. And it will cost several times cheaper than buying a new gaming laptop more powerful.

For home

If you decide which is better - a laptop or computer for home, and your plans for using it are to watch movies, surf the Internet and other similar tasks, then a laptop of average price and power will be the best solution.

For such tasks, additional characteristics are not required, but it's nice sometimes just to lie in bed and watch a movie. This cannot be done with an inpatient. And if you wish, you can connect any modern TV to the laptop and watch everything on the big screen.

Important! A plus will be the presence of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth adapters in the laptop. No extra wires around the apartment, and ease of use.

For work

The choice is not easy. Solving a problem of a similar plan, it is necessary to conditionally divide the tasks for which the technique is intended:

  • If you are a designer or your work is somehow related to processing, creating, changing graphics and video, then your choice is a desktop computer. As with games, it requires considerable graphic resources, which the laptop will miss.
  • If your work consists mainly of editing documents, working on the Internet, sending mail and other similar tasks, if you do not have time to do everything in the office and take the work “home”, then for you the ideal solution would be a laptop.
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Stock footage

Having considered all the popular scenarios in which the question arises, which is better - a computer or laptop, we came to certain conclusions. Namely, the fact that the answer to our question largely consists of answers to the list of more specific questions. As a result, we determined that for each user the choice should be purely individual, it is necessary to adapt to specific requirements.

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