What can be washed in the dishwasher?

With the development of civilization in modern apartments, the dishwasher confidently takes a place in the kitchen next to the stove or refrigerator. The answer to the question of what can be washed in a dishwasher seems obvious - the dishes. But the “miracle technique” can also wash off not quite kitchen items, for example: a baseball cap, rubber boots or flip flops, sports protection items and much more. In this article you will find all the standard and non-traditional rules and methods for using the dishwasher.

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Basic Terms of Use

Having bought new equipment, its happy owners are wondering how to wash the dishes in the dishwasher. The tips presented in the article will help you solve this problem.

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Tip # 1 - Correct Download

Before placing the dishes in the dishwasher, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  1. Rinse the dishes to remove food debris before placing them in the basket of the machine.
  2. For washing pots and pans, it is advisable to use the “pre-soak” function. Thus, it will be possible to get rid of soot without making additional efforts.
  3. If there is no such function, then specialized detergents, for example, “Claro”, will help in removing carbon deposits from the surface.
  4. Place glasses and glasses between the dividers in the upper basket, and do not put on top. This arrangement will protect the dishes from excessive friction and protect against scratches.
  5. The dishes are washed better if they are placed with the front side to the center, and not as they used to in one direction.
  6. It is most convenient to alternate and turn the cutlery, such their location will save space and maintain balance.
  7. Baby drinkers, bowls and plastic containers are placed in the upper basket.

Important! Pay special attention to the marking of plastic; some products may emit harmful substances when heated.

If you have a question, can pots be washed in a dishwasher? Sure! Install them in the lower basket at an angle, but not upside down. Indeed, otherwise they will block the circulation of water.

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Tip number 2 - do not wash

watermarked - Sokhranyayut-rodnoy-zavodskoy-fasad (1)Not all dishes can be washed in a dishwasher. Here is a list of items you should not risk with:

  • Crystal glassware. It is possible to wash only in the sparing mode with special detergents.
  • Earthenware products. There is a danger that the picture will fade and lose its appeal.
  • Wooden appliances, such as chopping boards. The tree swells with high humidity, so rinse better under running water.
  • Not heat-resistant dishes. When exposed to high temperatures, thin glass and plastic may crack.
  • Cracked or glued dishes. Items may break and fragments will damage the dishwasher.

Important! Some of the models of machines include the ability to wash fragile dishes. If there is no such regime, then fragile products can be washed by installing a gentle sink with a low temperature.

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Tip number 3 - choose the right detergent

It should be understood that the usual gels and powders for hand washing are not suitable for machines. But then how to wash the dishes in the dishwasher? The answer is quite simple - with specialized detergents.

Important! If you use a tool for manual washing, then very soon you will have to look for repairs for the machine. Insurance will not cover its cost for you, because the instructions for use clearly indicate that the use of specialized dishwashing detergents is required.

The main problem is that the means for manual washing form a huge amount of foam, and it becomes one of the most common causes of equipment breakdown. And the dishes after such washing will be far from the ideal of cleanliness, because the cycle time for such a large amount of washing foam is not designed. So - then you have to eat from plates on which there will be a raid of far from harmless chemicals.

We hope that in view of the above information, the answer to the question of how to wash the dishes in the dishwasher is now obvious to you. To make it easier for you to choose a specific tool, we offer an overview of the most popular ones:

  1. Tablets for “Filtero” dishwashers. They are a special powder that is pressed for convenience. One such tablet is enough for the entire cycle of washing and rinsing dishes. This tool not only perfectly cleans dirty, greasy surfaces. An additional substance protects glass products from cracking and metal from corrosion.
  2. Gel for dishwashers “TOP HOUSE”. Deletes almost all known pollution. The specialty of the chemical formula provides instant action, which makes it practical for short cycles and washing in cold water. Used to prevent, as well as scaling. At the same time, such a tool is quite cheap.
  3. Powder for dishwashers “Finish Classic”. Able to cope even with dried up pollution. Perfectly removes burnt fat and milk. At a low price, this detergent provides an excellent result.
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Tip number 4 - what else can you wash?

The question often arises, is it possible to wash silver in a dishwasher? You will be surprised, but in the dishwasher you can wash not only silver, but many unexpected items. The main secret is the correct choice of wash mode and temperature.

Here are some non-standard items that can be washed in a dishwasher:

  1. Baseball cap. Such a wardrobe item cannot be cleaned in the washing machine due to the threat of losing shape, but the dishwasher will do the job perfectly.
  2. Combs and massage brushes. Plastic personal care products are perfectly washed in machine mode.
  3. Plastic, aluminum or steel plugs for switches. Only enameled or decorative products cannot be washed with a machine.
  4. Sports protection. Items in this category include knee pads, elbow pieces, boxing caps, and more.
  5. Little toys and figures. Put your child’s favorite things in a washing bag and place in the upper basket of the dishwasher.
  6. You can wash the bottles of fixtures if they are not antiques and are not decorated with drawings.
  7. Potatoes. It will be quickly and efficiently washed in the upper basket during rinse and without the addition of detergents.
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We hope that with the help of our tips you will be able to use the dishwasher as efficiently as possible and it will serve you smoothly for a long time.

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