Which is better - a laptop or netbook?

The modern world of mobile devices is developing rapidly. Not so long ago, we were all pleased with a stationary computer, and today laptops, netbooks and tablets are in great demand. Manufacturers are constantly trying to make the user's pastime more and more comfortable. Today we will talk about which device is more suitable for work, and which is for relaxation and games. Which is better - a laptop or netbook, and what is the difference? So that the money to buy was not wasted, first of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the purchase and device parameters. It is for these two factors that you should buy equipment so that it meets your expectations.

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What is the difference between a netbook and a laptop?

When choosing a device, it is always necessary to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Functionality.
  • Performance.
  • Power.
  • Software, RAM.
  • Duration of battery life.
  • The presence of ports and an optical drive.
  • Comfort of working with the device.
  • Screen and keyboard.
  • Weight and dimensions.
  • Price.
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What is a good laptop?

The main difference between a laptop and other mobile devices is dimensions. Laptops are the most dimensional mobile computers.

Important! On the laptop, you can solve any complex tasks, and the surround screen makes the work quite comfortable. On a convenient keyboard, it is easy to type texts, large tables and format them. It is convenient to edit photos and video files on the device.

Notebook Advantages:

  • Power. Some models of devices in terms of computing power can be compared with medium and even powerful stationary computers. The most powerful 2-and 4-core processors are in laptops.
  • The video card allows you to work with graphics, including 3D.
  • Big screen. This is the first thing that catches your eye, because it is so convenient to work behind a large screen, especially if you need to run several programs at the same time.
  • Stationary keyboard. Convenient layout, the presence of all functional buttons and a dedicated digital unit, in general, everything is like a stationary PC.
  • Full range of functionality. The laptop has a DVD drive, a rather large hard drive (about 500 GB or more), a webcam and all the necessary ports.

Laptop cons

When evaluating for yourself which is better - a laptop or a netbook, one should also take into account the following shortcomings of more overall equipment:

  • Weight and dimensions. Once a laptop was considered a miracle of miniaturization, but those days are over. The weight of such a device with a bag is about 2-3 kg, therefore, wearing it constantly is rather inconvenient, bulky and heavy. You start to get tired if you walk with him for an hour.
  • Short battery life. An hour, two, a maximum of three - if used to a minimum, running one or two office programs. A powerful processor and a large screen drain the battery quickly.
  • High price. Serious laptops filled with good functionality cost two to three times the size of a netbook.
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What is a good netbook?

A netbook is a mobile computer that is always at hand. The device is ideal for simple tasks, for example:

  • Creation and work with documents.
  • Accounting.
  • Search for information on the network and hanging out on social networks.

Important! For a netbook, usually do not sit for hours.It is opened in order to do something quickly, for example, look at mail, write a blog, search for information, respond to comments, contact the customer. Of course, all this work can be done from the phone or tablet, but these devices are not so convenient and so far quite limited in terms of functionality.


Netbook Advantages:

  • Weight and dimensions. On average, netbooks weigh with a bag up to 2 kg. The mobile computer easily fits in a small bag, so it is easy to take with you on a trip, to university or on business trips.
  • Battery life. In mobile devices are less powerful processors, and therefore - more economical. The battery life of some models reaches 12 hours. Usually, a netbook can last 4-8 hours without recharging.
  • Low price. The average static netbook is much cheaper than a laptop, sometimes at times.

Cons netbook:

  • Low power. The mobile device does not pull some programs and heavy games. Also, the netbook is weak for working with graphics and programming lessons. On a netbook it is convenient to work only with office programs and access the Internet.
  • Small screen. The diagonal of the screen is from 9 to 12.5 inches. A small display makes it difficult to work with the image, video and three-dimensional tables.
  • Small keyboard. Reducing the size, manufacturers sacrificed a keyboard. The buttons themselves have become smaller, there is no digital keypad and some function buttons have disappeared. Printing small messages on social networks does not interfere, but working with large amounts of text is not very convenient. However, there are models of devices with buttons of normal size, for example, Acer Aspire One.
  • No CD / DVD drive. Fewer USB inputs. All data is transferred to the device using a USB flash drive or other removable media.
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Where is more performance?

Since a lot depends on performance, this parameter must be taken into account in order to understand which is better - a laptop or a netbook. The main advantage of the laptop is its performance. Even the weakest laptop is more productive than the newest netbook, because it’s quite difficult to fit a good “stuffing” into a small device.

Speaking specifically about the characteristics that affect the performance of the device, the result is:

  • In laptops are 2 or 4-core processors, and in netbooks - 1-2-core.
  • The amount of RAM in two devices is sufficient - 1-2 GB.
  • Winchester in netbooks is rather big - usually 250 GB, which is quite enough for any needs.
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Netbook or laptop: what to choose?

The choice of device depends on your type of activity:

  • For a copywriter with small amounts of work, for example, a netbook is also suitable, as it is convenient, lightweight, and cheap. And texts can be perfectly written while sitting on a bench without worrying about the battery charge. In addition, with a netbook, you can perfectly access the Internet, and a webcam, a sensitive microphone will provide the opportunity to use Skype without any problems.
  • For professional work with graphics or complex programs, you need a laptop. Any work with graphics requires a large screen, and 3D requires not only a sufficient display, but also a powerful processor, a good video card. In general, designers, animators, layout designers, freelancers working with graphics, it is better to choose a less powerful laptop than the newest netbook. Better yet, have a good desktop computer to solve particularly complex problems.
  • Programmers, of course, are better off getting a laptop, as there are heavy developments, and the compilation time of a large program can be very long on a weak computer. In addition, a large screen will always allow you to see a large piece of the program, which is very convenient.
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We hope that you have decided on the tasks for the computer and now it’s easier for you to decide which is better - a laptop or netbook specifically for your case.Just think what you need: a large screen, a powerful processor, or a small and convenient machine enough to run a site and engage in simple installation in Photoshop.

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